Version 18 (modified by clem, 4 years ago) (diff) |
Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?
2020 v4.0.4 (Oct 2020) minor release
This 4.0.4 release is based on 4.0.2 and includes several new features, improvements and debugs. We strongly encourage all the teams to upgrade to this version. The main changes (vs 4.0.2) are described hereafter:
New physics controlled by a namelist parameter:
- Parameterization of frozen lids on top of melt ponds => ln_pnd_lids
- Fraction of ice covered by snow can be dependent on snow thickness. It impacts albedo and solar flux transmitted thru the ice. There are 3 options: nn_snwfra=0 (basic 0-1, as before), nn_snwfra=1 (MetO-Jules formulation), nn_snwfra=2 (CICE formulation).
- Solar flux transmission thru the surface scattering layer. There are 2 options: nn_qtrice=0 (transmission depends on cloudiness and is 0 where there is snow, as before), nn_qtrice=1 (from M. Lebrun thesis 2019: transmission is 0.3 everywhere but with different snow conductivities during melting and freezing)
Enhancements controlled by a namelist parameter:
- Initialise sea ice from multi category restart file => nn_iceini_file=2
- read the cloud cover to improve ice albedo calculation (forced simulations only for now)
- control of convergences for rheology (EVP and aEVP) and heat diffusion (Bitz and Lipscomb 99) schemes => nn_rhg_chkcvg and ln_zdf_chkcvg
- maximum ice thickness allowed (99m by default) => rn_himax
- heat in the leads can be used to warm the ocean before melting sea-ice but probably not a good idea (cf Ed) => ln_leadhfx
Hard coded developments and debugs:
- major debug of aEVP (critical)
- penetration of solar radiation thru the ice and snow does not include the surface scattering layer anymore (3cm for snow and 10cm for ice). So, it writes as exp(-kappa*max(0,z-ssl)), with ssl=surface scattering layer.
- debug sbccpl.F90 for IPSL and Met-Office
- limitation of ice/snow temperatures and salinity to avoid overshooting and then to overcome a recurrent issue with the 2 advection schemes (UMx and Prather)
- namelist param changes for best simulations. OPA: nn_mxl=3 (instead of 2), nn_mxlice=2 (instead of 0). SI3: nn_snwfra=2, nn_qtrice=1, ln_pnd=true
- rewrite heat budget of the ice, so it includes the solar flux transmitted thru the ice and is conservative by construction. Also, activating ln_icediachk now gives an ascii file (icedrift_diagnostics.ascii) containing mass, salt and heat global conservation issues (if any). In addition, 2D drift files can be outputed.
- debug outputs for shear and normal stresses in rheology
- reduce number of mpi communications in rheology and in the two advection schemes
New physics controlled by a namelist parameter:
- ice-ocean drags can now be calculated implicitly => ln_drgice_imp. For instance, it may allow ORCA2 to run with a time step of 5760s instead of 5400s...
- turbulent mixing is modified due to the presence of sea ice (zdfgls and zdftke routines).
- With tke, one can choose to 1) take into account sea-ice for the depth of the mixed layer (=> nn_mxlice) and 2) attenuate surface wave breaking and langmuir cells under sea ice (=> nn_eice).
- With gls, sea ice intervenes as 1) a friction surface with a specific roughness parameter (nn_hsri) and 2) a damping for surface wave breaking (nn_z0_ice).
Hard coded developments and debugs:
- update coupling interface for sea-ice
- fix coastal boundary conditions in dyn_ldf_blp, see #2449
- debug in zdfgls when there is no top/bottom friction (ticket #2435)
- debug in zdftke for the ice shelves (ticket #2406, critical)
- rewrite fmask so that on-point straits slip condition is determined by the namelist parameter rn_shlat as for all the other points, and is not solely free slip (ticket #2237)
- debug hybrid s-z coordinates (ln_hpg_prj=true, ticket #2474, major)
- fix minor bug in dynvor, see #2446
- debug waves (tickets #2445 and #2447, both critical)
- debug icebergs (ticket #2407, critical)
- debug freshwater budget (ticket #2376)
- out-of-bounds in bdydta, see #2410
- better detection and managment of errors messages
The detailed list of all fixes can bee seen:
Because of the reorganization of the 4.0* svn branches between the 4.0.2 and the 4.0.4, the complete list of code modification is split in 2 parts
From now on, to download the NEMO reference, we recommend to use this new intermediate release, especially for the projects using coupled ocean-atmosphere configurations: svn co
Practical issue when upgrading to this release (namelists and xml) :
- Critical changes in namelist_ref:
- deleted variable: ln_drg
- renamed variables: ln_OFF -> ln_drg_OFF, rn_eice -> nn_eice
- Critical changes in namelist_ice_ref:
- renamed variables: rn_depfra -> rn_lf_depfra, rn_icebfr -> rn_lf_bfr, rn_lfrelax -> rn_lf_relax, rn_tensile -> rn_lf_tensile
- Critical changes in namelist_pisces_ref:
- renamed variables: mprat2 -> mpratd, xpref2p -> xpref2n
- Critical changes in field_def_nemo-oce.xml:
- added variables: socegrad, socegrad2, eken_int, relvor, absvor, potvor, salt2c
- Critical changes in field_def_nemo-ice.xml:
- added variables: icehlid, icevlid, beta_evp, uice_cvg, dmilam, icehlid_cat, iceaepnd_cat, tice_cvgerr, tice_cvgstp
- all changes in cfgs/SHARED/namelist_* and cfgs/SHARED/*xml files:
45 rn_himin = 0.1 ! minimum ice thickness (m) used in remapping 45 rn_himin = 0.1 ! minimum ice thickness (m) allowed 46 rn_himax = 99.0 ! maximum ice thickness (m) allowed … … 58 rn_ depfra= 0.125 ! fraction of ocean depth that ice must reach to initiate landfast59 rn_lf_depfra = 0.125 ! fraction of ocean depth that ice must reach to initiate landfast … … 60 rn_ icebfr = 15. ! maximum bottom stress per unit volume [N/m3]61 rn_lf relax= 1.e-5 ! relaxation time scale to reach static friction [s-1]62 rn_ tensile= 0.05 ! isotropic tensile strength [0-0.5??]61 rn_lf_bfr = 15. ! maximum bottom stress per unit volume [N/m3] 62 rn_lf_relax = 1.e-5 ! relaxation time scale to reach static friction [s-1] 63 rn_lf_tensile = 0.05 ! isotropic tensile strength [0-0.5??] … … 96 nn_nevp = 1 20 ! number of EVP subcycles97 nn_nevp = 100 ! number of EVP subcycles … … 98 ! advised value: 1/3 (rn_nevp=120) or 1/9 (rn_nevp=300) 99 ! advised value: 1/3 (nn_nevp=100) or 1/9 (nn_nevp=300) 100 nn_rhg_chkcvg = 0 ! check convergence of rheology 101 ! = 0 no check 102 ! = 1 check at the main time step (output xml: uice_cvg) 103 ! = 2 check at both main and rheology time steps (additional output: 104 ! this option 2 asks a lot of communications between cpu … … 111 rn_blow_s = 0.66 ! mesure of snow blowing into the leads 117 nn_snwfra = 2 ! calculate the fraction of ice covered by snow (for zdf and albedo) 118 ! = 0 fraction = 1 (if snow) or 0 (if no snow) 119 ! = 1 fraction = 1-exp(-0.2*rhos*hsnw) [MetO formulation] 120 ! = 2 fraction = hsnw / (hsnw+0.02) [CICE formulation] 121 rn_snwblow = 0.66 ! mesure of snow blowing into the leads … … 130 nn_qtrice = 1 ! Solar flux transmitted thru the surface scattering layer: 131 ! = 0 Grenfell and Maykut 1977 (depends on cloudiness and is 0 when there is snow) 132 ! = 1 Lebrun 2019 (equals 0.3 anytime with different melting/dry snw conductivities) … … 141 ! 142 ln_leadhfx = .true. ! heat in the leads is used to melt sea-ice before warming the ocean … … 153 rn_kappa_s = 10.0 ! nn_qtrice = 0: radiation attenuation coefficient in snow [1/m] 154 rn_kappa_smlt = 7.0 ! nn_qtrice = 1: radiation attenuation coefficient in melting snow [1/m] 155 rn_kappa_sdry = 10.0 ! radiation attenuation coefficient in dry snow [1/m] 156 ln_zdf_chkcvg = .false. ! check convergence of heat diffusion scheme (outputs: tice_cvgerr, tice_cvgstp) … … 177 ln_pnd = .false. ! activate melt ponds or not 178 ln_pnd_H12 = .false. ! activate evolutive melt ponds (from Holland et al 2012) 179 ln_pnd_CST = .false. ! activate constant melt ponds 196 ln_pnd = .true. ! activate melt ponds or not 197 ln_pnd_LEV = .true. ! level ice melt ponds (from Flocco et al 2007,2010 & Holland et al 2012) 198 rn_apnd_min = 0.15 ! minimum ice fraction that contributes to melt pond. range: 0.0 -- 0.15 ?? 199 rn_apnd_max = 0.85 ! maximum ice fraction that contributes to melt pond. range: 0.7 -- 0.85 ?? 200 ln_pnd_CST = .false. ! constant melt ponds … … 182 ln_pnd_alb = .false. ! melt ponds affect albedo or not 203 ln_pnd_lids = .true. ! frozen lids on top of the ponds (only for ln_pnd_LEV) 204 ln_pnd_alb = .true. ! effect of melt ponds on ice albedo … … 188 ln_iceini_file = .false. ! netcdf file provided for initialization (T) or not (F) 210 nn_iceini_file = 0 ! 0 = Initialise sea ice based on SSTs 211 ! 1 = Initialise sea ice from single category netcdf file 212 ! 2 = Initialise sea ice from multi category restart file … … 208 ! -- for ln_iceini_file = T 232 rn_hld_ini_n = 0.0 ! initial pond lid depth (m), North 233 rn_hld_ini_s = 0.0 ! " " South 234 ! -- for nn_iceini_file = 1 … … 245 sn_hld = 'NOT USED' , -12 ,'hld' , .false. , .true., 'yearly' , '' , '', '' -
283 sn_tdif = 'taudif_core' , 24 , 'taudif' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 283 sn_cc = 'NOT USED' , 24. , 'CC' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' 284 sn_tdif = 'taudif_core' , 24. , 'taudif' , .false. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' … … 292 ln_scale_ice_flux = .false. ! use ice fluxes that are already "ice weighted" ( i.e. multiplied ice concentration) … … 421 ln_rnf_icb = .false. ! read in iceberg flux from a file (fill sn_i_rnf if .true.) … … 432 sn_i_rnf = 'NOT_USED' , -1. , 'sorunoff', .true. , .true. , 'yearly' , '' , '' , '' … … 649 bn_hil = 'NOT USED' , 24. , 'sihlid' , .true. , .false., 'daily' , '' , '' , '' … … 656 rn_ice_hlid = 0.0 ! -- pond lid depth -- … … 664 !! namdrg_top top friction (ln_ OFF=F & ln_isfcav=T)665 !! namdrg_bot bottom friction (ln_ OFF=F)670 !! namdrg_top top friction (ln_drg_OFF=F & ln_isfcav=T) 671 !! namdrg_bot bottom friction (ln_drg_OFF=F) … … 673 ln_ OFF= .false. ! free-slip : Cd = 0 (F => fill namdrg_bot679 ln_drg_OFF = .false. ! free-slip : Cd = 0 (F => fill namdrg_bot … … 685 ln_drgice_imp = .false. ! implicit ice-ocean drag … … 681 &namdrg_top ! TOP friction (ln_ OFF =F & ln_isfcav=T)688 &namdrg_top ! TOP friction (ln_drg_OFF =F & ln_isfcav=T) … … 692 &namdrg_bot ! BOTTOM friction (ln_ OFF =F)699 &namdrg_bot ! BOTTOM friction (ln_drg_OFF =F) … … 1049 nn_mxl = 2! mixing length: = 0 bounded by the distance to surface and bottom1056 nn_mxl = 3 ! mixing length: = 0 bounded by the distance to surface and bottom … … 1061 nn_mxlice = 2 ! type of scaling under sea-ice 1062 ! = 0 no scaling under sea-ice 1063 ! = 1 scaling with constant sea-ice thickness 1064 ! = 2 scaling with mean sea-ice thickness ( only with SI3 sea-ice model ) 1065 ! = 3 scaling with maximum sea-ice thickness 1066 rn_mxlice = 10. ! max constant ice thickness value when scaling under sea-ice ( nn_mxlice=1) … … 1055 ln_drg = .false. ! top/bottom friction added as boundary condition of TKE… … 1066 rn_eice = 4 ! below sea ice: =0 ON ; =4 OFF when ice fraction > 1/4 1078 nn_eice = 1 ! attenutaion of langmuir & surface wave breaking under ice 1079 ! ! = 0 no impact of ice cover on langmuir & surface wave breaking 1080 ! ! = 1 weigthed by 1-TANH(10*fr_i) 1081 ! ! = 2 weighted by 1-fr_i 1082 ! ! = 3 weighted by 1-MIN(1,4*fr_i) … … 1095 rn_hsri = 0.03 ! Ice-ocean roughness … … 1099 nn_z0_ice = 1 ! attenutaion of surface wave breaking under ice 1100 ! ! = 0 no impact of ice cover 1101 ! ! = 1 roughness uses rn_hsri and is weigthed by 1-TANH(10*fr_i) 1102 ! ! = 2 roughness uses rn_hsri and is weighted by 1-fr_i 1103 ! ! = 3 roughness uses rn_hsri and is weighted by 1-MIN(1,4*fr_i) -
124 ln_trdmld_trc_restart = .false. ! restart for ML diagnostics 125 ln_trdmld_trc_instant = .true. ! flag to diagnose trends of instantantaneous or mean ML T/S 124 ln_trdmxl_trc_restart = .false. ! restart for ML diagnostics 125 ln_trdmxl_trc_instant = .true. ! flag to diagnose trends of instantantaneous or mean ML T/S 126 cn_trdrst_trc_in = 'restart_trd' ! suffix of pass. tracer trends restart name (input) 127 cn_trdrst_trc_out = 'restart_trd' ! suffix of pass. tracer trends restart name (output) -
51 <field id="icehlid" long_name="melt pond lid depth" standard_name="sea_ice_meltpondlid_depth" unit="m" /> 52 <field id="icevlid" long_name="melt pond lid volume" standard_name="sea_ice_meltpondlid_volume" unit="m" /> … … 85 <field id="beta_evp" long_name="Relaxation parameter of ice rheology (beta)" standard_name="relaxation_parameter_of_ice_rheology" unit="" /> … … 176 <!-- rheology convergence tests --> 177 <field id="uice_cvg" long_name="sea ice velocity convergence" standard_name="sea_ice_velocity_convergence" unit="m/s" /> 178 … … 217 <field id="dmilam" long_name="sea-ice mass change through lateral melting" standard_name="tendency_of_sea_ice_amount_due_to_lateral_melting" unit="kg/m2/s" /> … … 296 <field id="icehlid_cat" long_name="Ice melt pond lid thickness per category" unit="m" detect_missing_value="true" /> … … 298 <field id="iceaepnd_cat" long_name="Ice melt pond effective fraction per category" unit="" /> … … 310 <!-- heat diffusion convergence tests --> 311 <field id="tice_cvgerr" long_name="sea ice temperature convergence error" standard_name="sea_ice_temperature_convergence_err" unit="K" /> 312 <field id="tice_cvgstp" long_name="sea ice temperature convergence iterations" standard_name="sea_ice_temperature_convergence_stp" unit="" /> 313 … … 573 <field field_ref="dmilam" name="sidmassmeltlat" /> -
199 mprat 2= 0.01 ! Diatoms mortality rate199 mpratd = 0.01 ! Diatoms mortality rate … … 232 xpref2d = 1. ! zoo preference for phyto233 xpref2 p = 1. ! zoo preference for POC232 xpref2d = 1. ! zoo preference for Diatoms 233 xpref2n = 1. ! zoo preference for nanophyto … … 235 xpref2m = 0.2 ! meso preference forzoo236 xpref2c = 0.3 ! zoo preference for poc235 xpref2m = 0.2 ! zoo preference for mesozoo 236 xpref2c = 0.3 ! zoo preference for POC -
38 <!--- additions to diawri.F90 ---> 39 <field id="socegrad" long_name="module of salinity gradient" unit="psu/m" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> 40 <field id="socegrad2" long_name="square of module of salinity gradient" unit="psu2/m2" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> 41 <field id="eken_int" long_name="vertical integration of kinetic energy" unit="m3/s2" /> 42 <field id="relvor" long_name="relative vorticity" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> 43 <field id="absvor" long_name="absolute vorticity" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> 44 <field id="potvor" long_name="potential vorticity" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D"/> 45 <field id="salt2c" long_name="Salt content vertically integrated" unit="1e-3*kg/m2" /> … … 85 <field id="bn2" long_name="squared Brunt-Vaisala frequency" unit="s-1" grid_ref="grid_T_3D" />… … 544 <!-- EOS --> 545 <field id="bn2" long_name="squared Brunt-Vaisala frequency" unit="s-2" /> 546 … … 592 <!-- variables available with key_float-->602 <!-- variables available with ln_floats -->
2020 v4.0.2 (Feb 2020) minor release
- Bugfixes
2019 v4.0.1 (Oct. 2019) minor release
- Bugfixes for 4.0 major release, especially in the new sea ice SI3 component
- BDY: cleaning, bugfixes and major optimisations
- Up-to-date reference manuals for the three components (ocean dynamics, sea-ice and biogeochemistry)
More details in announcement here
2019 v4.0 (Jan. 2019)
- New sea-ice component SI3 (in place of LIMx)
- Improvements in physics
- Lateral melting
- Melt ponds: constant or Holland et al. 2012 formulation (and soon topographic melt ponds)
- Ice-atm. drags from Lupkes et al. 2012 (depending on ice concentration) or Lupkes et al. 2015 (depending on sea ice concentration and atm. stability)
- Landfast ice (Lemieux et al. 2016)
- Improvements in numerics
- Advection: Ultimate-Macho scheme
- Rheology: adaptive EVP (Kimmritz et al. 2017)
- Coupling interface: conductivity as surface forcing instead of heat fluxes (Met-Office requirement)
- Improvements in performance
- All thermodynamics in 1D
- Reduced mpp communications
- Users & developers friendly
- Comprehensive set of outputs (universal units and understandable names + includes cmip)
- New architecture and namelist
- All processes can be decoupled from each other (switch on/off)
- Ice categories bounds can be defined by the user or set automatically
- For open boundaries, the number of ice categories from the forcing model can be different from the number of categories in the regional simulation
- Fully compatible with AGRIF
- Revised documentation
- Improvements in physics
- AGRIF for embedded zooms:
- Now compatible with new sea ice component
- Now compatible with z* coordinate
- Extended ghost cells area to properly handle scheme with spatial order >2
- Added vertical refinement (beta)
- Nesting tools for setup now up to date and working
- Enhancements
- Fix for tracer conservation with split explicit free surface
- Bulk formulae : move to aerobulk package (Brodeau et al. 2016), i.e. NCAR, COARE and ECMWF bulk (remove Clio and MFS bulk)
- Wetting and drying
- Added tidal self attraction and loading either read from a file or from usual "scalar" approximation
- Add a 4th order centered (CEN) and Flux Corrected Transport (FCT) tracer advection (using a 4th compact in the vertical)
- iso-neutral mixing (iso and triad operators): add the Method of Stabilizing Correction (MSC) (more accurate calculation) + add a bilaplacian case
- Lateral physics (LDF): scale aware setting of eddy viscosity and diffusivity
- Vorticity: 2 new energy conserving scheme: ENT with Coriolis defined at T-point (better for Flux form) and EET a variant of EEN where e3t is used instead of e3f (solved the issue with e3f specification but is not enstrophy conserving)
- Test Cases
- The test cases are academic setups allowing to explore specific features. They can also be useful for schools and trainings.
- Test cases are avaiable from | NEMO Consortium github
- The first test cases available at release time are:
- CANAL: east-west periodic canal of variable size with several initial states and associated geostrophic currents (zonal jets or vortex)
- ICE_AGRIF : east-west + north-south periodic channel. The common configuration includes an AGRIF zoom (1:3) in the middle of the basin to test how an ice patch is advected through it but one can also test the advection schemes (Prather and Ultimate-Macho) by removing the key_agrif in the cpp keys.
- ISOMIP: simple box configuration with an ice shelf with simple geometry on top. The purpose of this test case is to evaluate the impact of various schemes and new development with iceshelf cavities. The exact original setup is described here.
- LOCK-EXCHANGE:classical fluid dynamics experiment that has been adapted by Haidvogel and Beckmann (1999) for testing advection schemes in ocean circulation models. It has been used by several authors including Burchard and Bolding (2002) and Ilıcak et al. (2012). The LOCK EXCHANGE experiment can in particular illustrate the impact of different choices of numerical schemes and/or subgrid closures on spurious interior mixing
- OVERFLOW: illustrates the impact of different choices of numerical schemes and/or subgrid closures on spurious interior mixing close to bottom topography. It is adapted from the non-rotating overflow configuration described in Haidvogel and Beckmann (1999) and further used by Ilıcak et al. (2012)
- VORTEX: illustrates the propagation of an anticyclonic eddy over a Beta plan and flat bottom. It is implemented here with an online refined subdomain (thanks to AGRIF library) out of which the vortex propagates. It serves as a benchmark to diagnose nesting errors as in Debreu et al. (2012), Penven et al. (2006) and Spall and Holland (1991)
- WAD: a set of simple closed basin geometries for testing the Wetting and drying capabilities. Examples range from a closed channel with EW linear bottom slope to a parabolic EW channel with a Gaussian ridge.
- New Reference configurations
- AGRIF_DEMO: 2 interlocked zooms (1:4 & 1:3) in the Nordic Seas + 1 zoom (1:1) at the equator
- SPITZ12: regional configuration around the Svalbard archipelago
- Wave coupling
- Coupled interface to external wave model
- Large scale wave interaction process added in momentum and tracer equations
- Passive tracer TOP and biogeochemical PISCES components
- The passive tracers transport component was redesigned toward a modular structure and users can enable each module directly through logical flags in namelist_top (no more fortran macros!).
- TOP on-line user documentation is available on NEMO Trac platform (TOP-UserQuickGuide)
- TOP currently accounts for the following 5 modules: CFC contains inorganic carbon tracers (CFC11/CFC12/SF6), MY_TRC is a template for new modules (or external couplings), AGE deals with water age tracking, C14 as a radiocarbon passive tracer, and the companion ecosystem model PISCES.
- A generalized infrastructure was developed to handle the prescription of either surface, coastal, or open boundaries conditions for each passive tracer.
- A new configuration, named ORCA2_OFF_TRC, was created to provide a benchmark simulation environment to deal with inert carbon tracers dynamics by exploiting the offline coupling with NEMO.
- PISCES model contains new developments and modifications:
- Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) component comes with a new liability scheme, while the former Kriest parametrisation was superseded;
- A complex iron chemistry scheme is now available, with an improved description of ligands for the marine iron cycle
- Carbonate chemistry is based on MOCSY 2.0 routines (see Orr and Epitalon, 2015), by complying also with CMIP6 standards.
- Ecosystem components can be optionally modelled by means of explicit nutrient quotas (PISCES-QUOTA)
- High Performance Computing: performances improvements
- Reduce number of MPI communications (suppression of redundant communications, gather multiple communications into one)
- Use of MPI-3 asynchronous routines for performance (use key_mpi2 if MPI-3 not available)
- Back to standard dynamical allocation (remove of wrk_alloc/dealloc statements)
- XIOS software for IOs version 2.5 as default, and optionally available for restarts
- Simplification and robustness
- Revised structure of namelist_ref/_cfg and default reference values.
- Lateral physics (LDF): simplification of user interface and removal of CPP keys
- Vertical physics (ZDF) (modularity, share shear production calculation between TKE and GKS, removal of all ZDF CPP keys, removal of avmu & avmv, minimization of MPP comm.: ~15 removed)
- Remove the split-explicit ZDF scheme for both TRA and DYN
- Remove the acceleration of convergence
- Generalised lbc_lnk and lbc_nfd
- Unify mppini
- Use non uniform jpi/jpj with dynamic allocation to avoid ghost rows/columns
- MPI Message passing re coded
- Configuration interface completely rewritten (DOM module mainly suppressed , and in place: file, or usr_def module)
- Collaborative Development Environment
- Access to information on NEMO wiki reorganised through portals for users/developers/System Team and complete refactoring of all wiki pages and their layout
- Reorganisation of svn repository to be compliant with usual directory tree and facilitate building of NEMO executable
- Define and install a separate repository for test cases to all easy contributions from the NEMO Users Community
- Forums created
- NEMO public web site has been cleaned and is now much nicer (using Wordpress rather than EzP)
- New mailing lists have been set up
- Improvements of reliability through automatic and regular testing of the changes made in repository
2015 v3.6 stable - CMIP6 (Jun. 2015)
Main new features
- Coupled interface for next IPCC requirements (multi category sea-ice, calving and iceberg module)
- Runoff improved and SBC with BGC
- Solar flux filtering at daily frequency to force BGC component
- Major evolution of LIM sea-ice model (including LIM3 in mono category, i.e. similar to LIM2)
- On line coarsening of ocean I/O
- Ocean and ice allowed to be explicitly coupled through OASIS, using StandAlone Surface module)
- First steps of wave coupling
- MPI optimisation
- XIOS new IO system
- Standard Fox Kemper parametrisation
- Atmospheric forcing at land-ocean interface
- Open boundaries: completion of BDY/OBC merge
- Solved 2 time stepping issues
- Faster split-explicit time stepping, Z-tilde ALE coordinates, implicit bottom friction
- First version of Configuration Manager
- Standalone OBS component and improvements in OBS & ASM
Features becoming obsolete
- LIM2 (replaced by LIM3 monocategory)
List of associated branches
- Online Biogeochemistry Coarsening: SVN branch | wiki page
2014 v3.6
Includes all the developments of 3_5 (especially the new XIOS IO system) , and new features:
- Open boundaries: completion of BDY/OBC merge
- Solved 2 time stepping issues
- Faster split-explicit time stepping, Z-tilde ALE coordinates, implicit bottom friction
- First version of Configuration Manager
- Major evolution of LIM sea-ice model (including towards LIM2/LIM3 merge)
- Standalone OBS component and improvements in OBS&ASM
- Coupled interface for next IPCC requirements (multi category sea-ice, calving and iceberg module)
- Runoff improved and SBC with BGC
- MPP assessment and optimisation
- Standard Fox Kemper parametrisation
- First steps of wave coupling
- On line coarsening of ocean I/O
- Solar flux filtering at daily frequency to force BGC component
- Atmospheric forcing at land-ocean interface
2012 v3.5
Brief overview of the v3_5_alpha majors improvements and developments
The new Input/Output server XIOS is a major evolution including a versatile xml interface, the dedicated processors for I/O functionality allowing improved scalability, and a large performance improvement on massively parallel platforms.
This option is now set as the default one. The previous IOIPSL code and interface are kept as backup options at this stage.
- Ocean/ice/biogeochemistry/atmosphere: revisit heat/salt(tracers)/mass fluxes ; new levitating & embedded sea-ice (for LIM & CICE)
- AGRIF is now sea-ice (LIM) compatible using a new AGRIF package shared with other GCMs
- Compilation with external biogeochemistry model
- Improved CICE-NEMO interface
- ICB module (Bigg et al 1997, Martin and Adcroft 2010): icebergs as lagrangian floats (~200,000!) allowing improved fresh water input especially in the Southern ocean
- SAS: Stand Alone Surface module allowing testing of forcing set with bulk formulae, to run sea-ice models without ocean, to run ICB icebergs module alone, and to test AGRIF with sea-ice
- Biogeochemical component NEMO-TOP: PISCES will now include the LOBSTER functionalities, becoming more general and allowing a simplification and reduction of code size
- Open boundaries module: merging the two existing options (OBC and BDY) has made some important progress (end of the work expected for 2013)
- Wave-NEMO interface module has been further developed with the introduction of the reading of the 2D stoke drift and wave number and the on-line computation of the 3D stoke drift current.
- A new vertical sigma coordinate stretching function (Siddorn and Furner OM 2012r)
- Smagorinsky eddy coefficients: Smagorinsky type diffusivity/viscosity for lateral mixing has been introduced
- Analytical tropical cyclones taken in account using track and magnitude observations (Vincent et al. JGR 2012a,b)
- MUSCL: an option for local up-stream advection schemes which are useful in case of rivers, straits and in proximity of open lateral boundary conditions. The possibility to switch from MUSCL to a standard up-stream scheme has been included in the MUSCL advection routine
- NEMO-OBS: observation operators. Add a model equivalent of SST at night
- Log layer for bottom friction is now added (sigma coordinates only)
- Evolution of SETTE validation tool
2011 v3.4 (Feb. 2012)
This is a major release and the documentation has been updated in consequence.
Major improvements
New physics and numerics
- New pressure gradient suitable for s-coordinate
- Completion of Griffies iso-neutral diffusion
- Back to a semi-implicit bottom friction
- Add Pacanowski-Philander scheme for computation of Ekman depth
- Add a new bulk formulae (so called MFS)
- Introduce a drag coefficient compute by wave model
- Add tidal potential forcing
- Netpune effect parametrization
- Point to point MPI communication for north fold
- Allow sub timestepping for biogeochemistry models when using non-linear free surfac
- Improvement in PISCES (light limitation ; quota model for iron ; use Pa in gas exchange ; fldread for all data ; calcite dissolution & calcon salinity dependence )
Configurations, diagnostics and tools
- Suppression of POMME configuration
- Addition of a regional configuration AMM12
- Improvement of format for lagrangian floats
- Online computing of transport across sections
- Tidal harmonic analysis
- Tools to prepare input files for observation operator
- Timing functionality
System simplification
- Simplification of dynamic allocation
- End of merge TRA/TRA (no more separate 3d arrays for tracers, only 4d)
- Suppression of obsolete hpg options
- More flexible definition of BDY input data
- simplification of interfaces toward biogeochemical models
- Interface with CICE in coupled mode
- Use of fldread to read/interpolate data for passive tracers and dynamical input data for OFFLINE configurations
2010 v3.3
- Introduction of a modified leapfrog-Asselin filter time stepping scheme [Leclair and Madec 2009] ;
- Additional scheme for iso-neutral mixing [Griffies et al. 1998], although it is still a ”work in progress” ;
- Rewriting of the bottom boundary layer scheme, following Campin and Goosse [1999] ;
- Addition of a Generic Length Scale vertical mixing scheme, following Um- lauf and Burchard [2003] ;
- Addition of the atmospheric pressure as an external forcing on both ocean and sea-ice dynamics ;
- Addition of a diurnal cycle on solar radiation [Bernie et al. 2007] ; river runoffs added through a non-zero depth, and having its own temperature and salinity ;
- CORE II normal year forcing set as the default forcing of ORCA2-LIM configuration ;
- Generalisation of the use of fldread.F90 for all input fields (ocean climatology, sea-ice damping...) ;
- Addition of an on-line observation and model comparison (thanks to NEMOVAR project) ;
- Optional application of an assimilation increment (thanks to NEMOVAR project) ;
- Coupling interface adjusted for WRF atmospheric model ;
- C-grid ice rheology now available for both LIM-2 and LIM-3[Bouillon et al. 2009] ;
- LIM-3 ice-ocean momentum coupling applied to LIM-2 ;
- Deep re-writting and simplification of the off-line tracer component (OFF SRC) ;
- Merge of passive and active advection and diffusion modules ;
- Use of the Flexible Configuration Manager (FCM) to build configurations, generate the Makefile and produce the executable ;
- Linear-tangent and Adjoint component (TAM) added, phased with v3.0
In addition, several minor modifications in the coding have been introduced with the constant concern of improving the model performance.
2009 v3.2
This release has been mainly designed for climate models, with enhanced coupling interface and implementation of AR5 diagnostics.
New science
- Tidal mixing parametrization (bottom intensification) + Indonesian specific tidal mixing
- RGB light penetration and optional use of ocean color
- VVL option has been restored, including revisit free-surface time-splitting algorithm to reach stability and satisfying result, available for all type of coordinates (z, zps, s)
- TKE change in the surface boundary condition, especially in coupled mode (mean stress module send by the atmosphere)
New High Performance Computing
- Way to handle outputs has been improved
- Implementation of IOM for output with the following functionalities : allows to output at few frequencies during same simulation, e.g both monthly and daily; output vectors/scalars is also available (for a strait transport calculation or for a vertical profile associated to buoys location for instance), and make easier the way to add an output everywhere in the code
- Suppression of rigid-lid option and no more island specific treatment
- Cleaning of lib_mpp
- SHMEM option has been removed
- North fold treatment is now done once for all in a new routine lbcnfd.F90 instead of being duplicated
- Suppression of redundant east-west communication phase (ORCA grid case)
2008 v3.1
New science
- Open Boundaries BDY package as unstructured boundaries, and OBC package entirely cleaned and documented,
- New TKE physics
- New sea-ice NEMO-LIM 3.0 (key_lim3) component including: ice-thickness categories, EVP rheology on C-Grid, ice salinity variations interfaced with the new surface module
New High Performance Computing
- New surface module in NEMO-OPA
- Namelists entire re-organisation, improve readability and coherence
- Improvement of IOManager now able to handle long simulations and so to manage successive input files from one year to an other
- Improvements of AGRIF performance and users interface
- Improved vectorial performances (~5%) of the rheology module in LIM 2.0
- TOP reorganisation with one directory by model Fully written in Fortran 90, include all SMS models ( PISCES, LOBSTER, CFC ...) and interface for users development through the MY_TRC directory)
- Update IOM modules for OFFLINE tracers
- Interpolation On the Fly
- Passive tracers used with AGRIF package
2007 v2.3
New science
- Implement non linear free surface (variable volume)
- Implement Kriest parametrization in NEMO-TOP
- Implement AGRIF 2 ways nesting for passive tracers
- Implement quickest scheme for tracers
New High Performance Computing
2005-2006 v2.0
New science
- Add the 1D configuration option
- KPP turbulent closure scheme implementation
- Implement CFC tracers and p4z
- Add new surface pressure gradient algorithms and its interface to Open Boundary Conditions module
- First implementation of AGRIF 2 ways nesting tool
- Implement overturning computation for main basins
- Implement ice damping in buffer zones
- Implement 1D on-line & off-line passive tracers
- Implement new tracers advection scheme UBS
- Implement computation of mean trends in the mixed layer taking into account the asselin time filter
New High Performance Computing
- Implementation of a hierarchy of debugging levels
- Rewriting of NEMO-TOP biogeochemistry component
- Remove some of the bio models (p3zd,npzd, hamocc3, age, gosac)
- Switch to IOIPSL-3-0 new input output library
- Switch rigid lid to option rather than default
- Re-organization of coordinate definition, scale factors are now 3d by default, include file for partial steps has been removed
- Implement IO Manager module
- Enables bit comparison between single and multiple processor runs
- Implement OASIS3 and OASIS4 interfaces to buid coupled ocean-atmosphere configurations