New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
ScientificAdvisoryCommittee – NEMO

Version 35 (modified by mikebell, 3 years ago) (diff)


NEMO Scientific Advisory Committee (NSAC)

Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?


Ensure NEMO remains a world-leading ocean model


Advise the NEMO Steering Committee (NSC), Developers Committee (NDC) and Science Team (NST) on:

  • The priorities and opportunities for improving the current NEMO system
  • The NEMO Development Strategy (NDS) and work plans
  • Participation in international collaborations.

The focus of the advice should be on a 3-5 year period.

Expected ways of working

NEMO scientists will make presentations or provide reports on topics agreed between NDC and SAC chairs. SAC members will provide assessments, feedback and recommendations on these topics and make suggestions for topics for next meeting.

The NDS is expected to be written by the NDC and reviewed by the NSAC in two stages. In the first stage the NDC will write a short document that proposes the chapters of the Strategy and the main issues for each chapter. In the second stage it will write a full document that details the plans and priorities for each chapter. The SAC will review both of these documents.

Frequency and timing of meetings

SAC members will be invited to participate in the NEMO Development Strategy (NDS) meetings that are held once every 5-6 years. These meetings will be be held after the first full draft of the NDS has been written.

One or two meetings will be held in between the NDS meetings


The scope includes:

  • Scientific & technical algorithms
  • Software engineering methods & practices
  • Assessments of scientific and technical performance
  • Interfaces with other systems (particularly the air-sea interface, bio-geochemical models and data assimilation systems)
  • Coordination with other groups

In scope: physical core, sea-ice, bio-geochemistry, physical parametrisations, verification & validation
Out of scope: data assimilation systems, user support

The scope can be amended with the agreement of the NDC and the NSC.


The NSC with advice from the NEMO Developers Committee chair and NEMO System Team leader will appoint a chair. A core group of 12 experts will be invited by the NSC. The period of appointments/invitations will normally be 3-5 years; they may be renewable. Additional members may be invited to specific meetings depending on the agenda items.


Agenda and Minutes from meetings

WikiCalendar(w, wiki=ScientificAdvisoryCommittee/Agenda/%F, true)?

TOC(ScientificAdvisoryCommittee/Agenda/*, depth=1, heading=Existing entries (anti-chronological), inline, reverse, nonumbering, titleindex)?

Attachments (3)