New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Developers – NEMO

Version 47 (modified by nicolasmartin, 7 years ago) (diff)


Welcome to the NEMO development area

You should find here everything regarding the development and the support of the NEMO reference.


Become a NEMO developer

First and foremost, if you don't already have a user account then you have to create it.

For NEMO consortium members

If you have a user account or had a developer account before,
see with your local NEMO Officer.

Error: Failed to load processor SQLTable
No macro or processor named 'SQLTable' found
Error: Failed to load processor SQLTable
No macro or processor named 'SQLTable' found

For external users

Submit your contribution to the NEMO System Team by
creating a ticket where you will present your proposal.
If your changes are quite modest (one or few routines involved),
you can simply attached in the ticket the output of
any third-party diff tool for easy patching with svn patch

Keep in mind that, despite the help we can offer, a certain amount of
work from you will be need to implement
your developments into the source code

Recommended development installation

After the global reorganisation of the repository, it is now advisable to entirely download the new default development organisation in your local computing architecture:

  • NEMO/trunk: the main development branch
  • NEMO/branches
    • NEMO/branches/YYYY: yearly development branches intended to be merged into trunk by the end of the year
    • NEMO/branches/{NERC,UKMO}: restricted to British operational activities
  • NEMO/releases: all official NEMO releases, only the last one is maintained

Follow the steps below to install

svn co [...]
cd [...]
svn sw --relocate svn+ssh://'ID' # Change from user to developer if you have 
svn co                                            # Sette tool to validate your changes to the NEMO reference
svn co  ./doc/figures                              # Doc figures for building NEMO manual

The first checkout will be a bit longer than usual but the SVN commands will be much simpler: the branching operations will be done locally and pushed later to the repository instead of committing directly to the repository with former complex svn+ssh syntax.
See SVN basics? for more.

New build of the working copy

To facilitate the development work by simplifying the management and the sharing of the code in the repository, while ensuring the consistency of the working copies, we have introduced the SVN externals definitions in the building of the working copies.
We have identified the core code and the complementary codes of NEMO, the latter which are developing less rapidly have been extracted from the default development organisation of the repository (branches / releases / trunk) to different locations of the repository.

From now on, a working copy of the NEMO reference (WC) is the summation of few checkouts from different sources defined by the svn:externals properties of the working copy. To be conservative, all externals definitions are fixed by default (Color('@REV', #BB4444)?).
Here is an example which is not supposed to be up to date with the current external codes.

# Relative URL                 Path in WC   Content
^/utils/build/arch'[@REV]'     arch         # FCM settings files for computing architectures
^/utils/build/makenemo'[@REV]' makenemo     # Main script for building a NEMO configuration
^/utils/build/mk'[@REV]'       mk           # Sub-scripts and FCM inputs for compiling
^/utils/tools'[@REV]'          tools        # User tools
^/vendors/AGRIF/dev'[@REV]'    ext/AGRIF    # Dependency for nesting
^/vendors/FCM'[@REV]'          ext/FCM      #     ""     for source code compilation
^/vendors/IOIPSL'[@REV]'       ext/IOIPSL   #     ""     for IO management
# '^' for repository root

If you have to modify these properties to get external modifications, you can learn how to update your working copy in Developers/SVNHowTo?.

Development activities

Document your developments before coding by following the procedure described at Developers/DevelopingCodeChanges



