Version 30 (modified by acc, 7 years ago) (diff) |
Developer's Committee meeting Tuesday 3 July 2018
Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?
Proposed agenda
The usual mid-year videoconference meeting of Developer's Committee will take place on 3 July afternoon.
The expected participants to this meeting are the members of Developer’s Committee: Consortium and External experts, so as the leaders of each NEMO Working Group, and the NEMO System Team members as permanent invitees.
Please find below a preliminary agenda elaborated by the Subgroup (Dorotea, Mike, Julien and Claire). All your suggestions are now welcome:
Chair: Mike Bell
Introduction (C. Lévy) 5 mn
Changes in the Consortium, update the description of its organisation, request for advice of the Committee.
Status of the on going work: 2018 Work plan (System Team) 10 mn
Give information on where we are at this point, especially regarding the beta release of 4.0, which should be announced
Air-sea interactions WG (S. Masson) 10 mn
Recent scientific results and possible questions to be addressed by WG
Configuration Manager (C. Lévy in name of subgroup) 10 mn
Summary of answers to questionnaire, proposition from subgroup
HPC WG (tbd) 10 mn
Brief report on agenda and objectives of WG proposition for new members
Kernel WG (M. Bell) 10 mn
Brief report on actions
Robustness and Test cases WG (J. Le Sommer, 10 mn)
Results and discussion on transition period for this WG
Sea-ice WG (leaders of WG, 10 mn)
Brief report on agenda for next year, use of fundings from IS ENES, CMEMS, ESIWACE, so as of the enlarged WG, and the perspectives of contribution to sustainable developments in 2019
Summary for WGs: decisions, new members... (Chair , 5 mn)
Advices from this Committee on documents describing the Consortium organisation 10 mn)
Conclusions (Chair 10mn)
END of meeting (Expected duration: less than 2 hours!)
Connection information:
To join the conference from your system: Connection to the conference Connection from a single terminal (Windows, OS X, tablet, smartphone ...)***8099&autojoin Installation guide of Scopia Desktop doc_scopia_desktop-fr.pdf IP GDS +33 (0)9 88 83 00 07 726984 SIP sip:726984@ H.323 Conference number 726984 (end by #) Access code 8099 (end by #) Conference Title NEMO DevCom Begin 2018-07-03 14:00 Europe/Paris Duration 03:00 Number of estimated connections 17 Comments A test room is available to validate the configuration and the equipment compatibility. room 9999 PIN 0000 How to connect:
List of participants
Name | Role | Connecting from |
Claire Lévy | Project manager | Paris LOCEAN 4ème étage |
Gurvan Madec | Project Lead | NOC |
Rachid Benshila | Consortium expert for CNRS | Mercator-Ocean |
Emanuela Clementi | ST Member | CMCC |
Andrew Coward | ST Member | NOC |
Joel Hirschi | Consortium expert for NERC | NOC |
David Marshall | External Expert | University of Oxford |
Pierre Mathiot | ST member | Met office |
Helene Hewitt | Consortium Expert for Met-Office | Met Office |
Dave Storkey | ST Member | Met Office |
Silvia Mocavero | ST and HPC-WG member | CMCC |
Sebastien Masson | ST Member | LOCEAN |
Jean-Marc Molines | External Expert | IGE Grenoble |
Laurent Breodeau | External Expert | IGE Grenoble |
Clément Bricaud | ST member | Mercator Ocean |
Miguel Castrillo | ST member | BSC-CNS |
Oriol Tintó | ST member | BSC-CNS |
Mario Acosta | ST member | BSC-CNS |
Joanna Staneva | External Expert | HZG |
Francesca Mele | ST member | CMCC |
Mike Bell | ST and Kernel,HPC WG member | NOC |
Dorotea Iovino | ST member | CMCC |
Tomas Lovato | ST member | CMCC |
Attachments (7)
- NEMO-TestCases_DevCom-July2018.pdf (67.0 KB) - added by clevy 7 years ago.
- DevCommJuly2018_kernel.pptx (1.1 MB) - added by clevy 7 years ago.
(155.0 KB) -
added by vancop 7 years ago.
SIWG presentation
- NEMO_devcom_mid2018_report_ConfigManager_C.LEVY.pdf (105.7 KB) - added by clevy 7 years ago.
- status_2018WP.pdf (662.7 KB) - added by clevy 7 years ago.
- airseaWG.pdf (199.5 KB) - added by clevy 7 years ago.
- DevCommJuly2018_HPC.pdf (2.8 MB) - added by clevy 6 years ago.