Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release,
the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Don't change a ticket field without leaving a comment
Don't close or reopen a ticket without a reason
Notification: reporter, owner, updater and CC'ers, NEMO mailing lists in case of closed or reopened tickets
Editing Tips
'textarea' view highly recommended (no bugs, autocomplete, contextual help).
Display an image: [[Image([wiki|ticket|discussion]:..., [width=...], [align=...], ...)]], see [[Image?]]
Fortran code block
Your fortran code
SVN diff
Paste `svn diff` output from console
Include totally or partially a repository file: [[IncludeSource([trunk|branches|...]/...,[start=], [end=], [rev=], [line_numbers=0|1], ...)]], see [[IncludeSource?]]