Version 9 (modified by nemo, 6 years ago) (diff) |
AMM12 (Atlantic Margin Model 12kms horizontal resolution)
Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?
Configuration description
AMM12 is a regional model covering the Northwest European Shelf domain on a regular lat-lon grid at approximately 12km horizontal resolution. The key key_amm_12km is used to create the correct dimensions of the AMM domain.
This configuration tests several features of NEMO functionality specific to the shelf seas.
In particular, the AMM uses s-coordinates in the vertical rather than z-coordinates and is forced with tidal lateral boundary conditions using a flather boundary condition from the BDY module (key_bdy).
The AMM configuration uses the GLS (key_zdfgls) turbulence scheme, the VVL non-linear free surface (key_vvl) and time-splitting (key_dynspg_ts).
Configuration inputs
Input files can be downloaded here, please notice that the file depends on your NEMO release (Catalog here).
In addition to the tidal boundary condition, the model may also take open boundary conditions from a North Atlantic model. Boundaries may be completely ommited by removing the BDY key (key_bdy) in CONFIG/AMM12/cpp_AMM12_fcm.
Sample surface fluxes, river forcing and a sample initial restart file are included to test a realistic model run. The Baltic boundary is included within the river input file and is specified as a river source. Unlike ordinary river points the Baltic inputs also include salinity and temperature data.