Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of 2020WP/ASINTER-04_laurent_bulk_ice
- Timestamp:
- 2020-11-17T16:44:32+01:00 (4 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v17 v18 42 42 * '''SBC/sbcblk.F90''' 43 43 * old and uncomplete "Cdn10_Lupkes2015" & "Cdn10_Lupkes2012" are gone! 44 * more efficient use of "#if defined key_si3"44 * more efficient use of {{{#if defined key_si3}}} 45 45 * new bulk algorithm available: "sbcblk_algo_andreas" (Andreas et al., 2015) 46 * "nn_iter_algo", number of iterations to be used in bulk algorithms now provided in "&namsbc_blk" namelist block 47 {{{ 48 INTEGER :: nn_iter_algo ! Number of iterations in bulk param. algo ("stable ABL + weak wind" requires more) 49 }}} 46 * {{{nn_iter_algo}}}, number of iterations to be used in bulk algorithms now provided in "&namsbc_blk" namelist block 47 {{{ INTEGER :: nn_iter_algo ! Number of iterations in bulk param. algo ("stable ABL + weak wind" requires more)}}} 50 48 * handling of new namelist parameters for air-ice bulk algorithms () 51 49 {{{ … … 54 52 LOGICAL :: ln_Cx_ice_LU12 ! air-ice bulk transfer coefficients based on Lupkes et al., 2012) 55 53 LOGICAL :: ln_Cx_ice_LG15 ! air-ice bulk transfer coefficients based on Lupkes & Gryanik, 2015) 54 }}} 55 * use of new global public arrays {{{theta_air_zt}}} and {{{q_air_zt}}}, potential air temperature and specific humidity at zt, respectively 56 * {{{theta_air_zt}}}, the potential temperature, is computed from absolute temperature at zt (read in netCDF file) and {{{q_air_zt}}} if {{{ln_tair_pot==.false.}}} (new namelist parameter) 57 {{{ LOGICAL :: ln_tair_pot ! temperature read in files ("sn_tair") is already potential temperature (not absolute)}}} 58 * "blk_oce_1" passes latent heat flux as '''output''' argument, (affects: ABL/sbcabl.F90) 59 * "blk_oce_2" passes latent heat flux as '''input''' argument, (affects: ABL/sbcabl.F90) 60 * "blk_oce_2" input argument "pqsr" removed because not used, (affects: ABL/sbcabl.F90) 56 61 57 }}}58 * use of new global public arrays "theta_air_zt" and "q_air_zt", potential air temperature and specific humidity at zt, respectively59 * "theta_air_zt" computed from absolute temperature at zt (read in netCDF file) and "q_air_zt" if '''''ln_tair_pot==.false.''''' (new namelist parameter)60 {{{ LOGICAL :: ln_tair_pot ! temperature read in files ("sn_tair") is already potential temperature (not absolute)}}}61 62 63 ....64 65 66 * "pp_cldf" declared into "sbc_phy" (affects: SBC/sbccpl.F90, SBC/sbccpl.F90)67 62 68 63 * "SBC/sbcblk_algo_*.F90": various improvements 69 64 * number of iterations now provided through namelist parameter into "&namsbc_blk" 70 * neutral transfer coeeficients now as OPTIONAL output arguments 65 * neutral transfer coefficients now as OPTIONAL output arguments 66 67 * SBC/sbc_ice.F90: {{{pp_cldf}}} removed and declared into "sbc_phy" instead (affects: SBC/sbccpl.F90, SBC/sbcblk.F90, SBC/sbcmod.F90) 68 69 * SBC/sbc_oce.F90: declaration of global public arrays {{{theta_air_zt}}} and {{{q_air_zt}}}, potential air temperature and specific humidity at zt, respectively 70 71 * DOM/phycst.F90: add {{{vkarmn2}}}, square of ''von Karmán'' constant 72 71 73 72 74 … … 74 76 75 77 76 * "blk_oce_2" passes latent heat flux, (outside SBC: ABL/sbcabl.F90)77 78 * "blk_ice_1" & "blk_ice_2" new global public arrays: "theta_air_zt, q_air_zt", (outside SBC: ICE/icesbc.F90)79 80 81 ...82 78 83 79