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Users/SetupNewConfiguration – NEMO

Version 27 (modified by acc, 8 years ago) (diff)


Setting up a new configuration

Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?

.. _nemonewconfig:

Starting from an existing one

There are three options for creating new configurations based on an existing one:

Option 1: Duplicate an existing configuration

Create and compile a new configuration duplicating a reference configuration (ORCA_LIM3
in the following example)::

   makenemo –n ORCA_LIM3_MYCONFIG -r ORCA_LIM3

Option 2: Duplicate with differences

Create and compile a new configuration based on a reference configuration (ORCA_LIM3 in
the following example) but with different pre-processor options. For this either add
(add_key) or remove (del_key) keys as required; e.g.::

   makenemo –n ORCA2_LIM3_MYCONFIG -r ORCA2_LIM3 del_key "key_iomput" add_key "key_xios"

Option 3: Use the SIREN tools to subset an existing model

Define a regional configuration which is a sub- or super-set of an existing

This last option employs the SIREN software tools that are included in the standard
distribution. The software is written in FORTRAN95 and available in the
``NEMOGCM/TOOLS/SIREN`` directory of ``nemo_v3_6_STABLE`` (since revision 6468). SIREN
allows you to create your own regional configuration embedded in a wider one.

SIREN is a set of programs to create all the input files you need to run a NEMO regional
configuration. As a basic demonstrator, a set of GLORYS files (GLObal ReanalYSis on the
ORCA025 grid), as well as examples of namelists are available
`here <>`_ .

`SIREN documentation <>`_

Any questions or comments regarding the use of SIREN should be posted in the corresponding
`forum <>`_ .

Creating a completely new configuration

From NEMO version 4.0 there are two ways to build configurations from scratch. The
appropriate method to use depends largely on the target configuration. Method 1 is for
more complex/realistic global or regional configurations and method 2 is intended for
simpler, idealised configurations whose domains and characteristics can be described in
simple geometries and formulae.

Option 1: Create and use a domain configuration file

**1** Even when starting from scratch it is advisable to create the directory structure to
house your new configuration by duplicating the closest reference configuration to your
target application.  For example, If your application requires both ocean and ice
components then run::

   makenemo –n MY_NEW_CONFIG -r ORCA_LIM3

where ``MY_NEW_CONFIG`` can be substituted with a suitably descriptive name for your new
configuration.  The purpose of this step is simply to create and populate the appropriate WORK, 
MY_SRC and EXP00 subdirectories for your new configuration. Other choices for the base reference
configuration might be:

  * GYRE  - If your target application is ocean-only
  * AMM12 - If your target application is regional with open boundaries
  * ORCA2_LIM_PISCES - If your target application requires ocean, sea-ice and passive tracers

**2** All the domain information for your new configuration will be contained within a netcdf
file called ```` which you will need to create and place in the::


sub-directory. Firstly though, ensure that your configuration is set to use such a file by
confirming that::

   ln_read_cfg = .true.



**3** Create the file which must contain the following fields::

   int ORCA  , ORCA_index            - configuration name, configuration resolution
   int jpiglo, jpjglo , jpkglo       - global domain sizes
   int jperio                        - lateral global domain b.c.
   int ln_zco, ln_zps, ln_sco        - flags for z-coordinate, z-coordinate with partial steps and s-coordinate
   int ln_isfcav                     - flag  for ice shelf cavities
   double glamt, glamu, glamv, glamf - geographic position
   double gphit, gphiu, gphiv, gphif - geographic position
   double iff, ff_f, ff_t            - Coriolis parameter (if not on the sphere)
   double e1t, e1u, e1v, e1f         - horizontal scale factors
   double e2t, e2u, e2v, e2f         - horizontal scale factors
   double ie1e2u_v, e1e2u, e1e2v     - U and V surfaces (if grid size reduction in some straits)
   double e3t_1d, e3w_1d             - reference vertical scale factors at T and W points
   double e3t_0, e3u_0, e3v_0, e3f_0, e3w_0 - vertical scale factors 3D coordinate at T,U,V,F and W points
   double e3uw_0,e3vw_0              - vertical scale factors 3D coordinate at UW and VW points
   int bottom_level, top_level       - last wet T-points, 1st wet T-points (for ice shelf cavities)

There are two options for creating a file:

 * Users can use tools of their own choice to build a ```` with all
   mandatory fields.
 * Users can adapt and apply the supplied tool available in
   NEMOGCM/TOOLS/DOMAINcfg. This tool is based on code extracted from NEMO version
   3.6 and will allow similar choices for the horizontal and vertical grids that
   were available internally to that version. See ``NEMOGCM/TOOLS/DOMAINcfg/README``
   for details.

Option 2: Copy and modify user-defined configuration modules

This method is intended for configuring easily defined idealised configurations which are
often used as demonstrators or for process evaluation and comparison. This method can be
used whenever the domain geometry has a simple mathematical description and the ocean
initial state and boundary forcing is described analytically. From version 4.0, the NEMO
release includes a ``TEST_CASES`` subdirectory of the reference ``CONFIG`` directory which
includes several examples and will, over time, include further user-contributed examples.
These will not necessarily be fully supported but should provide a source of raw material
and ideas for constructing your own examples.

For now, consider the case of starting a completely new ocean-only test case based on the
LOCK_EXCHANGE example. [Note: we probably need an even more basic example than this with
only one namelist and minimal changes to the usrdef modules]

Firstly, construct the directory structure, starting in the ``CONFIG`` directory::


where the ``-a`` option has been used to locate the new configuration in the
``TEST_CASES`` subdirectory (it is recommended practice to keep full configurations and
idealised cases clearly distinguishable). This command will have created (amongst others)
the following files and directories::

   BLD      MY_SRC     cpp_MY_NEW_TEST.fcm
   EXP00   WORK

   context_nemo.xml        domain_def_nemo.xml
   field_def_nemo-opa.xml  file_def_nemo-opa.xml

   usrdef_hgr.F90       usrdef_nam.F90   usrdef_zgr.F90
   usrdef_istate.F90    usrdef_sbc.F90   zdfini.F90

The key to setting up an idealised configuration lies in adapting a small set of short fortran90
modules which should be dropped into the MY_SRC directory. Here the LOCK_EXCHANGE example is using
5 such routines but the full set that is availablein the ``NEMO/OPA_SRC/USR`` directory is::

   usrdef_closea.F90   usrdef_istate.F90   usrdef_zgr.F90
   usrdef_fmask.F90    usrdef_nam.F90
   usrdef_hgr.F90      usrdef_sbc.F90

Before discussing these in more detail it is worth noting the various namelist controls
that engage the different user-defined aspects. These controls are set using two new
logical switches or are implied by the settings of existing ones. For example, the
mandatory requirement for an idealised configuration is to provide routines which define
the horizontal and vertical domains.  Templates for these are provided in the
``usrdef_hgr.F90`` and ``usrdef_zgr.F90`` modules. The application of these modules is
activated whenever::

   ln_read_cfg = .false.

in any configuration's ``namelist_cfg`` file. This setting also activates the reading of
an optional ``nam_usrdef`` namelist which can be used to supply configuration specific
settings. These need to be declared and read in the ``usrdef_nam.F90`` module.

Another explicit control is available in the ``namsbc`` namelist which activates the
use of analytical forcing. With::

   ln_usr = .true.

Other usrdef modules are activated by less explicit means. For example, code in
``usrdef_istate.F90`` is used to define initial temperature and salinity fields if::

   ln_tsd_init   = .false.

in the ``namtsd`` namelist. The remaining modules, namely::

   usrdef_closea.F90   usrdef_fmask.F90

are specific to ORCA configurations and set local variations of some specific
fields for the various resolutions of the global models. They do not need to be
considered here in the context of idealised cases but it is worth noting that all
configuration specific code has now been isolated in the usrdef modules. In the
case of these last two modules, they are activated only if an ORCA configuration
is detected. Currently this requires a specific integer variable named ``ORCA``
to be set in a file. [Note: this would be less confusing if the
cn_cfg string is read directly as a character attribue from the]

So, in most cases, the set up of idealised model configurations can be completed by
copying the template routines from ``NEMOGCM/NEMO/OPA_SRC/USR`` into your new
``NEMOGCM/CONFIG/MY_NEW_TEST/MY_SRC`` directory and editing the appropriate modules as
needed. The default set are those used for the GYRE reference configuration.
The contents of ``MY_SRC`` directories from other idealised configurations
may provide more convenient templates if they share common characteristics with your
target application.

Whatever the starting point it should not require too many changes or additional lines of
code to produce routines in NEMOGCM/NEMO/OPA_SRC/USR that define analytically the domain,
the initial state and the surface boundary conditions for your new configuration.

In summary, the base set of modules is:

    * usrdef_hgr.F90    : define horizontal grid
    * usrdef_zgr.F90    : define vertical grid
    * usrdef_sbc.F90    : provides at each time-step the surface boundary condition, i.e. the momentum, heat and freshwater fluxes
    * usrdef_istate.F90 : defines initialization of the dynamics and tracers
    * usrdef_nam.F90    : configuration-specific namelist processing to set any associated run-time parameters

with two specialised ORCA modules (not related to idealised configurations but used to isolate
configuration specific code that is used in ORCA2 reference configurations and established
global configurations using the ORCA tripolar grid):

    * usrdef_fmask.F90  : only used in ORCA CONFIGURATIONS for alteration of f-point land/ocean mask in some straits
    * usrdef_closea.F90 : only used in ORCA CONFIGURATIONS for specific treatments associated with closed seas

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