NEMO Special Issue in GMD Journal
Original publication (eZ): 2013-10-04 12:29 CEST by clevy
Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?
The NEMO System Team has set up a NEMO Special Issue in Geoscientific Model Development Journal. This Special Issue is open indefinitely in time so that you can submit your paper(s) whenever they are ready.
This is an excellent way to share the expertise of the NEMO community.
Purpose of the Special Issue
NEMO (Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean) is a state-of-the-art modelling framework for oceanographic research, operational oceanography, seasonal forecasting and climate studies. The NEMO components are NEMO-OPA (the "blue" ocean, for dynamics, solving the primitive equations); NEMO-LIM (the "white ocean" for sea-ice), and NEMO-TOP (the "green ocean" for biogeochemistry). NEMO also includes grid refinement software (AGRIF) and an assimilation component (linear-tangent NEMO-TAM, Observational operators NEMO-OBS, and increment NEMO-ASM).
The "blue ocean" component is utilised by all users. NEMO can be interfaced with a number of other components for the atmosphere, and other components of Earth System Models such as other models of sea-ice or biogeochemistry.
This Special Issue aims to collect technical and scientific manuscripts dealing with evaluations of model skill and performance as well as development of one of more NEMO components. Submitted manuscripts can cover a wide variety of analysis, including process studies, new parametrizations, implementation of new model features and NEMO configurations. The main scope is to collect relevant and state of the art manuscripts to provide the NEMO users with a single portal to search, discover and understand more about the NEMO modelling framework potential and evolution and submit their contributions.
This GMD Special Issue intends to be open indefinitely in time so that there is no closing date for submission. It will be open for all submissions within the scope of the special issue (not only invited papers) and coordinated by Paolo Oddo.
The first papers to be submitted by institutions of the NEMO Consortium
Wave-Current coupling, Clementi et al., INGV
Atmospheric pressure in semi -enclose basin using time-splitting and filtered free surfaca formulation, P. Oddo et al., INGV
Split-explicit free surface and tide (Yellow Sea), Dong Wang, CMCC
Performance and results of the high-resolution biogeochemical model PELAGOS025 within NEMO, Mckiver et al, CMCC
The coupling of the flexible stoichiometric model BFM with NEMO, Vichi et al, CMCC
Comparison of TKE and GLS, Bourdalle-Badie, Mercator Océan
PISCES : An ocean biogeochemical model for carbon and ecosystem studies, Aumont, CNRS
UkMETO/NOC. Latest global ocean configuration, Met Office