New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Users/Agenda/2011-06-29 – NEMO

Version 1 (modified by nicolasmartin, 8 years ago) (diff)


2011 NEMO Users Meeting

The meeting will take place in Toulouse, France, at Hotel Kyriad.


29 June 09h45 - 10h30 Welcome

29 June 10h30 - 12h00 What can be done with NEMO? Projects configurations from shelf to global. PART 1.

Chairman: Paolo Oddo

  • BaltiX, a Nemo based numerical configuration for Baltic & North Sea, Hordoir Robinson, Swedish Meteorological & Hydrological Institute (SMHI)
  • Applying NEMO model in the Climatological Arctic Ocean, Su Jie, Ocean University of China
  • Simulation with NEMO 3.3.1 of the seasonal dynamics of the cold intermediate layer of the black sea, Toque Nathalie, IMS-METU
  • Modelling the spreading of the Western Mediterranean Deep Water formed during winter 2004-2005, Beuvier Jonathan, ENSTA-Paristech
  • Evaluation of the new Mercator global eddy-resolving (1/12) ocean model: a 10 year simulation over the last decade, Bourdallé-Badie Romain, Mercator Océan
  • An eddy-permitting oceanic simulation for the Last Glacial Maximum,BALLAROTTA Maxime, Department of Meteorology - Stockholm University (MISU)

29 June 12h00 - 14h00 Buffet

29 June 14h00 - 16h15 What can be done with NEMO? Projects configurations from shelf to global. PART 2.

Chairwoman: Rachel Furner

  • NEMO-CICE in UK Met Office Coupled Models: from days to decades, Graham Tim, UK Met Office
  • The new CNRM-CM5 coupled climate system: a basic evaluation from CMIP5 centennial simulations, D. Salas y Mélia
  • A Mediterranean Regional Climate System Model based on NEMO-MED :design, multi-decadal hindcast simulation and ocean results, Somot Samuel, Météo France
  • GLORYS: A Global ocean Reanalysis Simulation performed with the NEMO model, Laurent Parent, Mercator Océan
  • The use of ORCA025 for a study on sea level rise and variability, Russo Ida, CMCC (Bologna)
  • Initialization of NEMO in a coupled system to produce near term climate forecasts,Emilia Sanchez-Gomez, CERFACS
  • Development and assessment of the IBI (Iberia-Biscay-Ireland) ocean system, Bruno Levier, Mercator Océan
  • Use of NEMO to simulate the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Paul G. Myers, Xianmin Hu and Qiang Wang

16h15 - 16h45 Coffee Break

16h45 - 18h00 Development of NEMO platform: improving physical processes

Chairman: Romain Bourdallé-Badie

  • Vertical fluxes of heat and salt in NEMO,Nilsson Magnus, MISU
  • Eddy subduction in an idealised model, Mei-Man Lee, NOCS
  • GELATO5 sea-ice model in the NEMO3.2 ocean system at CNRM-GAME (Toulouse, France):recent developments, sensitivity towards atmospheric forcing and seasonal forecasts with CNRM-CM5 AOGCM,CHEVALLIER Matthieu,CNRM-GAME, Météo France/CNRS
  • New sea ice developments in Louvain La Neuve,Pierre Mathiot, TECLIM(UCL)
  • Evaluation of the IPSL-CM5 Earth System Model air-sea fluxes in tropical regions,Alina Gainusa Bogdan, LSCE

30 June, 09h00 - 10h00 Development of NEMO platform: improving a coastal model

Chairman: Yann Drillet

  • Comparison of NEMO and POLCOMS model results with observations in Liverpool Bay, Irish Sea, O'Neill Clare, National Oceanography Centre
  • Improving a coastal model - focusing on river inputs and diffusion,Furner Rachel, UK Met Office
  • Improvement of Open boundaries conditions module in NEMO, Paolo Oddo, UK Met Office
  • Development of high -resolution NEMO Arctic Ocean model with the focus on shelf processes, Luneva Maria, NOC (former POL)

30 June, 10h00 - 10h45 Development of NEMO platform: NEMO present and future. PART 1.

Chairman: Steven Alderson

  • Recent developments and near future, Sébastien Masson, LOCEAN-IPSL
  • AMM configuration, new standard regional configuration for NEMO, Furner Rachel, UK Met Office

10h45 - 11h15 Coffee break

30 June, 11h15 - 13h00 Development of NEMO platform: NEMO in the present and in the future. PART 2.

Chairman: Sébastien Masson

  • Focus on new contributions as Consortium members, Andrea Storto, Italo Epicoco, CMCC
  • Using NEMO in the Mediterranean Forecasting System: present status and on-going developments,P. Oddo, INGV
  • NEMO in EC-EARTH, Donners John, SARA
  • IS_ENES framework reference experiment, Simona Flavoni, LOCEAN

Buffet: 13h00-14h30

List of participants

Alderson Steven NOC, United Kingdom sga@…
An Byoung Woong FMI, Finland Byoung.Woong.An@…
Ballarotta Maxime MISU U. Stockholm, Sweden maxime@…
Belamari Sophie Météo France, France sophie.belamari@…
Beuvier Jonathan ENSTA Paris Tech, France jonathan.beuvier@…
Bourdallé-Badie Romain Mercator Océan, France romain.bourdalle-badie@…
Bricaud Clement Mercator Océan, France cbricaud@…
Chevallier Matthieu Météo France, France matthieu.chevallier@…
Dol Mélanie Mercator Océan, France mdol@…
Donners John SARA, Netherlands john.donners@…
Drillet Yann Mercator Océan, France ydrillet@…
Dubois Clotilde CNRM Météo France, France clotilde.dubois@…
Dussin Raphael LEGI, France Raphael.Dussin@…
Elmoussaoui Abdelali Mercator Océan, France abdelali.elmoussaoui@…
Epicoco Italo CMCC, Italy italo.epicoco@…
Ethé Christian LSCE-IPSL, France Christian.Ethe@…
Flavoni Simona LOCEAN-IPSL, France sflod@…
Furner Rachel Met Office, United Kingdom rachel.furner@…
Gainusa Bogdan Alina LSCE-IPSL, France Alina.Gainusa-Bogdan@…
Garric Gilles Mercator Océan, France ggarric@…
Graham Tim Met Office, United Kingdom tim.graham@…
Greiner Eric Mercator Océan, France Eric.Greiner@…
Guemas Virginie IC3, Spain vguemas@…
Gunduz Murat INGV, Italy gunduz@…
Hordoir Robinson SMHI, Sweden robinson.hordoir@…
Iovino Dorotea LOCEAN-IPSL, France dilod@…
Law Chune Stephane Mercator Océan, France…
Lee Mei-Man Lee NOC, United Kingdom mmlee@…
Le Galloudec Olivier Mercator Océan, France olegallou@…
Levier Bruno Mercator Océan, France bruno.levier@…
Levy Claire LOCEAN-IPSL, France claire.levy@…
Lovato Tomas CMCC, Italy tomas.lovato@…
Masson Sébastien LOCEAN-IPSL, France smasson@…
Marsaleix Patrick LA patrick.marsaleix@…
Mathiot Pierre U. Louvain, Belgium pierre.mathiot@…
Mocavero Silvia CMCC, Italy silvia.mocavero@…
Myers Paul U. Alberta, Canada pmyers@…
Nilsson Magnus MISU U. Stockholm, Sweden magnus@…
Oddo Paolo INGV, Italy paolo.oddo@…
O'Neill Clare NOC, United Kingdom clne@…
Parent Laurent Mercator Océan, France lparent@…
Peter Charlotte LOCEAN-IPSL, France acplod@…
Pickles Stephen STFC, United Kingdom stephen.pickles@…
Porter Andrew STFC, United Kingdom andrew.porter@…
Quattrocchi Giovanni Mercator Océan, France giovanni.quattrocchi@…
Rogel Philippe CERFACS, France rogel@…
Russo Ida CMCC, Italy ida.russo@…
Sanchez Emilia CERFACS, France sanchez@…
Senesi Stephane Météo France, France senesi@…
Sevault Florence Météo France, France florence.sevault@…
Shen Biao Ocean U., China
Somot Samuel Météo France, France samuel.somot@…
Storto Andrea CMCC, Italy andrea.storto@…
Su Jie Ocean U., China sujie@…
Terray Laurent CERFACS, France terray@…
Titaud Olivier CERFACS, France titaud@…
Toque Nathalie IMS-METU, Turkey nathalie.toque@…
Tranchant Benoit CLS, France benoit.tranchant@…
Valcke Sophie CERFACS, France Sophie.Valcke@…
Westerlund Antti FMI, Finland antti.westerlund@…