Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?
The following definitions will be automatically converted into HTML <acronym> elements each time the related words will be find in the web page. It means that they will be appeared as HTML tooltips when a user move his mouse over and the word will be clickable if a URL given.
Acronym | Description | (URL)
API | Application Programming Interface
CPP | C PreProcessor
HPC | High Performance Computing
IO | Inputs/Outputs
MPI | Message Passing Interface
Online database
Ocean Modelling
CMIP | Coupled Model Intercomparison Project, standard experimental protocol to evaluate performance and identify errors between modeling centers |
CORE | Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments, research project in the modelling community to help facilitate simulation comparisons |
Licenses | Models | Softwares
AGRIF | Adaptive Grid Refinement In Fortran, package for the integration of full adaptive mesh refinement features within a multidimensional finite difference model |
BFM | Biogeochemical Flux Model, for the simulation of the dynamics of major biogeochemical properties in marine ecosystems |
CeCILL | Free software license compatible with GNU GPL and compliant with French law |
CICE | Los Alamos sea ice model, component for use in fully coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean-land global circulation models |
CDO | Climate Data Operators, collection of command line operators to manipulate and analyse Climate and NWP model Data |
FCM | Flexible Configuration Manager, Fortran build system and wrappers to SVN for scientific software development |
OASIS | Ocean Atmosphere Sea Ice Soil, coupling software to synchronize numerical codes representing different components of the climate system |
PISCES | Pelagic Interaction Scheme for Carbon and Ecosystem Studies, biogeochemical model simulating marine ecosystems, cycles of carbon and the main nutrients |
SVN | SubVersioN, open source version control system for sharing, managing content and its changes over time |
Trac | Wiki and issue tracking system for software development projects providing an interface to version control system |
XIOS | Xml Inputs Outputs Server, library dedicated to input/output management of climate code => |
Institutes | Laboratories | Universities
CEA | Alternatives energies and atomic energy commission (FR), public government-funded research organisation |
CMCC | Non-profit research institution investigating and modeling the climate system and its interactions with society and the environment (IT) |
CNRS | National Center for Scientific Research, French largest governmental research organisation |
IDRIS | Institute for Development and Resources in Intensive Scientific computing (FR), centre of both high performance computing resources and expertise |
IGE | Public research laboratory in Earth and Environmental Sciences on climate, the water cycle, cryosphere and natural and anthropized environments (FR) |
INGV | Institution gathering all scientific and technical institutions operating in geophysics and volcanology (IT) |
INRIA | National Institute for computer science and applied mathematics (FR) |
INSU | Institute for engineering and systems sciences within CNRS (FR) |
IPSL | Federation of 9 public research laboratories involved in research on terrestrial and planetary environments (FR) |
LGGE | Research laboratory focuses on snow and ice, glaciers, climate and environment (FR) |
Mercator_Océan | Privately-owned non-profit company providing operational ocean forecast services (FR) |
Met_Office | Meteorological Office (UK), national executive agency and trading fund providing weather and climate services |
NERC | Natural Environment Research Council, British largest funder of research, training and innovation in environmental science |
NOC | National Oceanography Centre (UK), NERC institute for marine science research and technology |
RENATER | National telecommunications network for research and education (FR) |
UNIBO | University of Bologna (IT) |
Technical acronyms (in progress)
Acronym | Description
AMM12 | Atlantic Margin Model with 12kms horizontal resolution
BBL | Bottom Boundary Layer
BGC | Bio-Geo Chemical
BFR | Bottom FRiction
CLIO | Coupled Large-scale Ice Ocean
DMP | Damping
DOC | DOCumentation
EEN | Energy & ENstrophy
ENV | ENVironment
EOS | Equation Of State
FCT | Flux Corrected Transport
GLS | Generic Length Scale
HDF | Horizontal DiFfusion
HPG | Horizontal Pressure Gradient
IAU | Incremental Analysis Updating
IOF | Interpolation On the Fly
ISF | Ice ShelF
KPP | K-Profile Parameterization
LIM | Louvain-la-neuve sea Ice Model
LOBSTER | Lodyc Ocean Biogeochemical System for Ecosystem and Resources
MP | Merge Party
MPP | Massive Parallel Processing
MSF | Meridional Stream Function
NEMOVAR | NEMO VARiational data assimilation
OBC | Open Boundary Conditions
OFF | OFFline
ORCA | Tripolar grid, with special north fold boundary condition
OPA | Ocean general circulation model
QSR | Q? Solar Radiation
SAS | Stand-Alone Surface
SPG | Surface Pressure Gradient
SSH | Sea Surface Height
SSS | Sea Surface Salinity
SST | Sea Surface Temperature
ST | System Team
TAM | Tangent and Adjoint Model
TKE | Turbulent Kinetic Energy
TOP | Tracers in the Ocean Paradigm, on/off-line ocean tracer and biochemistry models
TVD | Total Variation Diminishing
WAD | Wetting And Drying
WG | Working Group
WN | Vertical velocity
WP | Work Plan
ZAD | Z (vertical) ADvection
OCE directories
ASM | Assimilation
BDY | BoundDarY
C1D | Cfg.1 Dim
CRS | CoaRSening
DIA | Diagnostics
DIU | DIUrnal
DOM | DOMain
DYN | DYNamics
FLO | FLOats
ICB | ICeBerg
IOM | Inputs-Outputs Manager
LBC | Lateral Boundary Condition
LDF | Lateral DiFfusion
OBS | OBServations
SBC | Surface Boundary Conditions
STO | STOchastic parametrization
TRA | TRAcers
TRD | TRenDs
ZDF | Z (vertical) DiFfusion
TOP directories
AGE | Water age tracking
C14 | Radiocarbon passive tracer (natural + bomb)
CFC | Inert carbon tracers (CFC11,CFC12, SF6)
MY_TRC | Template for creation of new modules and ext. BGC models coupling
TRP | Interface to NEMO physical core for computing tracers transport
PISCES directories
P2Z | 1 Phyto-plankton + 1 Zoo-plankton
P4Z | 2 Phyto-planktons + 2 Zoo-planktons
SED | SEDiments
CPP keys list (in progress)
CPP key | Description
key_agrif | ?
key_asminc | ?
key_c1d | ?
key_cice | ?
key_cice4 | ?
key_cyclone | ?
key_diadct | ?
key_diaharm | ?
key_diahth | ?
key_diainstant | ?
key_floats | ?
key_iomput | ?
key_mpp_mpi | ?
key_nemocice_decomp | ?
key_netcdf4 | ?
key_nosignedzero | ?
key_oa3mct_v3 | ?
key_oasis3 | ?
key_sed | ?
key_sed_off | ?
key_si3 | ?
key_top | ?
key_trdmxl_trc | ?
key_trdtrc | ?
key_vectopt_loop | ?
key_vertical | ?
nav_lon |
nav_lat |
ssu_m | mean (nn_fsbc time-step) surface sea i-current (U-point) [m/s]
ssv_m | mean (nn_fsbc time-step) surface sea j-current (V-point) [m/s]
sst_m | mean (nn_fsbc time-step) surface sea temperature [Celsius]
sss_m | mean (nn_fsbc time-step) surface sea salinity [psu]
ssh_m | mean (nn_fsbc time-step) sea surface height [m]
e3t_m | mean (nn_fsbc time-step) sea surface layer thickness [m]
frq_m | mean (nn_fsbc time-step) fraction of solar net radiation absorbed in the 1st T level [-]
rnf_b | river runoff [Kg/m2/s]
rnf_hc_b |
rnf_sc_b |
utau_b | sea surface i-stress (ocean referential) [N/m2]
vtau_b | sea surface j-stress (ocean referential) [N/m2]
qns_b | sea heat flux: non solar [W/m2]
emp_b | freshwater budget: volume flux [Kg/m2/s]
sfx_b | salt flux [PSU/m2/s]
en | now turbulent kinetic energy [m2/s2]
avt_k | Kz computed by turbulent closure alone [m2/s]
avm_k | Kz computed by turbulent closure alone [m2/s]
dissl | now mixing lenght of dissipation
ub2_b | Half step fluxes (ln_bt_fw=T)
vb2_b | Half step fluxes (ln_bt_fw=T)
un_bf | Asselin filtered half step fluxes (ln_bt_fw=T)
vn_bf | Asselin filtered half step fluxes (ln_bt_fw=T)
sbc_hc_b |
sbc_sc_b |
qsr_hc_b | heat content trend due to qsr flux [K.m/s] jpi,jpj,jpk
fraqsr_1lev | fraction of solar net radiation absorbed in the first ocean level [-]
e3t_b | t- vert. scale factor [m]
e3t_n | t- vert. scale factor [m]
ub | i-horizontal velocity [m/s]
vb | j-horizontal velocity [m/s]
tb |
sb |
sshb | sea surface height at t-point [m]
un | i-horizontal velocity [m/s]
vn | j-horizontal velocity [m/s]
tn |
sn |
sshn | sea surface height at t-point [m]
rhop | potential volumic mass [kg/m3]
stress1_i | 1st, 2nd & diagonal stress tensor element
stress2_i | 1st, 2nd & diagonal stress tensor element
stress12_i | 1st, 2nd & diagonal stress tensor element
snwice_mass | mass of snow and ice at current ice time step [Kg/m2]
snwice_mass_b | mass of snow and ice at previous ice time step [Kg/m2]
v_i | Ice volume per unit area (m)
v_s | Snow volume per unit area(m)
sv_i | Sea-Ice Bulk salinity times volume per area (ppt.m)
oa_i | Sea-Ice Age times ice area (s)
a_i | Ice fractional areas (concentration)
t_su | Sea-Ice Surface Temperature (K)
a_ip | melt pond fraction per grid cell area
v_ip | melt pond volume per grid cell area [m]
e_s_l01 |
e_i_l01 |
e_i_l02 |
u_ice | components of the ice velocity (m/s)
v_ice | components of the ice velocity (m/s)
PH | ?
Silicalim | ?
Silicamax | ?
TRNAlkalini | ?
TRNO2 | ?
TRNCaCO3 | ?
TRNPO4 | ?
TRNSi | ?
TRNDSi | ?
TRNFer | ?
TRNBFe | ?
TRNSFe | ?
TRNDFe | ?
TRNGSi | ?
TRNNFe | ?
TRNNO3 | ?
TRNNH4 | ?
TRBAlkalini | ?
TRBO2 | ?
TRBCaCO3 | ?
TRBPO4 | ?
TRBSi | ?
TRBDSi | ?
TRBFer | ?
TRBBFe | ?
TRBSFe | ?
TRBDFe | ?
TRBGSi | ?
TRBNFe | ?
TRBNO3 | ?
TRBNH4 | ?