New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
Users/ReferenceConfigurations/C1D_PAPA – NEMO

Version 2 (modified by cbricaud, 8 years ago) (diff)


Configuration description

The C1D_PAPA configuration is a 1D model (one water column called NEMO1D, activated with cpp key key_c1d), located at the PAPA station 145W-50N ([[BR]]

NEMO1D is usefull to test vertical physics in NEMO (turbulent closure scheme, solar penetration, interaction ocean/atmosphere.,...) Size of the horizontal domain is 3x3 grid points.

This reference configuration uses a 75 vertical levels grid (1m at the surface), the GLS (key_zdfgls) turbulence scheme with K-epsilon closure and the CORE BULK formulae. The atmospheric forcing comes from ECMWF operational analysis with a modification of the long and short waves flux. This set has been rescaled at a frequency of 1h. 1 year is simulated in outputs, see below(June,15 2010 to June,14 2011)

This configuration is availaible for NEMO v3.6 and later.

Reffray et al, )
describes some tests on vertical physic using this configuration.

Configuration inputs

Input files can be downloaded from here: INPUTS_c1d_PAPA_v3.6.tar
The tar file includes:

  • forcing files covering the years 2010 and 2011 (forcing_PAPASTATION_1h_y201*.nc)
  • initialization file for June,15 2010 deduced from observed data and Levitus 2009 climatology (
  • surface chlorophyll file ( deduced from Seawifs data.