New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Developers/Validation/r4.0_light – NEMO

Version 4 (modified by smasson, 5 years ago) (diff)


See release-4.0-HEAD log:

See r4.0-HEAD log:

X64_JEANZAY smasson

release-4.0-HEAD@ sette change comment
[12375] ok for cfgs ? tests not working. I don't know why
[12375:12564] ok for cfgs no tests not working. I don't know why
[12578] ok no same cfgs as [12564]
[12578:12735] ok no
[12737] no no when test ok WAGRIF_DEMO_ST and WVORTEX_ST reproducibility FAILED
[12791] no, same pb as [12737] yes WAMM12_ST is DIFFERENT because of #2449
[12792] no, same pb as [12737] no
[12837] no, same pb as [12737] yes tracer in WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST and WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST are DIFFERENT
[12841] compiling error in ORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST
[12850] no, same pb as [12737] no same results as [12837]
[12857] yes no AMM12 ok, same as [12791], WORCA2_ICE_PISCES_ST and WORCA2_OFF_PISCES_ST ok, same as [12837], others ok, same results as [12578],