New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges (diff) – NEMO

Changes between Version 39 and Version 40 of Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges

2017-09-21T17:23:44+02:00 (7 years ago)



  • Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges

    v39 v40  
    77== History 
    9 Until end of 2015,  the PI if a given development action was expected to develop the code and its documentation in a development branch, to go through the different validation steps, and to submit it at the end to a reviewer, the positive answer of the review being a prerequisite for a merge into the NEMO reference. [[BR]]Since Merge Party meeting end of 2015, the process has been changed to a more efficient and reliable process, in order to avoid disagreement and a lock at the review step. The sequence described below is presently to be followed for each development of the NEMO System Team's workplan. 
     9Until end of 2015, the PI if a given development action was expected to develop the code and its documentation in a development branch, to go through the different validation steps, and to submit it at the end to a reviewer, the positive answer of the review being a prerequisite for a merge into the NEMO reference. \\ 
     10Since Merge Party meeting end of 2015, the process has been changed to a more efficient and reliable process, in order to avoid disagreement and a lock at the review step. The sequence described below is presently to be followed for each development of the NEMO System Team's workplan. 
    11 A brief overview of the process is given below: 
     12A brief overview of the process is given below. 
    1416digraph { 
    15    subgraph { 
    16       rankdir = "LR" 
    17       node [ scale = 1 ] 
    18       role1[ shape = plaintext, label = "Principal Investigator", fontsize = 8] 
    19       role2[ shape = plaintext, label = "Previewer"             , fontsize = 8] 
    20       role3[ shape = plaintext, label = "Reviewer"              , fontsize = 8] 
    21       ellipse1[ label = "", color = grey  ] 
    22       ellipse2[ label = "", color = blue  ] 
    23       ellipse3[ label = "", color = green ] 
    24       ellipse1->role1->ellipse2->role2->ellipse3->role3 [ color = white ] 
    25    } 
    26    rankdir = "LR" 
    27    "Development\nPlan"      [ color = grey  ] 
    28    Preview                  [ color = blue  ] 
    29    "Coding &\nValidation"   [ color = grey  ] 
    30    Review                   [ color = green ] 
    31    "Workplan\nannouncement"->"Development\nPlan"->Preview->"Coding &\nValidation"->Review->Merge 
     17label = "Yearly Development Process" 
     18rankdir = LR 
     20Workplan [ shape = egg      , label = "Workplan"   ] 
     21actA     [                    label = "Action A"   ] 
     22actB     [                    label = "Action B"   ] 
     23act      [ shape = plaintext, label = "..."        ] 
     24actx     [                    label = "Action ..." ] 
     25Plan  [ shape = box    , color = grey , label = "Development\nPlan"                ] 
     26Pre   [ shape = hexagon, color = blue , label = Preview                            ] 
     27Work  [ shape = box    , color = grey , label = "Coding &\nValidation"             ] 
     28Rev   [ shape = hexagon, color = green, label = Review                             ] 
     29Merge [ shape = tripleoctagon         , label = "Integration to\nNEMO main branch" ] 
     31Workplan -> actA; Workplan -> actB; Workplan -> act; Workplan -> actx 
     32actA -> Plan [ style = dotted ] 
     33actB -> Plan [ style = dotted ] 
     34act  -> Plan [ style = dotted ] 
     35actx -> Plan [ style = dotted ] 
     36Plan -> Pre -> Work -> Rev -> Merge 
     38subgraph Workflow { Plan; Pre; Work; Rev; Merge; label = "Action Workflow" } 
     39/*subgraph legend { 
     40   label = "Legend" 
     41   role[  shape = plaintext, label = "System Team"           , fontsize = 8 ] 
     42   role1[ shape = plaintext, label = "Principal Investigator", fontsize = 8 ] 
     43   role2[ shape = plaintext, label = "Previewer"             , fontsize = 8 ] 
     44   role3[ shape = plaintext, label = "Reviewer"              , fontsize = 8 ] 
     45   circle[  shape = circle, label = ""                ] 
     46   circle1[ shape = circle, label = "", color = grey  ] 
     47   circle2[ shape = circle, label = "", color = blue  ] 
     48   circle3[ shape = circle, label = "", color = green ] 
     49   circle->role [ nodesep = small ] 
     50   circle1->role1->circle2->role2->circle3->role3 
     51   }*/ 