New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Users/Agenda/2018-10-11 – NEMO

Version 24 (modified by clevy, 6 years ago) (diff)


2018 NEMO Users Meeting

VERSION of this document: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?

Dates and registration, fees

Meeting will take place on Thursday 11 October afternoon and Friday 12 October. Registration is now closed but you may still send a late registration request to webmaster @ No registration fees.

Location and practical information

Meeting location:

Centre International de Conférences
42, avenue Gaspard Coriolis
31057 Toulouse cedex 1
More details:


List of Hotels:

Preliminary agenda

Color(IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SPEAKERS: Maximum duration of presentation is 10 minutes, to allow at least 5 minutes discussion, /pink)?

Thursday 11 October afternoon

1:30 p.m. Registration and welcome coffee

2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. : Session 1 Interaction processes at the air / ocean interface - Chairperson: tbd

  • Impact of uncertainties from 7 atmospheric reanalysis surface conditions on Arctic Ocean freshwater budget
    C Bricaud (Mercator Océan), O Hernandez (Mercator Océan), G Garric (Mercator Océan), J Chanut (Mercator Océan), G Ruggiero (Mercator Océan), CE Testut (Mercator Océan)
  • The different uses of sea surface restoring in EC-Earth at BSC
    Yohan Ruprich-Robert, Xavier Levigne, Valentina Sicardi
  • Mediterranean marine heat wave representation using NEMO in a fully coupled regional climate system
    Darmaraki S., Somot S., Sevault F.
  • Upper ocean sensitivity to atmospheric forcing errors and air-sea turbulent fluxes algorithms at Papa Station
    Guillaume Samson(1), Théo Brivoal(1), Romain Bourdalle-Badie(1) and Herve Giordani(2), (1)Mercator Ocean (2)CNRM-GAME
  • Forcing NEMO with the simplified atmospheric boundary layer model CheapAML - Application to a process study of the Equatorial Atlantic inter annual variability.
    J. Jouanneau, O. Hernandez, E. Sanchez Gomez, B. Deremble
  • Impact of the NEMOv3.6 stochastic parametrisation on the CNRM-CM6.1 coupled model.
    Emilia Sanchez-Gomez, Giovanni Ruggiero, Rym Msadek, Robin Waldman, Aurore Voldoire, Matthieu Chevalier, Laurent Bessieres

3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Coffee break

4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Session 2 : The ocean in Earth System Models, tracers, biogeochemistry, cycles and CMIP6 - Chairperson: tbd

  • The Canadian Earth System Model version 5 - NEMO and new ocean ecosystem models.
    Neil Swart, Jim Christian
  • General description of the ocean in the CNRM-CM6 model.
    Rym Msadek, Matthieu Chevallier, Aurore Voldoire, Emilia Sanchez et al.
  • Large-scale variability in the Southern Ocean in coupled shaconemo configurations
    Till Kuhlbrodt and many others
  • Past and present radiocarbon distributions in the ocean with NEMO.
    A. Mouchet, Ch. Ethé, J.-C. Dutay, and J. Orr

Cocktail Party

END of the day

Friday 12 October morning

9:00 am - 10:30

Session 3: Sea-ice and ocean interactions - Chairperson: tbd

  • Operational sea ice forecasting in the Barents and Kara Seas with NEMO-LIM3.
    Andrea M. U. Gierisch, Robinson Hordoir, Jari Haapala, Petteri Uotila
  • Improvement of sea surface height forecast in NEMO-NORDIC configuration.
    Saeed Falahat, Adam Nord, Petter Nygren, Patruk Ljungemyr
  • Spin-up technique for long-term Arctic ice simulation.
    Nikolay Nikitin, Anna Kalyuzhnaya, Denis Demchev
  • A model study of the sensitivity of the Atlantic Water subduction processes to sea-ice conditions.
    C. Talandier, C. Lique
  • Modelling ocean waves and sea ice in NEMO framework.
    Yevgeny Aksenov (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton), Stefanie Rynders (National Oceanography Centre, Southampton), Lucia Hosekova (University of Reading), Danny Feltham (Universirt of Reading), A.J.George Nurser

10:30 - 11:00 Coffee break

11:00 - 12:30

Session 4: Ocean dynamical processes and model parametrisations - Chairperson: Andrew Coward

  • An Eddy-Diffusivity Mass-Flux Parameterization in NEMO.
    Giordanni H., Bourdallé_Badie R., Madec G.
  • Implementation of the GEOMETRIC scheme into NEMO
    Julian Mak, Gurvan Madec, David Marshall

Session 5: Perspectives for NEMO and future developments - Chairperson: tbd

  • Overview: NEMO organisation, recent changes and perspectives.
    1. Lévy NEMO System Team
  • NEMO 4.0 release: new features, improvements, information.
    NEMO System team
  • The new sea ice model SI3: a European sea ice modelling framework.
    member of Sea-ice WG, tbd

12:30 - 2:00p.m Lunch

Friday 12 October afternoon

2:00 - 3:30 p.m.

Session 6: Sharing with the community: activities of some institutions using NEMO - Chairperson: tbd

  • NEMO in Canada.
    Neil Swart, Susan Allen (UBC), Fred Dupont (ECCC), Amber Holdsworth (DFO)
  • Use of NEMO at ECMWF.
    Kristian Mogensen

Session 7: Multigrid, AGRIF, nesting and performances - Chairperson: tbd

  • AGRIF configurations in NEMO3.6 - insights and requirements.
    Franziska Schwarzkopf, Klaus Getzlaff, Jan Harlass, Rene Schubert, Arne Biastoch, Claus Böning
  • Adaptation of NEMO-LIM3 model for multigrid high resolution Arctic simulation.
    Nikolai Nikitin, Alexander Hvatov
  • Testing Nemo-Nordic configuration for the Baltic Sea: model performance and intercomparison with HBM model.
    Vasily Korabel, Ida Ringgaard and others
  • title to be confirmed.
    S. Posey
  • NEMO as part of the benchmark for the PRACE PCP (Pre-Commertial Procurement) on Energy efficient HPC system: lessons learned. To be confirmed
    Philippe Segers & al

3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Coffee break

4:00 - 5:00

Open slot for the moment: left for now if there's a shift in agenda (if more talks), or for a hands-on session, or left for questions and answers, or any other suggestion welcome''

5:00 : END of the meeting

List of participants

The list of participants as for September 19th is available here

Attachments (27)