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2020WP/AGRIF-03_jchanut_vert_coord_interp (diff) – NEMO

Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of 2020WP/AGRIF-03_jchanut_vert_coord_interp

2020-06-05T13:18:28+02:00 (5 years ago)



  • 2020WP/AGRIF-03_jchanut_vert_coord_interp

    v5 v6  
    6161== Tests 
    63 {{{#!box width=50em info 
    64 [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#tests)]] 
    65 }}} 
     67===  VORTEX test case 
     68- Functionality: Detect nesting errors. Evaluate new algorithms. Check volume/tracer conservation with 2 way nesting. 
     69- Setup: Self advected vortex over a beta plan. No forcing, flat bottom. Analytical definition of geostrophically balanced vortex. 
     70- Verification value: No analytical solution of the solution exists. The parent domain at high resolution is usually used to have a quantitative measure of the nesting errors.  
     71One can nevertheless implement the following unit tests: 
     72    Global volume should be conserved at machine accuracy 
     74    Perfect symmetry of the results if switching hemisphere or reversing earth rotation 
     76    1:1 nesting (i.e. no refinement in the zoom) and fully explicit time stepping mode should not change the results 
     78- Status: available as part of NEMO test cases suite on svn. 
     80=== 2DV OVERFLOW test case 
     81- Functionality: Detect nesting errors with 1d varying topography. Evaluate vertical grid change within AGRIF zooms. 
     82- Setup: based on existing OVERFLOW test case with an AGRIF zoom over the slope. Since offline bathymetry connection is important here, input domain file have to be provided. That's the main difference with existing test case. 
     83- Verification value: No analytical solution of the solution exists. The parent domain at high resolution can be used to have a quantitative measure of the nesting errors. This test can be used to easily detect errors in the vertical coordinate change algorithm if vertical grids are actually identical. 
     84- Status: Test case already set up but not transferred on any repository yet. 
     86=== BOWL OVERFLOW test case (TBC) 
     87- Functionality: Detect nesting errors with 2d varying topography. Evaluate vertical grid change within AGRIF zooms. 
     88- Setup: Similar to the 2d OVERFLOW test case above but with 2d varying topography. 
     89- Verification value: No analytical solution of the solution exists. The parent domain at high resolution can be used to have a quantitative measure of the nesting errors.  
     90- Status: Not available yet. 
     92=== 2DV UPWELLING test case (TBC) 
     93- Functionality: Detect nesting errors with 1d varying topography. Evaluate vertical grid change within AGRIF zooms and potential artefacts in the connection of surface/bottom boundary layers. 
     94- Setup: issued form COMODO test cases, that's a stationary solution of a wind forced shelf overflow. 
     95- Verification value: Analytical solution. 
     96- Status: Not available yet. 
     98=== DOME test case (TBC) 
     99- Functionality: That's the classical experiment used in the literature to evaluate the numerical impact on dense overflows. It illustrates here  the potential benefit of using a local vertical coordinate change and/or horizontal refinement on a longer time scale. 
     100- Setup: Forced dense water flow in a channel over a linear slope (hence need bdy forcing).  
     101- Verification value: No analytical solution of the solution exists. The parent domain at high resolution can be used to have a quantitative measure of the nesting errors.  
     102- Status: Not available yet. 