New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Users/Agenda/2006-06-08 – NEMO

Version 1 (modified by nicolasmartin, 8 years ago) (diff)


2006 Users Meeting

The meeting will be in Paris at Jussieu University (UPMC) : Amphi Durand, in Esclangon building.


Thursday afternoon: 13h00 - 17h45 Welcome (13h00 - 13h15) NEMO system team (13h15 - 13h45)

Coupled models (13h45 - 15h00)

Chairman: S. Masson

Williams et al. : A new feedback from the hydrological cycle on the rate of global warming, 15 min.
Swingedouw et al. : Mechanisms of AMOC response to changes in surface buoyancy forcing under global warming in the IPSL-CM4 model. 15 min.
Park et al., ECHAM5-NEMO coupled model: Stabilization and interannual variability (15 min).
Bopp et al., Coupled Carbon-Climate simulations with the IPSL model (10-15 min)

Biogeochemistry I of the ocean (15h00 - 15h45)

Chairman: C. Ethé

Ethé at al.: A method to accelerate passive tracer simulations in NEMO, run off-line (10/15 min.)
Kremeur et al. : Nitrate variability of North Atlantic subtropical mode waters, 10 min
Stephens et al. : Biogeochemistry model developments based on Plankton Functional Types in NEMO by the Green Ocean consortium, 10 min.
Gangsto et al. : Towards modelling the impact of ocean acification on aragonite production, 15 min.
Karleskind et al. : A one-year altimetry-assimilating simulation of the biogeochemistry in the North-Eastern Atlantic Ocean (POMME), 15 min

Biogeochemistry II of the ocean (16h15 - 17h15)

Chairman: C. Ethé

Lengaigne et al.: Influence of the oceanic biology on the tropical Pacific climate using a coupled general circulation model, 15mn
Lachkar et al. : Effects of mesoscale eddies on global ocean distributions of CFC-11, CO2 and C14, 12 min.
Crise and Lazzari: Mediterranean ecosystem model using OPA/BFM Transport model (15 min.)

Using AGRIF (17h15 - 17h45)

Chairman: C. Talandier

Lemarié et al. : From ORCA2 to 1/15degree Makassar strait : implementation of an agrif zoom in NEMO (30min)

Friday morning: Tools and Environment (9h00 - 9h30)

Chairman: C. Talandier

Doutriaux et al. AutoMOD: A system for automating analysis and comparison of ocean models. (10mn)
Masson and Pinsard: SAXO news (10 mn)

Assimilation (9h30 - 10h20)

Chairman: C. Deltel

Daget (daget@…) and Weaver, CERFACS : Estimating background-error covariance parameters in a variational ocean data assimilation system (OPAVAR) through the use of ensemble-based methods (10 minutes)
Smith et al. : Using data assimilation in a high-resolution ocean model to determine the thermohaline circulation (10 min)
Tranchant et al., (MERCATOR OCEAN): Data Assimilation and Operational Oceanography: The Mercator Experience (20min)
Thiria et al., Inversion of biogeochemical parameters using YAO+PISCES (10min)

Dynamics of the ocean (10h50 - 12h30)

Chairman: G. Madec

Le Galloudec et al. : North Atlantic high resolution modelisation for operational oceanography (Mercator Ocean), 10 min
A.M. Treguier et al.: Freshwater and heat transports in the global 1/4 model (DRAKKAR project), 15/20min
Langlais et al. : High frequency response to atmospheric forcing in the Gulf of Lions, 10 min
Lévy et al. : Impact of model resolution on the mean state of a double-gyre configuration, 15 min
Koch-Larrouy et al. : Transformation of the water masses in the Indonesian Throughflow, 10 min
Mourre et al.: Sea surface salinity in a regional configuration of the eastern North-Atlantic subtropical gyre: towards the study of the impact of SMOS observations. 15 min

  1. Durand et al. : Circulation in the southwest tropical Pacific using ORCA05 (SPICE project), 10min
    Dutay et al. : GEOTRACES program: modelling of non-conservative tracers, Nd, Pa, Th (12mn) Bernie

Developments / Portability (12h30 - 13h30)

Chairman: C. Talandier

Lu et al.: Plans and progresses of NEMO/OPA applications in Fisheries and Oceans Canada (15 min)
J-M. Dupays et al. : NEMO's Benchmark on the new IDRIS computer (10 min)
Levier et al.: Variable volume and free surface in NEMO (10 mn)
Masson et al.: NEMO on the Earth Simulator (10mn)


Name Organisation Email
Thomas Arsouze IPSL/LSCE arsouze@…
Anne-Claire Bennis IRMAR anne-claire.bennis@…
Dan Bernie IPSL/LOCEAN Dan.Bernie@…
Laurent Bopp LSCE/IPSL Laurent.Bopp@…
Pascale Braconnot IPSL/LSCE pascale.braconnot@…
Patricia Cadule IPSL patricia.cadule@…
Talandier Claude NEMO System Team ctlod@…
Michel Crépon LOCEAN crepon@…
Alessandro Crise OGS acrise@…
Nicolas Daget CERFACS daget@…
Laurent Debreu LMC/Grenoble laurent.debreu@…
Charles Deltel IPSL/LOCEAN charles.deltel@…
Anne de Montety ASTR/UCL demontet@…
Charles Doutriaux LSCE/IPSL Charles.Doutriaux@…
Fabien Durand IRD/LEGOS fabien.durand@…
Jean-claude Dutay IPSL/LSCE dutay@…
Vincent Echevin IPSL/LOCEAN echevin@…
Christian Ethé IPSL/LSCE Christian.Ethe@…
Marie-Alice Foujols IPSL foujols@…
Reidun Gangsto LSCE/IPSL reidun.gangsto@…
Gilles Garric Mercator/Cerfacs? gilles.garric@…
Marion Gehlen LSCE/IPSL marion.gehlen@…
Nicolas Grima LPO - CNRS/UBO - Brest Nicolas.Grima@…
Eric Guilyardi IPSL/LOCEAN Eric.Guilyardi@…
Christophe Herbaut LOCEAN ch@…
Abdou Kane LOCEAN aklod@…
Pierre Karleskind IUEM/LEMAR pierre.karleskind@…
Ariane Koch-Larrouy LOCEAN akllod@…
Zouhair Lachkar LSCE/IPSL zouhair.lachkar@…
Clothilde Langlais LSEET Toulon clothilde.langlais@…
Cyril Lathuilière IPSL/LOCEAN cyril.lathuiliere@…
Paolo Lazzari OGS plazzari@…
Olivier Le Galloudec Mercator/Cerfacs? olivier.legalloudec@…
Florian Lemarié LMC/Grenoble florian.lemarie@…
Matthieu Lengaigne IPSL/LOCEAN lengaign@…
Andrew Lenton LOCEAN andrew.lenton@…
Bruno Levier LPO bruno.levier@…
Marina Lévy IPSL/LOCEAN marina@…
Claire Lévy NEMO System Team Claire.Levy@…
Youyu Lu BIO/DFO LuY@…
Gurvan Madec LOCEAN gm@…
Eric Maisonnave CERFACS maisonna@…
Anne Marie Treguier LPO treguier@…
Olivier Marti IPSL/LSCE olivier.marti@…
Sebastien Masson NEMO System Team smasson@…
Jean-Marc Molines LEGI/Grenoble Jean-Marc.Molines@…
Baptiste Mourre ICM mourre@…
James Orr LSCE/IPSL orr@…
Wonsun Park IFM-GEOMAR/Kiel wpark@…
Coralie Perruche IUEM/LEMAR coralie.perruche@…
Françoise Pinsard LOCEAN Francoise.Pinsard@…
Birgit Schneider LSCE/IPSL birgit.schneider@…
Retish Senan CNRS/LOCEAN retish.senan@…
Greg Smith U. Reading, UK gcs@…
Charles Sorror LOCEAN sorror@…
Nick Stephens BGC stephens@…
Didier Swingedouw IPSL/LSCE didier.swingedouw@…
Sébastien Theetten LPO/Brest sebastien.theetten@…
Sylvie Thiria LOCEAN thiria@…
Benoît Tranchant MERCATOR OCEAN benoit.tranchant@…
Paul Williams U. Reading, UK p.d.williams@…