2018 Specific actions
List here the actions not included in SharedActions
Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?
ST members involvement
Name | Institution | % | Position |
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Present development actions
List of pages: CMCC-01_StefaniaCiliberti_BDYModel, CMCC-02_StefaniaCiliberti_BDYTool, CMCC-03_Clementi_AddWaveDiag
Action | CMCC-01_StefaniaCiliberti_BDYModel |
PI(S) | Stefania Ciliberti |
Digest | This action is in continuing from 2017 and consists of 3 major tasks:
Dependencies | |
Target | end 2018 |
Trac Ticket | #0000 |
SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{SCOPE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS} |
Previewer(s) | J. Harle |
Reviewer(s) | Prof. Pinardi |
Link | ExtractUrl(.)? |
Action | CMCC-02_StefaniaCiliberti_BDYTool |
PI(S) | Stefania Ciliberti |
Digest | Continuation of 2017 CONFIGMAN-5 and review of the major tasks according to what required by the Configuration Manager WG. BDY tool application and tests on modelling configurations for the Central Mediterranean and the Black Sea |
Dependencies | Depends on CM-WG decisions |
Target | Dec 2018 |
Trac Ticket | #0000 |
SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{SCOPE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS} |
Previewer(s) | J. Chanut |
Reviewer(s) | J. Chanut |
Link | ExtractUrl(.)? |
Action | CMCC-03_Clementi_AddWaveDiag |
PI(S) | Emanuela Clementi, Massimiliano Drudi |
Digest | In order to improve the actual NEMO-WAVE coupling, CMCC will enhance the way the wave external fields are read, and provide output fields on wave forcing:
Dependencies | |
Target | |
Trac Ticket | #0000 |
SVN branch | branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{WG|STREAM|INSTITUTE}-{NUM}_{PIS}-{KEYWORDS} |
Previewer(s) | |
Reviewer(s) | |
Link | ExtractUrl(.)? |
Mercator Océan
Met Office