Air Sea interactions WG
Last edition: Wikinfo(changed_ts)? by Wikinfo(changed_by)?
Working group leader (and responsible for wiki pages): Sébastien Masson
WG Air sea interaction covers a number of different aspects : vertical mixing schemes; waves; air-sea interface, so that nobody can be expert on everything. Today each of these aspects are developed by different people who have few interactions. However, as all these aspects interact in some way with each other, it is important to keep a point where people can interact. It still makes sense to have a WG with all those as it makes sense in terms of physics, and should allow a better coherency of NEMO development on these interconnected subjects.
It is ok if there are motivated and active experts at work. These experts do exist, but not that many:
- waves : Emanuela, Gurvan
- ABL : Guillaume, Gurvan
- mixing : OSMISIS: George Nurser & Andrew
- Bulks: Laurent
- Sébastien: air-sea coupling (hopefully with Waves in the future...)
- Clément: sea-ice coupling
Direct Link with IMMERSE WP5.
Collaborations with CROCO community on wave coupling with Swen Julien and Lionel Renault.