Version 17 (modified by laurent, 4 years ago) (diff) |
More realistic air-ice/snow turbulent flux estimates over sea-ice
Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?
The PI is responsible to closely follow the progress of the action, and especially to contact NEMO project manager if the delay on preview (or review) are longer than the 2 weeks expected.
Action | More realistic air-ice/snow turbulent flux estimates over sea-ice |
PI(S) | Laurent Brodeau @ Ocean Next |
Digest | Implementation of a bulk-transfer-coefficient parameterization for sea-ice-covered regions. This parameterization should consider sea-ice roughness and be able to handle extremely stable surface atmospheric layer conditions typical of sea-ice-covered regions. |
Dependencies | no |
Branch | source:/NEMO/branches/2020/dev_r13648_ASINTER-04_laurent_bulk_ice |
Previewer(s) | Names |
Reviewer(s) | Names |
Ticket | #2369 |
The work accomplished can be separated in two parts:
- Further development of the general SBCBKK interface (introduction of proper bulk parameterizations for ice-air exchanges, new air-sea bulk parameterizations + general improvements and simplifications)
- Further development of the STATION_ASF test-case (boolean sanity-check of the SBCBLK interface and sea-ice support "key_si3")
Development of the general SBCBLK interface
(introduction of proper bulk parameterizations for ice-air exchanges, new air-sea bulk parameterizations + general improvements and simplifications)
- module "sbcblk_phy" becomes "sbc_phy" (outside SBC: ABL/ablmod.F90, ABL/sbcabl.F90)
- SBC/sbcblk.F90
- old and uncomplete "Cdn10_Lupkes2015" & "Cdn10_Lupkes2012" are gone!
- more efficient use of "#if defined key_si3"
- new bulk algorithm available: "sbcblk_algo_andreas" (Andreas et al., 2015)
- "nn_iter_algo", number of iterations to be used in bulk algorithms now provided in "&namsbc_blk" namelist block
INTEGER :: nn_iter_algo ! Number of iterations in bulk param. algo ("stable ABL + weak wind" requires more)
- handling of new namelist parameters for air-ice bulk algorithms ()
LOGICAL :: ln_Cx_ice_cst ! use constant air-ice bulk transfer coefficients REAL(wp) :: rn_Cd_i, rn_Ce_i, rn_Ch_i ! constant values for " " " LOGICAL :: ln_Cx_ice_LU12 ! air-ice bulk transfer coefficients based on Lupkes et al., 2012) LOGICAL :: ln_Cx_ice_LG15 ! air-ice bulk transfer coefficients based on Lupkes & Gryanik, 2015)
- use of new global public arrays "theta_air_zt" and "q_air_zt", potential air temperature and specific humidity at zt, respectively
- "theta_air_zt" computed from absolute temperature at zt (read in netCDF file) and "q_air_zt" if ln_tair_pot==.false. (new namelist parameter)
LOGICAL :: ln_tair_pot ! temperature read in files ("sn_tair") is already potential temperature (not absolute)
- "pp_cldf" declared into "sbc_phy" (affects: SBC/sbccpl.F90, SBC/sbccpl.F90)
- "SBC/sbcblk_algo_*.F90": various improvements
- number of iterations now provided through namelist parameter into "&namsbc_blk"
- neutral transfer coeeficients now as OPTIONAL output arguments
- "blk_oce_2" passes latent heat flux, (outside SBC: ABL/sbcabl.F90)
- "blk_ice_1" & "blk_ice_2" new global public arrays: "theta_air_zt, q_air_zt", (outside SBC: ICE/icesbc.F90)
Development of the STATION_ASF test-case
(boolean sanity-check of the SBCBLK interface and sea-ice support "key_si3")
Documentation updates
Test-case associated with this development:
- Test case name: STATION_ASF (C1D meets SAS). See for a more complete introduction.
- Test case functionality: test-case STATION_ASF checks that all bulk algorithms available in NEMO, used to estimate the bulk transfer coefficients for turbulent air-sea and air-ice fluxes, are working properly. This is done by checking that all turbulent fluxes computed at the punctual location of STATION_ASF lie within a reasonable range.
- Test case setup: in STATION_ASF nemo.exe runs on one processor and needs only 2 lightweight netCDF files as input. These 2 files provide hourly time-series of sea-surface variables (SST, SSH), and surface atmospheric state (wind, temperature, humidity and downwelling radiative fluxes), respectively, at the punctual location of STATION_ASF. 1 year of simulation with STATION_ASF takes a few tens of seconds on 1 proc.
- Test case verification value: WILL BE boolean. Each computed turbulent flux (hourly time-series), namely evaporation, wind stress and sensible flux, will be checked for consistency during a whole year. This operation will be carried out with every bulk (air-sea and air-ice) parameterization algorithms available in NEMO, including the testing of different options: cool-skin/warm-layer and wave-pattern input).
- Status of the test case as for now: Exists on the official GitHub? for NEMO. Boolean output not ready yet, version for air-ice fluxes in progress.