Version 1 (modified by nicolasmartin, 9 years ago) (diff) |
Minor modifications that simplified NEMO
All Components :
- suppression of the rigid-lid case
- dtatem & dtasal "cleaning" - see ticket #200
- simplified the definition of the model time step - see ticket #201
- suppress all .h90 files except the _substitute.h90 files
- unused file that can be suppressed without any changes : zdf.matrixsolver.h90, sbcrnf_ORCA_R05.h90, sbcrnf_ORCA_R2.h90, sbcrnf_ORCA_R4.h90
- par_xxx.h90 to be transformed into par_xxx.F90 ( par_EEL_R2.h90, par_EEL_R5.h90, par_EEL_R6.h90, par_GYRE.h90, par_ORCA_R025.h90 , par_ORCA_R05.h90, par_ORCA_R2.h90, par_ORCA_R4.h90) cf what has been done in root/branches/dev_001_GM/NEMO/OPA_SRC.
- obc_par_EEL_R5.h90 ??? don't know what this is...
- mppini_2.h90 to be merged with mppini.F90
- trabbl_adv.h90 to be merged with trabbl.F90
- diawri_dimg.h90 , limwri_dimg.h90 , limwri_dimg_2.h90 will naturally disappear with IOM for the output
- domzgr_zps.h90 already suppressed (see ticket #191)
- ldfdyn_xxx.h90 , ldftra_xxx.h90 will disappear with the full reorganisation of LDF
- obc_vectopt_loop_substitute.h90 : the vector optimisation in OBC is useless. This should disappear when removing the rigid-lid, and so the rigid-lid case in OBC.
with all those changes the only remaining .h90 files will be : domzgr_substitute.h90 ; ldfdyn_substitute.h90 ; ldfeiv_substitute.h90 ; ldftra_substitute.h90 ; vectopt_loop_substitute.h90 ; zdfddm_substitute.h90
LIM-2 & 3 :
- damping option in LIM-3 - see ticket #195
- damping option in LIM-2 - see ticket #194
- allow the possibility to save ice fields as for the ocean in the file when a simulation stop