New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Milestones/LIM_3.0 – NEMO

Version 1 (modified by nicolasmartin, 9 years ago) (diff)


Milestone LIM 3.0

Implementation of this new version into the reference.

Initial working steps:

#1 LIM_SRC directory re-organisation:[[BR]]
- add the new directory LIM_SRC/LIM_OLD in which we move the LIM 2.0 modules with the extension "_2" for the name. With key_ice_lim_old.[[BR]]
- move the LIM 3.0 in LIM_SRC directory.[[BR]]
#2 nemo_v1? + LIM3.0 
#3 trunk + LIM 3.0 >> 10 years run (based on CLIO Ref)
#4 trunk + LIM 2.0 >> check that the plug of LIM 3.0 doesn't perturbe LIM 2.0 (based on CLIO Ref)
#5 trunk + LIM 2.0 + C-grid EVP rheology (based on CLIO Ref)

Things to do at one step:

  • make modifications relative to the wind stress ...
  • make corrections found in SDP4-6, mainly in limdyn.F90
  • change namelists.

Final target

Which should be available for the next release:
The bulk CORE version should be ready, the CLIO bulk requires additional work.

- NEW SBC + LIM 3.0
- NEW SBC + LIM 2.0
- NEW SBC + LIM 2.0 + C-grid EVP rhelogy