Version 6 (modified by davestorkey, 4 years ago) (diff) |
Name and subject of the action
Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?
The PI is responsible to closely follow the progress of the action, and especially to contact NEMO project manager if the delay on preview (or review) are longer than the 2 weeks expected.
Action | extend the range of options for calculating the horizontal pressure force (IMMERSE action) |
PI(S) | Mike Bell, Amy Young |
Digest | extend the range of options for calculating the horizontal pressure force using line (Shchepetkin & McWilliams? 2003) or area integrals (Lin 1997) and finite volume higher order methods (Engwirda et al. 2017). |
Dependencies | None |
Branch | source:/NEMO/branches/2020/dev_r13723_KERNEL-01_Amy_Mike_newHPGschemes/ |
Previewer(s) | Dave Storkey |
Reviewer(s) | Dave Storkey |
Ticket | #2480 |
Documentation updates
These developments will be assessed using the idealised seamount configuration introduced by Beckmann & Haidvogel (1993). This is a standard, widely used test case for evaluating the performance of hpg calculations. It consists of a Gaussian bump bathymetry initialised with the flow at rest, and an expontential vertical density perturbation profile. These developments should introduce no change to results unless the new hpg options are activated. If activated, the new schemes should result in a reduction of spurious currents in regions of sloping bathymetry when using terrain following coordinates (sco). The test configuration requires a bespoke set of MY_SRC files, a modification to the eosbn2.F90 module, and several namelist parameters. This configuration currently exists as a UKMO branch from r4.0.2 ( though does not yet run on multiple processors. There is no obvious single verification value. Ideally, the result would be a reduction in error with respect to the standard sco formulation. This may be defined in terms of a reduction in the maximum error (i.e. |umax_new| < |umax_sco|) or it may be a reduction in the time integrated value. Depending on the scheme in question, there may also be results which should be identically zero.
This review is for the rewriting of the implementation of the Shchpetkin and McWilliams? (2003) scheme (hpg_djc option in NEMO). I have checked the implementation and discussed with Amy. I'm happy that the implementation conforms to the Shchpetkin and McWilliams? specification and that it has been thoroughly tested. The code conforms to NEMO coding standards and the inline documentation is sufficient. The documentation in the NEMO book will be updated by the end of January as agreed. I'm happy for the code to be included in the 2020 merge.