New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Developers/WorkingOnTickets – NEMO

Working on tickets

Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?


The ticketing system for NEMO is quite active with about 160 ticket opened per year (reporting of last 12 months).

It is quite important to keep the ticketing system up to date, and thus to work on closing the tickets (with or without an associated commit) in an acceptable delay. This implies that all NEMO ST members and hopefully other developers (see list of involved developers/contributors) contribute to this work on a regular basis. This page describes the associated workflow and the responsibilities of each expert in these tasks.

Role and tasks of experts

Ticket workflow

Following the list of tickets

The list of open tickets needing some additional work is available here (where "Development branch" and "task" types have been excluded).

Each relevant ticket should be assigned to an expert, meaning that only actually new tickets should appear with "new" status, whereas all others should appear as "assigned".

Each expert is requested to check regularly the list of open tickets in order to:

  • accept some assignments which are relevant to his expertise or good will
  • propose assignments for newly created tickets, see list of experts below

In fact, to have an up-to-date ticketing system, there should be nearly no tickets under "new" status, and each expert should have a few (more than one...) tickets assigned to him/her.

Accept some assignments

Accepting assignments is indeed important in order to share a clear view on the list of tickets remaining to be taken in account.

Solve the issue(s)

Each expert should aim at closing tickets: List of the tickets assigned to you

Once an expert has accepted the assignment, the following items should be completed:

  • In the ticket, describe the chosen answer(s)
  • If some changes or fixes are to be committed in the NEMO reference, those should be tested before commit, including full SETTE tests in debug mode
  • In the comments of commit, do not forget the associated ticket number
  • Check where commits are relevant (maybe at least 2 places: in the shared users version (3_6_STABLE for now) and in the trunk (version under development)
  • When tasks are completed, close the ticket

Current list of developers/contributors

System Team
(@dev group)

(@contrib group)

Error: Failed to load processor SQLTable
No macro or processor named 'SQLTable' found
Error: Failed to load processor SQLTable
No macro or processor named 'SQLTable' found
Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on 2019-03-07T20:21:59+01:00