New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Developers/Validation/trunk_4.2RC – NEMO

Version 24 (modified by francesca, 3 years ago) (diff)


trunk_4.2RC validation page

See trunk log:

trunk@ machine xios nn_hls nn_comm ln_nogather ln_tiles key_loop_fusion ln_icebergs tests results
[15130] X64_IRENE attached 1 1 .false. .false. .true. WED025, ISOMIP+: restartability and reproducibility FAILED
[15130] X64_IRENE_DEBUG attached 1 1 .false. .false. .true. ORCA2_OFF_PISCES, AMM12, ICE_AGRIF, SWG : incomplete test
[15130] X64_IRENE_DEBUG no 1 1 .false. .false. .true. ORCA2_OFF_PISCES, OVERFLOW, SWG : incomplete test
[15130] X64_KARA_GCC_OMPI_DEBUG attached 1 1 .false. .false. .false. AGRIF_DEMO : restart & repro ok
[15130] X64_KARA_GCC_OMPI_DEBUG attached 2 1 .true. .true. .false. AGRIF_DEMO : restart & repro ok
[15130] X64_KARA_GCC_OMPI_DEBUG attached 2 2 .true. .true. .false. AGRIF_DEMO : incomplete test (try to access null size arrays over land only subdomains)
[15130] X64_KARA_GCC_OMPI attached 2 2 .true. .true. .false. AGRIF_DEMO : restart & repro ok
[15141] X64_IRENE_DEBUG no 1 1 .false. .false. .true. all sette tests are ok
[15141] X64_IRENE_DEBUG no 2 1 .false. .false. .true. GYRE_PISCES, AMM12, ISOMIP+, SWG: incomplete test. other tests are OK
[15143] X64_IRENE attached 1 1 .false. .false. .true. all sette tests are ok
[15150] X64_IRENE attached 1 1 .false. .false. .true. all sette tests are ok and are the same as [15143]
[15150] X64_IRENE attached 2 1 .false. .false. .true. repro fails for ORCA2_ICE_PISCES (after 34 time steps) and ORCA2_ICE_OBS (after 23 time steps). Results differ from nn_hls =1 for AGRIF (only ORCA2), ORCA2_ICE_OBS, ORCA2_ICE_PISCE, ORCA2_SAS_ICE and OVERFLOW
[15150] X64_IRENE_DEBUG no 1 1 .false. .false. .true. all sette tests are ok
[15150] X64_IRENE_DEBUG no 2 1 .false. .false. .true. all sette tests are ok, except SWG. same results as for nn_hls = 1 except for SWG and OVERFLOW
[15160] X64_METO_IFORT detached 2 1 .true. .true. .true. .true. ORCA2_ICE_PISCES: tracer.stat restart fail, run.stat/tracer.stat repro fail
ORCA2_ICE_OBS: repro fail
[15160] X64_METO_IFORT detached 1 1 .true. .false. .false. .true. All OK
[15182] X64_METO_IFORT detached 2 1 .false. .true. .true. .true. All OK
[15182] X64_METO_IFORT detached 1 1 .false. .false. .false. .true. All OK
[15199] XC40_METO_IFORT detached 1 1 .true. .false. .false. .true. All OK (reporter AY)
[15199] XC40_METO_IFORT detached 2 1 .true. .true. .true. .true. ORCA2_ICE_PISCES: run.stat/tracer.stat repro fail (46/44 timesteps)
ORCA2_ICE_OBS: repro fail (23 timesteps) (reporter AY)
[15249] X64_METO_IFORT detached 2 1 .false. .true. .true. .true. All OK
[15249] X64_METO_IFORT detached 1 1 .false. .false. .false. .true. All OK
[15249] X64_METO_IFORT_debug detached 2 1 .false. .true. .true. .true. ICE_AGRIF fails, but ok if XIOS compiled with -O1 (see #2682)
[15249] X64_METO_IFORT_debug detached 1 1 .false. .false. .false. .true. ICE_AGRIF fails, but ok if XIOS compiled with -O1 (see #2682)
[15263] X64_METO_IFORT detached 2 1 .false./.true. .true. .true. .false./.true. All OK
[15263] X64_METO_IFORT detached 2 1 .false./.true. .false. .false. .false./.true. All OK
[15263] X64_METO_IFORT detached 1 1 .false./.true. .false. .false. .false./.true. All OK
[15263] X64_METO_IFORT_debug detached 2 1 .false./.true. .true. .true. .false./.true. ICE_AGRIF fails, but ok if XIOS compiled with -O1 (see #2682)
[15263] X64_METO_IFORT_debug detached 2 1 .false./.true. .false. .false. .false./.true. ICE_AGRIF fails, but ok if XIOS compiled with -O1 (see #2682)
[15263] X64_METO_IFORT_debug detached 1 1 .false./.true. .false. .false. .false./.true. ICE_AGRIF fails, but ok if XIOS compiled with -O1 (see #2682)
[15270] X64_ZEUS attached 1 1 .false./.true. .false. .false. .true. All OK
[15270] X64_ZEUS attached 2 1 .false./.true. .false. .false. .true. All OK

Résults at end of mid year merge just before announcement of 4.2RC:

For clarity, a complete report for 15130:

./ -e -F -t -g 1 -v HALO1 X86_ARCHER2-Cray
GYRE_PISCES run.stat restartability passed : 15130
GYRE_PISCES tracer.stat restartability passed : 15130
ORCA2_ICE_PISCES run.stat restartability passed : 15130
ORCA2_ICE_PISCES tracer.stat restartability passed : 15130
ORCA2_OFF_PISCES tracer.stat restartability passed : 15130
AMM12 run.stat restartability passed : 15130
ORCA2_SAS_ICE run.stat restartability passed : 15130
AGRIF_DEMO run.stat restartability passed : 15130
AGRIF_DEMO tracer.stat restartability passed : 15130
WED025 run.stat restartability FAILED : 15130 (results are different after 385 time steps)
ISOMIP+ run.stat restartability FAILED : 15130 (results are different after 649 time steps)
OVERFLOW run.stat restartability passed : 15130
LOCK_EXCHANGE run.stat restartability passed : 15130
VORTEX run.stat restartability passed : 15130
ICE_AGRIF run.stat restartability passed : 15130
SWG run.stat restartability passed : 15130
GYRE_PISCES run.stat reproducibility passed : 15130
GYRE_PISCES tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 15130
ORCA2_ICE_PISCES run.stat reproducibility passed : 15130
ORCA2_ICE_PISCES tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 15130
ORCA2_OFF_PISCES tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 15130
AMM12 run.stat reproducibility passed : 15130
ORCA2_SAS_ICE run.stat reproducibility passed : 15130
ORCA2_ICE_OBS run.stat reproducibility passed : 15130
AGRIF_DEMO run.stat reproducibility passed : 15130
AGRIF_DEMO tracer.stat reproducibility passed : 15130
WED025 run.stat reproducibility FAILED : 15130 (results are different after 18 time steps)
ISOMIP+ run.stat reproducibility FAILED : 15130 (results are different after 553 time steps)
VORTEX run.stat reproducibility passed : 15130
ICE_AGRIF run.stat reproducibility passed : 15130
SWG run.stat reproducibility passed : 15130
!----agrif check----!
ORCA2 AGRIF vs ORCA2 NOAGRIF run.stat unchanged - passed : 15130 15130