New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
DevelopersCommittee/Agenda/2017-06-27 – NEMO

Version 5 (modified by clevy, 8 years ago) (diff)


Developer's Committee meeting Tuesday 27 June 2017

Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?

Proposed agenda

After the sucessful meeting of « Enlarged Developer’s Committee » in Barcelona in April, this message to propose an agenda and find a date for the next videoconference meeting of Developer’s Committee in June.

The expected participants to this meeting are the members of Developer’s Committee, including the leader of each NEMO Working Group, and the NEMO System Team members as permanent invitees. For this meeting, all members of Writing Group of NEMO Development Strategy update will also be invited (see below) Taking in account the discussions in Barcelona, please find below a preliminary agenda (for which all suggestions welcome):

Meeting will start at 10:00 am Paris time

1) NEMO System Team brief report on the status of 2017 workplan actions at this date

2) Exchange of information on the existing Working Groups (AGRIF, Configuration Manager, Robustness and Test Cases, HPC, data assimilation and interface, parametrisation of mesoscale eddies, sea-ice)

For each Working Group, its leader to briefly present :

  • one slide on the work done during the past 6 months
  • one slide on the open issues, i.e. the list of questions to be answered before end of 2017
  • one slide on the perspectives for 2018

3) Discussion on the draft of NEMO Development Strategy version 2 (to be sent to Committee beginning of June 2017)

Is the document fulfilling the goal: design NEMO development for the next 5 years? What could be improved in the draft?

END of first half day

4) Preparing 2018 and mid-term

4-a) Evolutions of Working Groups Developer’s Committee to elaborate proposal for each Working Group by the end of 2017. Important reminder: the best possible results for a Working Group is to come to an end, meaning that all the open issues have been solved. If relevant, list of new Working Groups to be created, and selection of their members

4-b) First ideas on 2018 Workplan (presented by System Team), and discussion

5) Review of the role of Developer’s Committee

What is working? What could be improved, especially regarding the link between scientific projects going on and NEMO development workplan?

END of the meeting

Videoconference connection information

Please use a videconferencing system if possible. Do not connect by phone. If connecting using a laptop, you need to use headphones to avoid echoing problems.

NEMO Dev Com am

To join the conference from your system:

Connection to the conference
Connection from a single terminal (PC, Mac, Tablet, Smartphone ...):***1221&autojoin
Installation guide of Scopia Desktop	doc_scopia_desktop-fr.pdf
GDS	+33 (0)1 85 58 86 07 728081
SIP	sip:728081@
Conference number	728081 (end by #)
Access code	1221 (end by #)
Title	NEMO DevCom am
Begin	27/06/2017 09:30 Europe/Paris
Duration	05:00
Number of estimated connections	20

A test room is available to validate the configuration and the equipment compatibility.
room 9999
PIN 0000
How to connect:

NEMO Dev Com pm

To join the conference from your system:

Connection to the conference
Connection from a single terminal (PC, Mac, Tablet, Smartphone ...):***9928&autojoin
Installation guide of Scopia Desktop	doc_scopia_desktop-fr.pdf
GDS	+33 (0)1 85 58 86 07 723352
SIP	sip:723352@
Conference number	723352 (end by #)
Access code	9928 (end by #)
Title	NEMO DevCom pm
Begin	27/06/2017 13:00 Europe/Paris
Duration	06:00
Number of estimated connections	20

A test room is available to validate the configuration and the equipment compatibility.
room 9999
PIN 0000
How to connect:

List of participants

Please try to join in one place if connecting from the same city

Name Role Connecting from
Claire Lévy Project manager Paris LOCEAN 4ème étage
Joanna StanevaExternal expert Hamburg

Attachments (15)