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This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Users/ReferenceConfigurations/C1D_PAPA – NEMO

Version 12 (modified by nemo, 6 years ago) (diff)


C1D_PAPA (Configuration 1D at PAPA ocean station)

Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?

Configuration description

The C1D_PAPA configuration is a 1D model (one water column called NEMO1D, activated with CPP key key_c1d), located at the PAPA station 145W-50N.

NEMO1D is useful to test vertical physics in NEMO (turbulent closure scheme, solar penetration, interaction ocean/atmosphere.,...)
Size of the horizontal domain is 3x3 grid points.

This reference configuration uses a 75 vertical levels grid (1m at the surface), the GLS (key_zdfgls) turbulence scheme with K-epsilon closure and the CORE BULK formulae. The atmospheric forcing comes from ECMWF operational analysis with a modification of the long and short waves flux. This set has been rescaled at a frequency of 1h. 1 year is simulated in outputs, see below (June,15 2010 to June,14 2011)

This configuration is available for NEMO v3.6 and later.

Reffray et al. describes some tests on vertical physic using this configuration.

Configuration inputs

Input files can be downloaded from here: Catalog here

The tar file includes:

  • forcing files covering the years 2010 and 2011 (forcing_PAPASTATION_1h_y201*.nc)
  • initialization file for June,15 2010 deduced from observed data and Levitus 2009 climatology (
  • surface chlorophyll file ( deduced from Seawifs data.