Version 91 (modified by nicolasmartin, 7 years ago) (diff) |
Welcome to the NEMO forge
Here you are browsing the Trac web interface of the platform sharing the collaborative development activities related to the NEMO project.
The NEMO development platform is composed of a code repository powered by (|subversion|) Apache Subversion and this web interface under (|trac|) Trac.
Create your user access
For downloading the source code from our repository, create your NEMO user account.
Then you will get also some extended rights here after login like bookmarking your favourite resources (wiki, ticket, query, ...).
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You can be notified by email by subscribing to 2 mailing lists:
- (|mail|) to receive the major announcements from the project (new releases, open meetings and main informations).
Very low traffic recommended for all NEMO users. - (|mail|) to be notified of each event on this platform (repository commits, ticket creation/update and forums messages).
Very high traffic recommended for developers only.
Discover our sustainable development
- Yearly Workplan
- WorkingGroups
- Development Strategy (accessible after authentication)
See last updates for the stable release
Attachments (1)
- NEMO_Development_Strategy_Version2_2018-2022.pdf (1.3 MB) - added by clevy 7 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip