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2018WP/VALID-12_CLEVY_CoupledInterface – NEMO

Version 24 (modified by emalod, 6 years ago) (diff)



The PI is responsible to closely follow the progress of the action, and especially to contact NEMO project manager if the delay on preview (or review) are longer than the 2 weeks expected.

  1. Summary
  2. Abstract
  3. Implementation
  4. Reference manual and web pages updates
  5. Preview
  6. Tests
  7. Review


Action VALID-12_CLEVY_CoupledInterface
PI(S) C. Levy


Validation of NEMO coupled interface, using OASIS in the trunk (as future 4.0 release)

Expected for
Ticket #2147
Branch NEMO/branches/$YEAR/dev_r{REV}_{ACTION_NAME}
Previewer(s) S. Masson, R. Hill, E. Maisonnave
Reviewer(s) S. Masson, R. Hill, E. Maisonnave
Link ExtractUrl(.)?


The NEMO OASIS interface is important for all coupled configurations. Testing that this section (mainly the coupling activated) is functional must be done before the 4.0 announcement.


To check if the coupling interfaces are functional, three steps/tests will be set up:

STEP1: Validation of the SAS reference configuration

STEP2: Set up a test using NEMO (starting from the global reference configuration) with key_coupled, OASIS active and a toy atmospheric model

STEP3: Using this configuration, check that the coupled interface is functional for ocean dynamics, sea ice and biogeochemistry

Reference manual and web pages updates

Not done yet


Error: Failed to load processor box
No macro or processor named 'box' found

For this taks, no development is scheduled: the goal is only to check that the coupling interface of NEMO 4.0 is working.
The advice of previewer on the list of proposed tests is of course welcome.


Error: Failed to load processor box
No macro or processor named 'box' found

TEST1: Validation of the SAS reference configuration

The reference configuration ORCA2_SAS_LIM has run sucessfully for one year using the set up defined in the NEMO shared reference (NEMO trunk rev 10272).
It has been compared with a one year run of the forced reference configuration ORCA2_ICE_PISCES (NEMO trunk rev 10272).

Validation of the results:

  • Some questions raised on the forced configuration itself, see below
  • After one year experiment, the outputs and ice restart files created in the SAS run make sense
  • Having a complete an exact validation of this configuration will need some more work: here the ice is forced with an ocean input file containing the surface fields. These fields are not varying with time for now in the input file. To have a complete validation, it would need:
    • to run a one year of ORCA2_ICE_PISCES full reference configuration, with outputs of these daily surface fields
    • to use this output as input to the SAS configuration
    • to make some subtle changes in SAS in order to have the exact same use of these fields in time (not the case for now, work done once by Sébastien and Eric, remaining to be taken in account again
    • Once all this is done, the ice restart file should be strictly identical between the ORCA2_ICE_PISCES run and the ORCA2_SAS_LIM one

This work has not been done at this stage, so that for now the conclusion is:
The ORCA2_SAS_LIM configuration is running in NEMO 4.0, e.g. the SAS interface is functionnal in this case.

Comments on forced reference configuration ORCA2_ICE_PISCES :
The reference configuration is set up to start from rest (e.g. the very initial start, no ocean restart at all). In this case, using a call frequency of the ice =3 , nn_fsbc=3, is unstable: the run crashes after a few tenth of timesteps. Using nn_fsbc=5 (e.g. ice called every 5 timesteps, inducing less high frequencies in the forcing since the mean value used is calculated on a longer time scale), the model runs fine. This instabilities was not expected in the ORCA2 configuration, usually considered as very stable. Still this nn_fsbc=5 values has always been used up to now...
Once the ocean has started, after a few years, it seems that the nn_fsbc=3 option is indeed stable enough.

TEST2: Set up a test using NEMO (starting from the global reference configuration) with key_coupled, OASIS active and a toy atmospheric model

Using this configuration, check that the coupled interface is functional for ocean dynamics, sea ice and biogeochemistry

Validation: Outputs available here. The NETCDF file of SST seen by the toy atmosphere looks reasonable, see pot of Sea surface temperature seen by the atmospheric toy :

The global 2° configuration in a very simple coupled mode using OASIS is running fine with NEMO 4.0, e.g. the OASIS interface between ocean dynamics, sea ice and atmosphere is functionnal.



As a result of the tests, a few things needs to be updated/fixed:

  • sbccpl.F90
  • namelist_ref

A new test case has been build with a toy for the atmosphere (proposed name for this new test case: YAZD, for Yardstick Atmosphere to Zero a Demonstrator, since yazd is an oasis in Iran...). It is proposed to add this configuration in the list of available test cases.


Error: Failed to load processor box
No macro or processor named 'box' found

Eric Maisonnave


  • Is the proposed methodology now implemented? -yes-
  • Are the code changes in agreement with the flowchart defined at preview step? -yes-
  • Are the code changes in agreement with list of routines and variables as proposed at preview step? -yes-
  • Is the in-line documentation accurate and sufficient? -yes-
  • Do the code changes comply with NEMO coding standards? -don't know-
  • Is the development documented with sufficient details for others to understand the impact of the change? -yes-
  • Is the project literature (manual, guide, web, …) now updated or completed following the proposed summary in preview section? -don't know-


  • Is the review fully successful? If not, please indicate what is still missing

TEST1: the intermediate step is completed. the review is fully successful

TEST2: It should be mentioned that coupling validation is also done for sea-ice (but not biogeochemistry) related coupling fields.

The OASIS version used for this test is not clearly indicated (OASIS3-MCT v4). This version is not fully compatible with NEMO 4.0 (see ticket #2147). This should be communicated to the NEMO community, and the use of OASIS3-MCT v3 recommended until bug correction in OASIS3-MCT v4, because this is exactly the purpose of this test case. From that perspective, the review is fully successful . Thanks !

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