New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.

Version 4 (modified by cbricaud, 4 years ago) (diff)


Add an optional shapiro filtering for Griffies triads slopes


Action Add an optional shapiro filtering for Griffies triads slopes
PI(S) Clément Bricaud
Digest Griffies triads slopes are nosiy and it leads to instabilities
Dependencies None
Branch source:/NEMO/branches/2021/dev_r14312_MOI-01_MOI-GRIFFIESTRIADSMOOTHING
Previewer(s) Gurvan Madec
Reviewer(s) Names
Ticket #2601


add the a shapiro filtering of slopes, as done for the standard iso-neutral operator. It will be implemented under a logical


Griffies triads slopes smoothing:

-add ln_smooth_triad logical in namtra_ldf.

-add ldf_slp_smooth subroutine to make the shapiro filtering for standard and triad operators.

-add calls to shapiro filtering in ldf_slp_triad.

-replace the shapiro filtering in ldf_slp (standard operator) by calls to ldf_slp_smooth subroutine.

Also add top condition for under ice shelf seas

  • for slopes computing
  • for diffusion computing

Documentation updates

Error: Failed to load processor box
No macro or processor named 'box' found



Error: Failed to load processor box
No macro or processor named 'box' found



Triad operator is not activated in standard configurations

Replacing the shapiro filtering in ldf_slp (standard operator) by calls to ldf_slp_smooth subroutine has no impact: results are the same. ( tested)

To see differences, triads with smoothing must be activated. See plots with ORCA2 in ticket #2601

Sette tests are OK.



Error: Failed to load processor box
No macro or processor named 'box' found
