New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Users/Agenda/2015-06-30 – NEMO

Announcement of NEMO 3.6 release

Original publication (eZ): 2015-06-30 15:28 CEST by clevy
Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?

NEMO v3_6_STABLE release

Up to now, the stable NEMO release was 3.4. From now on a 3.6 release is available.

This release will be used by all CMIP6 experiments using NEMO (CERFACS, CMCC, EC_EARTH, Hadley Centre, IPSL).
It includes all developments from 3_4_STABLE, i.e. 3_5, 3_6_beta, including the new XIOS IO system and some new features.

For all users, it is strongly suggested to move to this new stable release of NEMO:

  • If you are using 3_4_STABLE now, because this release will now become gradually obsolete
  • If you are using the NEMO trunk (3_5, 3_6...) because 3_6_STABLE is now the up to date version which will be supported, whereas the trunk will be used from now on for future developments and major (and probably unstable) simplifications.

Quick start guide

is available here.
Please note that XIOS 1.0 is mandatory.

Main new features

For details, see ReleaseNotes?

Coupled interface for next IPCC requirements (multi category sea-ice, calving and iceberg module) Runoff improved and SBC with BGC Solar flux filtering at daily frequency to force BGC component
Major evolution of LIM sea-ice model (including LIM3 in mono category, i.e. similar to LIM2) On line coarsening of ocean I/O Ocean and ice allowed to be explicitly coupled through OASIS, using Stand Alone Surface module)
First steps of wave coupling MPI optimisation XIOS new IO system
Standard Fox Kemper parametrisation Atmospheric forcing at land-ocean interface Open boundaries: completion of BDY/OBC merge
Solved 2 time stepping issues Faster split-explicit time stepping, Z-tilde ALE coordinates, implicit bottom friction First version of Configuration Manager
Standalone OBS component and improvements in OBS & ASM

Features becoming obsolete

LIM2 (replaced by LIM3 monocategory)


3.6 release has been validated as usual: so-called SETTE tests (restartability and reproducibility on each of the reference configurations and appropriate validations of all new developments.
Details on validation can be found here?

Associated branches

A few associated development branches will remain aside, at least until full validation. Those development branches listed below will be kept up to date with 3.6 stable.
A project needing one or more of these branches will have to:

  1. Extract 3.6 release as usual
  2. Locally merge the needed development branch with 3_6_STABLE
    svn merge'name_of_the_branch'

List of associated branches

Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on 2018-07-13T11:23:23+02:00