440 | | |
441 | | {{{#!box width=50em info |
442 | | [[Include(wiki:Developers/DevProcess#tests)]] |
443 | | }}} |
444 | | |
445 | | ''...'' |
| 440 | === SETTE |
| 441 | |
| 442 | SETTE passes all tests (including with tiling turned on) and compares with the trunk. |
| 443 | The Intel compiler (ifort 18.0.5 20180823) is used with XIOS in detached mode. |
| 444 | The Cray compiler was not used due to #2394 (new Cray compiler does not work with new way of reading namelists) and due to older Cray compilers raising various errors. |
| 445 | |
| 446 | ==== Regular checks |
| 447 | |
| 448 | * Can this change be shown to produce expected impact (option activated)? __YES__ |
| 449 | * Can this change be shown to have a null impact (option not activated)? __YES__ |
| 450 | * Results of the required bit comparability tests been run: are there no differences when activating the development? __YES (SETTE), NO (other tests)__ |
| 451 | * If some differences appear, is reason for the change valid/understood? __YES (see known failures)__ |
| 452 | * If some differences appear, is the impact as expected on model configurations? __YES__ |
| 453 | * Is this change expected to preserve all diagnostics? __NO (see known failures)__ |
| 454 | * If no, is reason for the change valid/understood? __YES__ |
| 455 | * Are there significant changes in run time/memory? __NO__ |
| 456 | |
| 457 | ==== Detailed SETTE results |
| 458 | |
| 459 | Tiling is turned on in this report. |
| 460 | |
| 461 | {{{ |
| 462 | Current code is : NEMO/branches/2020/dev_r13383_HPC-02_Daley_Tiling @ r13745 ( last change @ r13745 ) |
| 463 | |
| 464 | SETTE validation report generated for : |
| 465 | |
| 466 | NEMO/branches/2020/dev_r13383_HPC-02_Daley_Tiling @ r13745+ (last changed revision) |
| 467 | |
| 468 | on XC40_METO_IFORT arch file |
| 469 | |
| 470 | |
| 471 | !!---------------1st pass------------------!! |
| 472 | |
| 473 | !----restart----! |
| 474 | WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 475 | WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 476 | WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 477 | WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 478 | WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 479 | WAMM12_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 480 | WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 481 | WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 482 | WWED025_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 483 | WISOMIP+_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 484 | WOVERFLOW_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 485 | WLOCK_EXCHANGE_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 486 | WVORTEX_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 487 | WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat restartability passed : 13745+ |
| 488 | |
| 489 | !----repro----! |
| 490 | WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13745+ |
| 491 | WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13745+ |
| 492 | WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13745+ |
| 493 | WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13745+ |
| 494 | WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 13745+ |
| 495 | WAMM12_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13745+ |
| 496 | WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13745+ |
| 497 | WORCA2_ICE_OBS_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13745+ |
| 498 | WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13745+ |
| 499 | WWED025_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13745+ |
| 500 | WISOMIP+_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13745+ |
| 501 | WVORTEX_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13745+ |
| 502 | WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat reproducibility passed : 13745+ |
| 503 | |
| 504 | !----agrif check----! |
| 505 | ORCA2 AGRIF vs ORCA2 NOAGRIF run.stat unchanged - passed : 13745+ 13745+ |
| 506 | |
| 507 | !----result comparison check----! |
| 508 | |
| 509 | check result differences between : |
| 510 | VALID directory : /home/d00/hadcv/cylc-run/u-bs939/share/sette/output/NEMO_VALIDATION at rev 13745+ |
| 511 | and |
| 512 | REFERENCE directory : /home/d00/hadcv/cylc-run/u-bs939/share/sette_ref/output/NEMO_VALIDATION at rev 13688 |
| 513 | |
| 514 | WGYRE_PISCES_ST run.stat files are identical |
| 515 | WGYRE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are identical |
| 516 | WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST run.stat files are identical |
| 517 | WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are identical |
| 518 | WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST tracer.stat files are identical |
| 519 | WAMM12_ST run.stat files are identical |
| 520 | WORCA2_SAS_ICE_ST run.stat files are identical |
| 521 | WAGRIF_DEMO_ST run.stat files are identical |
| 522 | WWED025_ST run.stat files are identical |
| 523 | WISOMIP+_ST run.stat files are identical |
| 524 | WVORTEX_ST run.stat files are identical |
| 525 | WICE_AGRIF_ST run.stat files are identical |
| 526 | WOVERFLOW_ST run.stat files are identical |
| 527 | WLOCK_EXCHANGE_ST run.stat files are identical |
| 528 | }}} |
| 529 | |
| 530 | === Development testing |
| 531 | |
| 532 | A configuration based on ORCA2_ICE_PISCES (without `key_si3` or `key_top`) was used to test code modified by the tiling development. |
| 533 | To facilitate cleaner testing, `ln_trabbc`, `ln_trabbl`, `ln_icebergs`, `ln_rnf`, `ln_ssr`, `ln_tradmp`, `ln_ldfeiv`, `ln_traldf_msc`, `ln_mle`, `ln_zdfddm` and `ln_zdfiwm` were all set to false. |
| 534 | `ln_qsr_2bd` was used instead of `ln_qsr_rgb`, `nn_fsbc` was set to 1, and `nn_ice` and `nn_fwb` were set to 0. |
| 535 | |
| 536 | Simulations of the tiling branch were run for 10 days with 1-day diagnostic output, for all scientific options relevant to the affected code. |
| 537 | Each simulation was repeated with tiling turned on, using square tile sizes of 5 and 50 (the latter being equivalent to one tile over the full domain). |
| 538 | Additionally, all simulations including those with tiling were repeated with `nn_hls = 2`. |
| 539 | |
| 540 | run.stat and diagnostic output were compared with equivalent simulations of the trunk and 10-day simulations of the tiling branch that were run in two 5-day submissions (i.e. testing for restartability). |
| 541 | |
| 542 | Version 8.3.4 of the Cray compiler was used with XIOS 2.5 revision 1565. |
| 543 | A `jpni = 4`, `jpnj = 8` decomposition was used with 6 XIOS processors. |
| 544 | |
| 545 | === Known failures in development tests__ |
| 546 | |
| 547 | * `ln_trabbl = .true.` with `nn_bbl_adv > 0` gives different results when using tiling |
| 548 | |
| 549 | This is due to a change in the order of computation of `pt_rhs` in `tra_bbl_adv` when using the tiling. |
| 550 | The loop over i is broken up by the tiles, which causes the up-slope and down-slope contributions to be added in a different order on the intersections between tiles. |
| 551 | |
| 552 | * Some trends diagnostics have slightly different values at one point on the northfold in the development branch |
| 553 | |
| 554 | This may be because I removed an `lbc_lnk` from `tra_zdf`, similar to the effect of removing the `lbc_lnk` for `utr_bbl`/`vtr_bbl` in `tra_bbl`. |
| 555 | It could be restored if necessary, since we do not use tiling with the trends diagnostics. |
| 556 | |
| 557 | * NEMO fails with a `stp_ctl` error when using `ln_traldf_hor = .true.` or `ln_zdfosm = .true.`, in both the development branch and trunk |
| 558 | |
| 559 | I assume this is related to my configuration, as I did not have this issue when testing in GYRE. |
| 560 | |
| 561 | === Untested code |
| 562 | |
| 563 | * Code (e.g. `zps_hde_isf`) that requires `ln_isfcav = .true.` |
| 564 | * Code in `diaptr.F90` for the `uocetr_vsum_cumul` diagnostic (`ptr_ci_2d` subroutine) |
| 565 | |
| 566 | XIOS hangs when trying to output this diagnostic, which may be due to the XIOS library being too old |
| 567 | |
| 568 | * Code in `tra_adv` that requires `ln_wave .AND. ln_sdw = .true.`, |
| 569 | * Code in `tra_adv` that requires `ln_vvl_ztilde .OR. ln_vvl_layer = .true.` |
| 570 | * Code in `tra_asm_inc` that requires `ln_asmdin = .true.` |
| 571 | |
| 572 | I did not have the required input file (assim_background_state_DI.nc) for ORCA2, although I was able to make an idealised one for testing in GYRE. |
| 573 | |
| 574 | * Code in `tra_asm_inc` that requires `ln_temnofreeze = .true.` or `ln_seaiceinc = .true.` |
| 575 | |
| 576 | These logicals are hard coded as false. |