# Create your development branch locally
#+ Here it is assumed that you have set up the recommended development environment
$ svn copy trunk[@${rev}] branches/${year}/dev_r${rev}_${}
#+ If not, create the dev branch directly in the repository then download it
# $ svn copy svn+ssh://${ID}@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ipsl/forge/projets/nemo/svn/NEMO/trunk \
# svn+ssh://${ID}@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ipsl/forge/projets/nemo/svn/NEMO/branches/$year/dev_r${REV}_${}
# $ svn checkout svn+ssh://${ID}@forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/ipsl/forge/projets/nemo/svn/NEMO/branches/$year/dev_r${REV}_${}
# If needed, edit the external references for your branch (${SVN_EDITOR} env. variable must be set)
$ svn propedit svn:externals ${path_branch}
# Create a new NEMO routine by copying the template in ./src/OCE/module_example
$ svn copy src/OCE/module_example src/${path}/${routine_name}.{f90,F90,h90}
# Available extensions
# .f90: Fortran 90 routine without preprocessing (no C directives)
# .F90: Fortran 90 " with " (existing C directives)
# .h90: Fortran 90 file for embedded inclusions
# At your convenience, push your changes to the repository (externals are versioned SVN properties)
$ svn commit [-m 'one-liner log message'] ${path_branch}
# Download sette tool to validate your changes to the NEMO reference
$ svn checkout http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/svn/utils/CI/sette ${path_branch}
# Get documentation figures for building NEMO manual (not mandatory)
$ svn checkout http://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/nemo/svn/utils/figures ${path_branch}/doc/latex/figures