Changes between Version 108 and Version 109 of IS-ENES/core2_cmip
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- 2015-05-11T12:03:46+02:00 (10 years ago)
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v108 v109 2 2 3 3 = '''Integrating COREII forcing in nemo tags v3.2 / libigcm tags v1.4''' = 4 [[BR]] 4 == Purposes: == 5 * Document the using of COREII forcing for NEMO (tag v32, revision : 1803), in configuration ORCA2_LIM, with libIGCM (tags v1.4, revision : 200). 5 6 6 == Purposes: == 7 8 [[BR]] 9 10 * Document the using of COREII forcing for NEMO (tag v32, revision : 1803), in configuration ORCA2_LIM, with libIGCM (tags v1.4, revision : 200). 11 12 13 * [ Documentation of CORE :] 14 [[BR]] 15 [[BR]] 16 7 * [ Documentation of CORE :] 17 8 18 9 == Step by step: == 19 20 Preparing COREII forcing files on ORCA2 grid 10 Preparing COREII forcing files on ORCA2 grid 21 11 12 === climatological files === 13 1. Download COREII forcing files : [ CYNF] [[BR]] 14 1. Interpolation of forcing files (with cdo (version & nco (version 3.9.5) ) : [ example of script] 15 1. create coefr weights for runoffs ( NOTE: in our case we created weights = 0, because max of runoff in COREII is < 50 Sv ) File runoff with 2 weight's coefficient (coefr0 is 0 averywhere, and coefr ......): [[]][[BR]] 22 16 23 === climatological files === 17 NOTE: you can find interpolated files at [ IDRIS] [[BR]] 24 18 19 4. removed part "if ORCA2" in sbcrnf.F90 20 4. preparing script ".pro" for post processing with idl [[ example for plots]], and [[ example for time series]] 21 4. automatize creation of pdf or html, by shell script [[ example for plots]], and [[ example for time series]] 25 22 26 1. Download COREII forcing files : [ CYNF] [[BR]] 27 2. Interpolation of forcing files (with cdo (version & nco (version 3.9.5) ) : [ example of script] 28 3. create coefr weights for runoffs ( NOTE: in our case we created weights = 0, because max of runoff in COREII is < 50 Sv ) 29 File runoff with 2 weight's coefficient (coefr0 is 0 averywhere, and coefr ......): [[]] 23 and all detailed scripts for single : [[ plots] ] and for single : [[ time series] ] 30 24 31 NOTE: 32 you can find interpolated files at [ IDRIS] [[BR]] 25 ''' NOTE : it is better to do not give name with "_" because to have timeseries the script looks for experience name and dates in filenames, and to split filename it uses "_" like separator.''' 33 26 34 4. removed part "if ORCA2" in sbcrnf.F90 35 5. preparing script ".pro" for post processing with idl [[ example for plots]], and [[ example for time series]] 36 6. automatize creation of pdf or html, by shell script [[ example for plots ]], and [[ example for time series ]] 27 Configuration of libIGCM files: 37 28 38 and all detailed scripts for single : [[ plots ]] 39 and for single : [[ time series ]] 29 1. COMP/opa9.card : [[ opa9.card]] 30 1. COMP/opa9.driver : [[ opa9.driver]] 31 1. COMP/lim2.card : [[ lim2.card]] 32 1. PARAM/namelist : [[ namelist]] 33 1. PARAM/namelist_ice : [[ namelist_ice_lim2]] 34 1. PARAM/iodef.xml : [[ iodef.xml]] 35 1. config.card : [[ config.card]] 40 36 41 '''NOTE : it is better to do not give name with "_" because to have timeseries the script looks for experience name and dates in filenames, and to split filename it uses "_" like separator.'''37 ''' NOTE : be careful to opa9.driver & iodef.xml file''' [[BR]] ''' in opa9.driver there is a specific sed in iodef.xml to have monthly output only for specifics decades''' [[BR]] ''' in iodef.xml file there is : [[BR]] <group id="1m" output_freq="-1" output_level="10" enabled=".FALSE.">''''' ''' '''''' 42 38 43 Configuration of libIGCM files: 44 1. COMP/opa9.card : [[ opa9.card]] 45 2. COMP/opa9.driver : [[ opa9.driver ]] 46 3. COMP/lim2.card : [[ lim2.card ]] 47 4. PARAM/namelist : [[ namelist ]] 48 5. PARAM/namelist_ice : [[ namelist_ice_lim2 ]] 49 6. PARAM/iodef.xml : [[ iodef.xml ]] 50 7. config.card : [[ config.card ]] 39 === Plots (Climatology) === 40 Job characteristics : 51 41 52 '''NOTE : be careful to opa9.driver & iodef.xml file''' [[BR]]53 '''in opa9.driver there is a specific sed in iodef.xml to have monthly output only for specifics decades''' [[BR]]54 '''in iodef.xml file there is : [[BR]]55 <group id="1m" output_freq="-1" output_level="10" enabled=".FALSE.">'''56 57 58 === Plots (Climatology) ===59 60 Job characteristics :61 42 {{{ 62 43 forcing : COREII … … 73 54 (used ipcc's names, see table above) 74 55 }}} 75 '''Outputs & Restart on [ DODS 56 '''Outputs & Restart on [ DODS] ''' 76 57 77 58 Reference is named "tmx_2000" [[BR]] 78 59 79 [ plots.pdf ] [[BR]] 80 [ timeseries.pdf ] 60 [ plots.pdf] [[BR]] [ timeseries.pdf] 81 61 82 62 '''Note: experience named "core2000" is like reference but without key key_zdftmx '''[[BR]] 83 63 84 '''Supplementary plots''' :[[BR]] 85 [ plots ] :[[BR]] 86 Plots after 10 years : [ tmx2000_10y.pdf] [[BR]] 64 '''Supplementary plots''' :[[BR]] [ plots] :[[BR]] Plots after 10 years : [ tmx2000_10y.pdf] [[BR]] 87 65 88 66 Plots after 100 years : [ tmx2000_100y.pdf] [[BR]] … … 92 70 Plots after 1000 years : [ tmx2000_1000y.pdf] [[BR]] 93 71 72 === Inter Annual files === 73 '''NOTE: runoff for interannual is the same of climatological''' '''so be careful to change (if necessary) the name in opa9.card!!!! ''' 94 74 95 [[BR]] 75 1. Download COREII forcing files : [ CIAF] [[BR]] 76 1. For Inter Annual case you can download "Combined years data sets" from 1948 to 2007 (60 years). Here there is a script to extract every year from global file : [[ example of extract script]] 77 1. Interpolation of forcing files (with cdo (version & nco (version 3.9.5) ) : [ example of script] [[BR]] 96 78 79 In this case I needed also a script to move "_year" at the end of file to work with Inter Annual forcing files, because in namelist you have to put your file name and NEMO add the year at the end of the file name''' [[BR]] ''' 97 80 98 === Inter Annual files === 99 81 There are 2 cases: [[BR]] 3.1 If this script of example is used you remove part with date (04MAR2010) [[BR]] 3.2 Or you can leave part with date of file's creation [[BR]] 100 82 101 '''NOTE: runoff for interannual is the same of climatological''' 102 '''so be careful to change (if necessary) the name in opa9.card!!!! ''' 83 Here you have corresponding examples of script to move "_year" in filename :[[BR]] 3.1 [[] ] [[BR]] 3.2 [[] ] [[BR]] 103 84 104 105 1. Download COREII forcing files : [ CIAF] [[BR]] 106 2. For Inter Annual case you can download "Combined years data sets" from 1948 to 2007 (60 years). 107 Here there is a script to extract every year from global file : [[ example of extract script]] 108 3. Interpolation of forcing files (with cdo (version & nco (version 3.9.5) ) : [ example of script] [[BR]] 109 110 In this case I needed also a script to move "_year" at the end of file to work with Inter Annual forcing files, because in namelist you have to put your file name and NEMO add the year at the end of the file name'''[[BR]] 85 NOTE: you can find interpolated files at [[BR]] [[ IDRIS] ] [[BR]] 111 86 112 There are 2 cases: [[BR]] 113 3.1 If this script of example is used you remove part with date (04MAR2010) [[BR]] 114 3.2 Or you can leave part with date of file's creation [[BR]] 115 116 Here you have corresponding examples of script to move "_year" in filename :[[BR]] 117 3.1 [[]] [[BR]] 118 3.2 [[]] [[BR]] 119 120 NOTE: 121 you can find interpolated files at [[BR]] 122 [[ IDRIS]] [[BR]] 123 124 4. removed part "if ORCA2" in sbcrnf.F90 125 5. in fldread.F90 changed: "IF( llprev .AND. sdjf%num == 0 ) " in "IF( llprev .AND. sdjf%num <= 0 )" 126 6. added in mask for indopacific ocean and indian ocean without red sea. 127 7. preparing script ".pro" for post processing with idl (same as climatological case) 128 8. automatize creation of pdf or html, by shell script (same as climatological case) 129 87 4. removed part "if ORCA2" in sbcrnf.F90 88 4. in fldread.F90 changed: "IF( llprev .AND. sdjf%num == 0 ) " in "IF( llprev .AND. sdjf%num <= 0 )" 89 4. added in mask for indopacific ocean and indian ocean without red sea. 90 4. preparing script ".pro" for post processing with idl (same as climatological case) 91 4. automatize creation of pdf or html, by shell script (same as climatological case) 130 92 131 93 Configuration of libIGCM files: 94 132 95 1. COMP/opa9.card : [[ opa9.card]] 133 2. COMP/opa9.driver : [[ opa9.driver]]134 3. COMP/lim2.card : [[ lim2.card]]135 4. PARAM/namelist : [[ namelist]]136 5. PARAM/namelist_ice : [[ namelist_ice_lim2]]137 6. PARAM/iodef.xml : [[ iodef.xml]]138 7. config.card : [[ config.card]]96 1. COMP/opa9.driver : [[ opa9.driver]] 97 1. COMP/lim2.card : [[ lim2.card]] 98 1. PARAM/namelist : [[ namelist]] 99 1. PARAM/namelist_ice : [[ namelist_ice_lim2]] 100 1. PARAM/iodef.xml : [[ iodef.xml]] 101 1. config.card : [[ config.card]] 139 102 140 103 === Plots (Interannual) === 104 Job characteristics : 141 105 142 Job characteristics :143 106 {{{ 144 107 forcing : COREII … … 155 118 (used ipcc's names, see table above) 156 119 }}} 120 '''Outputs & Restart on [ DODS] ''' 157 121 122 Reference is named "tmxint3" 158 123 159 '''Outputs & Restart on [ DODS ] ''' 124 [ plots.pdf] [[BR]] [ time_series.pdf] is time series of the third run of 60 years.[[BR]] 160 125 161 Reference is named "tmxint3" 162 163 [ plots.pdf ] [[BR]] 164 [ time_series.pdf ] is time series of the third run of 60 years.[[BR]] 165 166 ( and time series of difference between run3 and run2): [ ts_tmxint3_tmxint2.pdf ] [[BR]] 126 ( and time series of difference between run3 and run2): [ ts_tmxint3_tmxint2.pdf] [[BR]] 167 127 168 128 '''Note: experience named "core360i" is like reference but without key key_zdftmx'''[[BR]] 169 129 170 171 130 '''Supplementary plots ''' :[[BR]] 172 131 173 Differences between run3 and run1 : [ tmxint3_tmxint1.pdf] [[BR]]132 Differences between run3 and run1 : [ tmxint3_tmxint1.pdf] [[BR]] 174 133 175 Differences between run3 and run2 : [ tmxint3_tmxint2.pdf] [[BR]]134 Differences between run3 and run2 : [ tmxint3_tmxint2.pdf] [[BR]] 176 135 177 Differences between run2 and run1 : [ tmxint2_tmxint1.pdf] [[BR]]136 Differences between run2 and run1 : [ tmxint2_tmxint1.pdf] [[BR]] 178 137 179 ''' & time series ''': [[BR]] 180 For the first run of 60 years : run1 [ ts_tmxint1_tmxint1.pdf ] 138 ''' & time series ''': [[BR]] For the first run of 60 years : run1 [ ts_tmxint1_tmxint1.pdf] 181 139 182 Differences between run2 and run1 : [ ts_tmxint2_tmxint1.pdf 140 Differences between run2 and run1 : [ ts_tmxint2_tmxint1.pdf] 183 141 184 Differences between run3 and run1 : [ ts_tmxint3_tmxint1.pdf 142 Differences between run3 and run1 : [ ts_tmxint3_tmxint1.pdf] 185 143 186 [[BR]] 187 [[BR]] 188 189 190 === table of conversion of variable's names === 191 144 === table of conversion of variable's names === 192 145 Here is a table of conversion from old names to ipcc's names for variables used in these examples with COREII forcing files: 193 146 194 || '''old name''' || '''ipcc's name''' ||195 || votemper || thetao||196 || vosaline || so ||197 || vozocrtx || uoce_eff||198 || vomecrty || voce_eff||199 || sosstsst || tos||200 || sohefldo || qns+qsr||201 || sowafldp || wfcorr||202 || sowaflup || wfo||203 || somxl010 || mldr10_1||204 || sosaline || sos||205 || sossheig || zos||206 || soshfldo || rsntds||207 || sozotaux || tauuo||208 || sozotauy || tauvo||209 || iicethic || sit||210 || ice_cover || sic||211 || isnowthi || snd||147 || '''old name''' || '''ipcc's name''' || 148 || votemper || thetao || 149 || vosaline || so || 150 || vozocrtx || uoce_eff || 151 || vomecrty || voce_eff || 152 || sosstsst || tos || 153 || sohefldo || qns+qsr || 154 || sowafldp || wfcorr || 155 || sowaflup || wfo || 156 || somxl010 || mldr10_1 || 157 || sosaline || sos || 158 || sossheig || zos || 159 || soshfldo || rsntds || 160 || sozotaux || tauuo || 161 || sozotauy || tauvo || 162 || iicethic || sit || 163 || ice_cover || sic || 164 || isnowthi || snd || 212 165 213 [[BR]] 214 [[BR]] 215 216 217 Simona Flavoni last update: [[Timestamp]] 166 Simona Flavoni last update: [[Timestamp]]