New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Users/Agenda/2007-05-22 – NEMO

Version 1 (modified by nicolasmartin, 7 years ago) (diff)


2007 Users Meeting

The meeting will be in Paris at Jussieu University (UPMC), Amphi CHOUARD (tower 53).


Tuesday 13:30 - 15:15 Coupled models

Chairman: S. Masson

CICLE project at the CNRM (Marc Lucas 10 min)
MERSEA project and ECMWF system 4 prototype (Alberto Troccoli - 15 min)
First analyses of the new version of the sintex-F coupled model (Clément De Boyer Montégut - 15 min)
Progress on incorporating NEMO into the next Met Office climate model (Chris Harris - 15 min)
Grid computing with ARPEGE-NEMO coupled model (Eric Maisonnave - 10 min)
The HadOPA coupled model: recent results and perspectives (Matthieu Lengaigne - 10 mn)
El Nino and the coupling strengh in coupled GCMs using ORCA (Michel Kolasinski - 15 mn)

Tuesday 15:45 - 16:45 Operational Oceanography

Chairman: A. Troccoli

UK operational ocean forecasting with NEMO (Alistair Sellar - 15 min)
1/12° ocean simulations with Mercator configurations (Y. Drillet - 15 mn)
The MERSEA/Mercator Ocean global 1/4° analysis and forecasting system V2 : first results (G. Garric - 10 mn)
Implementing NEMO in the new version of the Mediterranean Forecasting Sytem (Paolo Oddo - 15 mn)

Tuesday 16:45 - 17:45 Biogeochemistry of the ocean

Chairman: M. Lévy

Iron and C13 in NEMO-PISCES (Alessandro Tagliabue - 15 min)
Biowaves project: first results from coupled physical/biogeochemical interannual simulations in the North Atlantic (Guillaume Charria - 10 mn)
Modeling the neodymium isotopic composition with the NEMO global ocean circulation model (Thomas Arsouze - 15 mn)
Evidence for strong submesoscale variability of pCO2 in the northeast Atlantic Ocean (Laure Resplandy - 15 mn)

Wednesday 09:15 - 10:30 Developments / Portability

Chairman: R. Benshila

LIM3 a new sea ice model coupled to OPA (Martin Vancoppenolle - 15 min)
Toward an alternative to the Leap Frog time stepping (Matthieu. Leclair - 20 mn)
Impact of optimized calculation of Coriolis terms in the Mediterranean model set-up (Srdjan dobricic - 15 mn)
An update on the OASIS coupler development (Sophie Valcke - 10 min)

Wednesday 11:00 - 12:00 Dynamics of the ocean

Chairman: G. Madec

Decadal variability of oxygen, temperature and salinity in mode and intermediate waters (James Clark - 15 min)
SSS sensitivity in the Eastern North Atlantic subtropical gyre (Baptiste Mourre - 15 min)
Diagnosis of inertia-gravity waves in an oceanic general circulation model : an intercomparison between numerical simulations and in situ-measurements (Xavier Levaillant - 10 mn)
diagnosing the ocean control on the seasonal migration of the Marine ITCZ (Alban Lazar - 10 mn)


Name Organization Email
Thomas Arsouze LSCE-IPSL Thomas.Arsouze@…
Helene Banks Met Office helene.banks@…
Rachid Benshila NEMO Team rblod@…
Karine Beranger ENSTA/LOCEAN
Laurent Bopp LSCE laurent.bopp@…
Pascale Bouruet-Aubertot LOCEAN-IPSL Pascale.Bouruet-Aubertot@…
Guillaume Charria NOCS guillaume.charria@…
James Clark U. East Anglia j.r.clark@…
Talandier Claude NEMO Team ctlod@…
Agatha de Boer U. East Anglia a.deboer@…
Clement de Boyer Montegut JAMSTEC - FRCGC clement@…
Srdjan Dobricic INGV dobricic@…
Yann Drillet MERCATOR-OCEAN ydrillet@…
Jean-Claude Dutay LSCE-IPSL jean-claude.dutay@…
Marie-Alice Foujols IPSL foujols@…
Gilles Garric MERCATOR-OCEAN ggarric@…
Chris Harris Met Office christopher.harris@…
Charles Henriet CRAY cht@…
Christophe Herbaut LOCEAN-IPSL Christophe.Herbaut@…
Thierry Huck LPO thierry.huck@…
Michel Kolasinski LOCEAN-IPSL Michel.kolasinski@…
Anne-Sophie Krémeur LOCEAN anne-sophie.kremeur@…
Cyril Lathuilière LOCEAN cyril.lathuiliere@…
Alban Lazar LOCEAN-IPSL alban.lazar@…
Matthieu Leclair LOCEAN-IPSL matthieu.leclair@…
Matthieu Lengaigne LOCEAN-IPSL Matthieu.Lengaigne@…
Andrew Lenton LOCEAN andrew.lenton@…
Xavier Levaillant LOCEAN-IPSL Xavier.Levaillant@…
Marina Levy LOCEAN-NEMO Team marina@…
Marc Lucas CNRM Meteo France marc.lucas@…
Gurvan Madec LOCEAN gm@…
Eric Maisonnave CERFACS maisonna@…
Sébastien Masson NEMO Team smasson@…
Baptiste Mourre ICM mourre@…
Paolo Oddo INGV
James ORR MEL/IAEA, Monaco j.orr@…
Françoise Pinsard LOCEAN Francoise.Pinsard@…
Alistair Sellar UK Met Office alistair.sellar@…
Florence Sevault METEO-FRANCE CNRM Florence.Sevault@…
Florian Sévellec LOCEAN-IPSL florian.sevellec@…
Alessandro Tagliabue LSCE alessandro.tagliabue@…
Sébastien Theetten LPO Brest theetten@…
Alberto Troccoli ECMWF a.troccoli@…
Sophie Valcke CERFACS valcke@…
Martin Vancoppenolle