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Action | OASIS_TESTCASE : create a test case for coupling with OASIS |
PI(S) | Claire Lévy |
Digest | Motivations and main tasks: create a simple testcase using OASIS to help building new coupled configurations |
Dependencies | OASIS |
Branch | source:NEMO/branches/2020/dev_r12565_VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE |
Previewer(s) | E. Maisonnave & Laure Coquart |
Reviewer(s) | E. Maisonnave & Laure Coquart |
Ticket | #2379 |
Create a simple testcase using OASIS to help building new coupled configurations.
Will use OASIS and a simplified fake atmosphere (TOY_ATM in OASIS wording.
May do more than only ocean-atmosphere coupling (to be discussed).
Useful as coupling demonstrator and for first level valisation of coupling with OASIS in future NEMO versions.
As for the test case defined in STEP1 (see below):
- no changes in NEMO code
- Changes in &namsbc_cpl namelist
- Need to add the TOY_ATM software, as a simplified /fake atmosphere somewhere to be able tu run this test case
Documentation updates
Updates needed:
- On line documentation (to be committed in rst files) :
- Reference manual: does not seem to include information the key_oa3mct_v3 cpp key, needed for this test case. Is it useful?
STEP 1: Implement in the up-to-date version for 2020 the test case developed in 2018
Restarting from /ccc/work/cont003/gen7451/clevy/VALID_CPL_4.0/trunk/cfgs/CPL_TOYATM in irene computer, implement the CPL_OASIS in the up-to-date NEMO version, as a test case (in "dev_branch"/tests).
CPL_OASIS test case description:
- Based on the ORCA2_ICE_PISCES reference configuration, activate coupling to a TOYATM (kindly offered by Eric M.) through OASIS
- coupled fields (from &namsbc_cpl namelist in namelist_cfg file)
- runing 10days, coupling every time step (nn_fsbc=1)
- The test cases needs OASIS and a simple TOYATM
- Where should the TOYATM be installed? In the test case, in NEMO tools? elsewhere?
- Validation of the test case remains to be defined more precisely (check OASIS output compared to ocean SST ?)
STEP 2: is this the final version of the expected test case?
- Adding other couplings?
- Checking sea-ice?
STEP 3: implement final test case
Implement the finalised test case as part of the usual validation testbed, and also in the github for NEMO test cases
Answer from reviewers is in the ticket #2379. For E. Maisonnave & L. Coquart, review is successful and development can start
This toy is able to validate a simplified OASIS based coupled configuration of NEMO in such a way that:
- the OASIS library can be compiled on the targeted machine (OASIS libraries available in the OASIS directory)
- the OASIS library can be linked with a coupled configuration of NEMO (the NEMO executable is available in the NEMO cfg directory) and an atmosphere toy model (executable available in the tools/TOYATM directory)
- an MPI MPMD system (two executables at the same time) can be launched on the machine and a successful simulation can be achieved if :
- a run.stat file is produced and includes 160 iterations:
echo false |
- OASIS indicates a successful end of the run:
echo false |
- the sea surface temperature (Tropical Pacific region) as seen by the toy atmosphere model is close to 300.20 K and the difference between the end and the beginning values doesn't exceed 0.5 K
This can be checked e.g. in the check file produced by the commands: ncks -h -v ATSSTSST -d nx,80,120 -d ny,0,10 ; ncwa -h -a nx,ny
- The CPL_OASIS test case is now avalaible in the development branch (see changeset
- The updated TOYATM tool is now available in an additional tools branch, see changeset
IMPORTANT: for now, I've not been able to commit in the development branch the change for external tools (in order to point on the new branch TEMPORARY BYPASS:
- Download the development branch
svn co
The tools subdirectory is now extracted for this branch from the new development branch created to update TOYATM: tools_CPL_OASIS_ticket2379_2020
More details on how to set up and run the CPL_OASIS test case in ./tests/CPL_OASIS/
The configuration can be ported, compiled and launched on the new Meteo-France machine. Validation, as proposed above, is successful. The only missing piece is the TOYATM tool compiling, which failed giving: ./maketools -m linux_ifort_belenos -n TOYATM Build command started on Wed Jun 17 15:52:09 2020. ->Parse configuration: start Config file (bld): /home/ext/cf/cglo/maisonnavee/test_toy/dev_r12565_VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE/mk/bld_tools.cfg Config file (bld): /home/ext/cf/cglo/maisonnavee/test_toy/dev_r12565_VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE/mk/arch_tools.fcm WARNING: /home/ext/cf/cglo/maisonnavee/test_toy/dev_r12565_VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE/mk/arch_tools.fcm: LINE 48:
%OASIS_HOME: cyclic dependency, variable not expanded
Config file (bld): /home/ext/cf/cglo/maisonnavee/test_toy/dev_r12565_VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE/mk/cpp_tools.fcm ERROR: /home/ext/cf/cglo/maisonnavee/test_toy/dev_r12565_VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE/mk/bld_tools.cfg: LINE 16:
/home/ext/cf/cglo/maisonnavee/test_toy/dev_r12565_VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE/tools/TOYATM/NEMOFILES/obj: source does not exist or is not readable.
ERROR: /home/ext/cf/cglo/maisonnavee/test_toy/dev_r12565_VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE/mk/bld_tools.cfg: LINE 37:
bld::pp::nemo: invalid sub-package in declaration.
ERROR: /home/ext/cf/cglo/maisonnavee/test_toy/dev_r12565_VALID-11_clevy_OASIS_TESTCASE/mk/bld_tools.cfg: LINE 39:
bld::tool::fppflags::nemo: invalid sub-package in declaration.
EM, 27/11/2020: It is now possible to link TOYATM. But it is necessary to create a cpp_TOYATM.fcm file in TOYATM subdirectory, which contains: bld::tool::fppkeys key_oasis3