New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges (diff) – NEMO

Changes between Version 37 and Version 38 of Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges

2017-05-18T12:49:17+02:00 (8 years ago)



  • Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges

    v37 v38  
    2828The yearly workplan is discussed within System Team, submitted to Developer's Committee, and approved by Steering Committee. It must include, for each development action, its motivation, status, main tasks so as a PI name, and a previewer (which will also be the reviewer) name. If needed, previewer can be divided into a "Science Previewer" and a "System Previewer". The name of Previewer should be added only once he did accept the task, and before submission of workplan to Developer's Committee.[[BR]] 
    30 == Detailed description of implementation plan and Preview step == 
     30== Detailed description of implementation plan and Preview step 
    3132Once the workplan has been approved, the code development is planned. The PI should create: 
    33 * 2 '''associated wiki pages''' to be created. Please follow carefully the following indications: 
    34   * For editing, activate the "side to side" button on top right of the page to facilitate this first edit and '''do not switch to 'wyziwig' view mode''' (it blows up the format and automatic completion in the page) 
    35   * '''Create summary page in `wiki/${YEAR}WP/${WORKING_GROUP|INSTITUTE}-${ACTION_NUMBER}_${PI}/Summary` using this [wiki:PageTemplates/WorkPlanAction/Summary template]''' 
    36   * '''Create review page in `wiki/${YEAR}WP/${WORKING_GROUP|INSTITUTE}-${ACTION_NUMBER}_${PI}` using this [wiki:PageTemplates/WorkPlanAction template]''' 
     34* '''Associated wiki page''' for explanation. Please follow carefully the following indications: 
     35  * '''Create review page from the root page of the yearly workplan `wiki/${YEAR}WP`''' 
    3736  * Once this last page is created, you do not need to edit it like a typical wiki page to complete the requested fields: just complete the fields in the writeable areas and click on "Submit" button at the end of the section to save your additions 
    38   * Editing the page is only needed if your want to add some fields in the page, you can customize the page while editing outside the !TracForm container 
     37  * Editing the page is only needed if your want to add some fields in the page. Activate the "side to side" button on top right of the page to facilitate this first edit and '''do not switch to 'wyziwig' view mode''' (it blows up the format and automatic completion in the page). You can customize the page while editing outside the !TracForm container 
    3938    {{{ 
    4039       Yes 
    5352This page will permit to follow the ongoing work through different  steps and will go with: 
    54 * A '''linked !ticket''' to gather the group discussion. The following fields have to be set in a appropriate way: 
     54* A '''linked ticket''' to gather the group discussion. The following fields have to be set in a appropriate way: 
    5555  * ''''Cc': (P)Reviewer(s) and possible follower(s) should be added for further email notification.''' 
    5656  * 'Component': the area the change is being targeted for. 
    5858  * 'Owner': the code developer 
    60 The other fields in the !ticket (e.g. 'Priority', 'Milestone', 'Keywords') should also be set appropriately. 
     60  The other fields in the !ticket (e.g. 'Priority', 'Milestone', 'Keywords') should also be set appropriately. 
    6262Once the wiki page is completed by PI (detailed implementation plan), the PI will submit it to Previewer. The Previewer will discuss with PI to reach full agreement on detailed implementation plan (in a maximum of 2 weeks starting when PI submits wiki page to Previewer).[[BR]]The PI is responsible to give all requested details.[[BR]]The Previewer is responsible to check with all experts that implementation plan is indeed correct and compatible with the other developments going on in parallel during the year.  Objective is to avoid the need for a full rewriting at the end (which did happen sometimes previously)