Version 9 (modified by clevy, 7 years ago) (diff) |
Announcement 4.0.beta NEMO release
Last edition on Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?
11 July 2018
The new 4.0.beta release of NEMO is now available for beta testing. The offical 4.0 release is scheduled for end 2018. The users and projects willing to make preliminary tests and contribute to the reliability of the future 4.0 release are very welcome to start testing this new version. This page gathers all the information needed for a quick start, and all feedbacks are welcome, see below.
Download the nemo4.0.beta release
Syntax of checkout and starting revision number to be added here
Changes in repository and building executable
To make it compliant to usual directory tree, and to facilitate building NEMO executable, there as been soms changes in the repository layout:
PdfImg(NEMO_repository_changes_4.0.pdf, 600px)?
To build NEMO executable in this release:
Changes to quickstart page to be added here
Important notice on XIOS revision
Use 2.5 or if problem 2.0 for now
Status of the 4.0 beta release
This newly build beta release has been widely tested before this announcement:
- All the reference configuration sucessfully complete the so-called SETTE tests: each reference configuration is running fine, is restartable (running in one step or with a restart gives identical results) and reproducible (identical results with two different domain decomposition) with optimised compiler options, and in debug mode
- All the test cases give correct results
- Some longer runs (global 2° with sea ice and biogeochemistry, list to be completed show satisfactory scientific results.
Release notes
- add vertical refinement
- Now compatible with new sea ice component
- Now compatible with vvl
- Nesting tools for setup now up to date and working
- Reduce number of MPI communications (suppression of redundant communications, gather multiple communications into one)
- Back to standard dynamical allocation (remove of wrk_alloc/dealloc statements)
- Generalised lbc_lnk and lbc_nfd (simplification)
- Unify mppini (simplification)
- Use non uniform jpi/jpj with dynamic allocation to avoid ghost rows/columns (simplification)
- Message passing re coded
- XIOS2 as default and optionally available for restarts
- z-tilde and split explicit stability improvements
- bulk formulae : move to aerobulk package (Brodeau et al. 2016), i.e. NCAR, COARE and ECMWF bulk (remove Clio and MFS bulk)
- wetting and drying
- self loading and attraction
- add a 4th order centered (CEN) and Flux Corrected Transport (FCT) tracer advection (using a 4th compact in the vertical)
- iso-neutral mixing (iso and triad operators): add the Method of Stabilizing Correction (MSC) (more accurate calculation) + add a bilaplacian case
- Lateral physics (LDF): scale aware setting of eddy viscosity and diffusivity
- vorticity: 2 new energy conserving scheme: ENT with Coriolis defined at T-point (better for Flux form) and EET a variant of EEN where e3t is used instead of e3f (solved the issue with e3f specification but is not enstrophy conserving)
- revised structure of namlist_ref/_cfg and default reference values.
- lateral physics (LDF): simplification of user interface and removal of CPP keys
- vertical physics (ZDF) (modularity, share shear production calculation between TKE and GKS, removal of all ZDF CPP keys, removal of avmu & avmv, minimization of MPP comm.: ~15 removed)
- remove the split-explicit ZDF scheme for both TRA and DYN
- remove the acceleration of convergence
- configuration interface completely rewritten (DOM module mainly suppressed , and in place: file, or usr_def module)
- TEST Cases
- Introduce test cases
- Implement 6 different cases
- WAVE coupling
- coupled interface to external wave model
- large scale wave interaction process added in momentum and tracer equations
- New SI3 component (in place of LIMx), improvements in natural and computational sciences so as friendlier user interface
- Fully compatible with AGRIF
- Benefitting from the gathering of multiple communications into one
- The passive tracers transport component was redesigned toward a modular structure and users can enable each module directly through logical flags in namelist_top (no more fortran macros!).
- TOP currently accounts for the following 5 modules: CFC contains inorganic carbon tracers (CFC11/CFC12/SF6), MY_TRC is a template for new modules (or external couplings), AGE deals with water age tracking, C14 as a radiocarbon passive tracer, and the companion ecosystem model PISCES.
- A generalized infrastructure was developed to handle the prescription of either surface, coastal, or open boundaries conditions for each passive tracer.
- A new configuration, named ORCA2_OFF_TRC, was created to provide a benchmark simulation environment to deal with inert carbon tracers dynamics by exploiting the offline coupling with NEMO.
- PISCES model contains new developments and modifications:
- Particulate Organic Carbon (POC) component comes with a new lability scheme, while the former Kriest parameterisation was superseded;
- A complex iron chemistry scheme is now available, with an improved description of ligands for the marine iron cycle
- Carbonate chemistry is based on MOCSY 2.0 routines (see Orr and Epitalon, 2015), by complying also with CMIP6 standards.
- Ecosystem components can be optionally modelled by means of explicit nutrient quotas (PISCES-QUOTA)
- Collaborative Development Environment
- Access to information on NEMO wiki reorganised through portals for users/developers/System Team and complete refactoring of all wiki pages and their layout
- Reorganisation of svn repository to be compliant with usual directory tree and faciltate building of NEMO executable
- Define and install a separate repository for test cases to all easy contributions from the NEMO Users Community
- Forums created
- NEMO public web site has been cleaned and is now much nicer (using WordPress? rather than EzP)
- New mailing lists have been set up
- Improvements of reliability through automatic and regular testing of the changes made in repository
Sending feedbacks
- You have a question: please create a topic in one of the forums
- You have found a defect or a bug: please open a ticket of corresponding type (defect or bug) associated to version "trunk" for now
Attachments (1)
- NEMO_repository_changes_4.0.pdf (18.5 KB) - added by clevy 7 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip