Version 30 (modified by nicolasmartin, 7 years ago) (diff) |
- How to run Equatorial Box :
- Liste of experiences :
- Example 1: Equatorial box without Coriolis
- Example 2: Equatorial box e1, e2 constant values
- Example 3: Equatorial box with e1, e2 variables with latitudes
- Example 4: Equatorial box with stratification and constant winds
- Example 5: Equatorial box stratification and variable wind
TOC(WorkingGroups/Robustness-TestCases/ImplementationStrategyAndTemplate/EquatorialBox/*, depth=2)?
This equatorial box is done to :
- show how to create in NEMO a test case without modifying code,
- illustrate basic features for equatorial circulation (impact of Coriolis force, stratification, ...)
The structure of this test case is done like in CONFIGURATION directory.
For this test case we created a directory TEST_EQ_BOX01 in which we give:
- namelist_cfg
- iodef.xml
- cpp keys
We give ( in CREATE_FILES directory ) python scripts to create these files:
NEMO code read input files, all is setted in namelist and iodef.xml files, and we give ferret scripts to produce plots.
In TEST_CASES directory, there are directories:
In this directory there are PYTHON scripts to create these files :
- bathymetry
- coordinates
- coordinates with e1,e2 constant
- coordinates with gphi0=constant (to do not have Coriolis)
- constant fluxes
- input file for salinity and temperature constant
- input file for salinity constant and a temperature profile (given by Levitus profile, averaged for pacific ocean)
In this directory there are FERRET scripts to create plots of :
- vertical slides of velocities (between à and 1000 meters) over all bassin (0° - 180°), average between 1°S and 1°N.
- vertical slides of temperature (between à and 1000 meters) over all bassin (0° - 180°), average between 1°S and 1°N.
And a list of directories with
- namelist_cfg
- iodef.xml
- cpp keys
TEST_EQ_BOX01_noCoriolis :
Equatorial box without Coriolis
Equatorial box with e1= e2 = constant
Equatorial box with e2 variable with latitude
Equatorial box with stratification and constant winds
Equatorial box with stratification, start form restart of TEST_EQ_BOW01_tprof and winds=0 (to see kelvin waves) '
These directories are some examples to create a test case of this type :
- Equatorial BOX, grid of 0.25 ° resolution, between latitude: -30°,30°, and longitude 0°,180°,
- with zps coordinates,
- with ubs schema on dynamics and on tracers,
- with constant TS initial state,
- with flux only wind (u composant),
- with flat bathymetry.
How to run Equatorial Box :
- go into branches/2015/dev_r5102_CNRS11_TestCase/NEMOGCM/TOOLS/TEST_CASES/CREATE_FILES
- read README file
- run python to generate
- link to
- run python to generate ->
- link to
- run python to generate (you do not need link, filename is written in namelist_cfg file)
- run python to generate (you do not need link, filename is written in namelist_cfg file)
- and run NEMO like usually (./opa in mpi if you want)
- run ferret scripts to have gif files and compare with the pdf output files here given for each of 5 experiences.
noTA BENE: if you change resolution (in python scripts) you need to change also in namelist_cfg:
- jpidta
- jpjdta
- jpkdta
- jpiglo
- jpjglo
Liste of experiences :
Example 1: Equatorial box without Coriolis
1. TEST_EQ_BOX01_noCoriolis : Equatorial box (180°,60°) : with no stratification / constant wind trades / no Coriolis | |
options | values |
resolution | 0.25° (1/4) |
longitude | lon_T=[ 0,180 ] |
latitude | lat_T=[-31,31] (to have one point at 0° Equator) |
vertical levels | 31 |
batymetry | 5000m |
forcing files | utau=-0.1 / vtau=0 / qtot=0 / qsr=0 / emp=0 |
no stratification | so=35 / thetao=10 |
total time steps | 3600 (=50days) |
output frequency | 5 days |
output plot: PdfImg(gphi0-current-temp-1S1N-all.pdf, width="800")?
Example 2: Equatorial box e1, e2 constant values
2. TEST_EQ_BOX01_cst : Equatorial box (180°,60°) : with no stratification / constant wind trades / e1=e2=constant | |
options | values |
resolution | 0.25° (1/4) |
longitude | lon_T=[ 0,180 ] |
latitude | lat_T=[-31,31] (to have one point at 0° Equator) |
vertical levels | 31 |
batymetry | 5000m |
forcing files | utau=-0.1 / vtau=0 / qtot=0 / qsr=0 / emp=0 |
no stratification | so=35 / thetao=10 |
total time steps | 3600(=50days) |
output frequency | 5 days |
output plot: PdfImg(e1e2cst-current-temp-1S1N-all.pdf, width="800")?
Example 3: Equatorial box with e1, e2 variables with latitudes
3. TEST_EQ_BOX01_cst : Equatorial box (180°,60°) : with no stratification / constant wind trades / e1, e2 variable with longitude | |
options | values |
resolution | 0.25° (1/4) |
longitude | lon_T=[ 0,180 ] |
latitude | lat_T=[-31,31] (to have one point at 0° Equator) |
vertical levels | 31 |
batymetry | 5000m |
forcing files | utau=-0.1 / vtau=0 / qtot=0 / qsr=0 / emp=0 |
no stratification | so=35 / thetao=10 |
total time steps | 3600(=50days) |
output frequency | 5 days |
output plot: PdfImg(TScst-current-temp-1S1N-all.pdf, width="800")?
Example 4: Equatorial box with stratification and constant winds
4. TEST_EQ_BOX01_cst : Equatorial box (180°,60°) : with stratification / constant wind trades | |
options | values |
resolution | 0.25° (1/4) |
longitude | lon_T=[ 0,180 ] |
latitude | lat_T=[-31,31] (to have one point at 0° Equator) |
vertical levels | 31 |
batymetry | 5000m |
forcing files | utau=-0.1 / vtau=0 / qtot=0 / qsr=0 / emp=0 |
no stratification | so=35 / thetao=vertical profile |
total time steps | 3600(=50days) |
output frequency | 5 days |
output plot: PdfImg(tprof-current-temp-1S1N-all.pdf, width="800")?
Example 5: Equatorial box stratification and variable wind
5. TEST_EQ_BOX01_cst : Equatorial box (180°,60°) : with stratification / variable wind (to see Kelvin waves) | |
options | values |
resolution | 0.25° (1/4) |
longitude | lon_T=[ 0,180 ] |
latitude | lat_T=[-31,31] (to have one point at 0° Equator) |
vertical levels | 31 |
batymetry | 5000m |
forcing files | utau=-0.1 / vtau=0 / qtot=0 / qsr=0 / emp=0 |
no stratification | so=35 / thetao=vertical profile |
total time steps | 3600 (restart from a 1801 time step, restart file from test 6) with winds = 0 |
output frequency | 5 days |
output plot: PdfImg(Kelv-current-temp-1S1N-all.pdf, width="800")?
Attachments (5)
- e1e2cst-current-temp-1S1N-all.pdf (152.4 KB) - added by flavoni 9 years ago.
- gphi0-current-temp-1S1N-all.pdf (140.4 KB) - added by flavoni 9 years ago.
- Kelv-current-temp-1S1N-all.pdf (605.9 KB) - added by flavoni 9 years ago.
- TScst-current-temp-1S1N-all.pdf (154.0 KB) - added by flavoni 9 years ago.
- tprof-current-temp-1S1N-all.pdf (406.8 KB) - added by flavoni 9 years ago.
Download all attachments as: .zip