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Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
2020WP/AGRIF-05_rblod_CMEMS (diff) – NEMO

Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of 2020WP/AGRIF-05_rblod_CMEMS

2020-06-04T10:35:07+02:00 (5 years ago)



  • 2020WP/AGRIF-05_rblod_CMEMS

    v4 v5  
    1515||=Digest       || Import developments from CMEMS AGRIF project          || 
    1616||=Dependencies || #2222                                                || 
    17 ||=Branch       || source:/NEMO/branches/{YEAR}/dev_r{REV}_{ACTION_NAME} || 
     17||=Branch       || source:/NEMO/branches/2020/dev_r12973_AGRIF_CMEMS || 
    1818||=Previewer(s) || J. Chanut                                             || 
    1919||=Reviewer(s)  || Names                                                 || 
    3434=== Implementation 
    36 {{{#!box width=35em help 
    37 Describe flow chart of the changes in the code. \\ 
    38 List the Fortran modules and subroutines to be created/edited/deleted. \\ 
    39 Detailed list of new variables to be defined (including namelists), \\ 
    40 give for each the chosen name and description wrt coding rules. 
     36For know (June the 4th), we list here what is underway, tricky and the potential issues, details will be in project reports. The first version of the branch adresses points 1,2 and 4 in the list above 
     37* domaincfg 
     38 * to use it as nesting tools, it is compiled with key_agrif. To do so, a makefile is provided for know. Maketools has still to be modified to use NEMO logic. 
     39 * it has now an Agrif-like structure (agrif_user routine and so) 
     40 * some new flags in the namelist : 
     46   nn_bathy    =    1      !  compute analyticaly (=0) or read (=1) the bathymetry file 
     47                                    !  or compute (2) from external bathymetry 
     48                                    ! with agrif, if 1 for the child grids, interpolate from parent 
     49   nn_interp   =    1                          ! type of interpolation (nn_bathy =2). With external source : 0 :average, 1 median, 2 bilinear 
     50   cn_topo     =  ''  ! external topo file (nn_bathy =2) 
     51   cn_bath     =  'Bathymetry'                 ! topo name in file  (nn_bathy =2) 
     52   cn_lon        =  'nav_lon'                    ! lon  name in file  (nn_bathy =2) 
     53   cn_lat         =  'nav_lat'                      ! lat  name in file  (nn_bathy =2) 
     54   rn_scale     = 1                                 ! scale facto for input bathymetry data 
     59&namagrif      !  AGRIF zoom                                            ("key_agrif") 
     61ln_bry_south = .TRUE.    ! F : no south boudary antarctic) 
    43 ''...'' 
     64 * we provide an AgrifFixed.in_cmems file with 3 examples for new capabilities. 
     65 * without Agrif, it should provide the result as before but this has to be checked 
     66 * still cleaning and cosmetics to do 
     67 * it should be able (with or without agrif) to work in MPI but not tested yet 
    4570=== Documentation updates