New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2018WP/VALID-12_CLEVY_CoupledInterface – NEMO

Version 2 (modified by clevy, 6 years ago) (diff)



The action has to be detailed briefly in the 'Summary' for later inclusion in other pages.
The PI is responsible to closely follow the progress of the action, and especially to contact NEMO project manager if the delay on preview (or review) are longer than the 2 weeks expected.

Error: Failed to load processor box
No macro or processor named 'box' found


Action VALID-12_CLEVY_CoupledInterface
PI(S) C. Levy


Validation of NEMO coupled interface, using OASIS in the trunk (as future 4.0 release)

Expected for
Ticket #2147
Branch NEMO/branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{ACTION_NAME}
Previewer(s) S. Masson, D. Storkey, D. Iovino
Reviewer(s) S. Masson, D. Storkey, D. Iovino
Link ExtractUrl(.)?


Error: Failed to load processor box
No macro or processor named 'box' found
Error: Failed to load processor TracForm
No macro or processor named 'TracForm' found

Once the PI has completed this section, he should send a mail to the previewer(s) asking them to preview the work within two weeks.


Since the preview step must be completed before the PI starts the coding, the previewer(s) answers are expected to be completed within the two weeks after the PI has sent his request.
For each question, an iterative process should take place between PI and previewer(s) in order to reach a "YES" answer for each of the following questions.

Error: Failed to load processor TracForm
No macro or processor named 'TracForm' found

Once all "YES" have been reached, the PI can start the development into his development branch.


Once the development is done, the PI should complete this section below and ask the reviewers to start their review in the lower section.

Error: Failed to load processor TracForm
No macro or processor named 'TracForm' found


Error: Failed to load processor box
No macro or processor named 'box' found
Error: Failed to load processor TracForm
No macro or processor named 'TracForm' found

Once review is successful, the development must be scheduled for merge during next Merge Party Meeting.

Attachments (1)

Download all attachments as: .zip