New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
WorkingGroups/WaveCoupling – NEMO

Version 18 (modified by emanuelaclementi, 10 years ago) (diff)


TOC(heading=Wave_coupling, Wave_coupling/*, depth=1)?

NEMO Wave Coupling

Working group leader (and responsible for wiki pages): Emanuela Clementi

NEMO Members of the Working group:

  • Emanuela Clementi (INGV)
  • Damiano Delrosso (INGV)
  • Michela De Dominicis (INGV)
  • Nadia Pinardi (INGV)
  • Gurvan Madec (LOCEAN)
  • Jerome Chanut (MERCATOR)
  • Francois Bocquet (METOFFICE)
  • Catherine Guiavarch (METOFFICE)
  • Christopher Harris (METOFFICE)
  • Yevgeny Aksenov (NOC)
  • Andrew Coward (NOC)
  • Lucia Hosekova (NOC)
  • Adrian New (NOC)
  • Geroge Nurser (NOC)
  • Lucy Bricheno (NOC)
  • Judith Wolf (NOC)
  • Ivan Federico (CMCC)

External Experts of the Working group:

  • Paolo Oddo (CMRE)
  • Oyvind Breivik (ECMWF)
  • Jean Bidlot (ECMWF)
  • Kristian Mogensen (ECMWF)
  • Gerasimos Korres (HCMR)
  • Joanna Staneva (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht)
  • Fabrice Ardhuin (IFREMER)
  • Anne-Marie Treguier (IFREMER)
  • Antonello Bruschi (ISPRA)
  • Rachid Benshila (LEGOS)
  • Øyvind Sætra (MET.NO)
  • Patrick Marsalaix (Observatoire Midi Pyrénées)
  • Vernon Squire (Univ. Otago)
  • Alain Grant (Univ. Reading)
  • Piero Lionello (Univ. Salento)
  • Stefanie Rynders (Univ. Southamton)


Understanding the relevance of Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean exchanges processes and their roles in driving the ocean circulation at both coastal and global scales; identify required actions and models developments. In particular the working group will explore the way in which surface gravity waves can influence the ocean circulation. Coordinate actions with other groups/projects on similar goals: MyOCean, MyWave?, etc.. Among the many processes occurring at the interface between the atmosphere and the ocean the group decided to explore in particular 7 different mechanism through which surface gravity waves can influence the ocean circulation:

  1. Computation of the Stokes drift currents to be coupled with the ocean hydrodynamics;
  2. Enhancement of upper ocean mixing through the wave-induced mixing by breaking and non-breaking waves;
  3. Modification of the wind stress due to surface roughness;
  4. Modification of the ocean hydrodynamics through large scale wave-current interaction introducing source and sink terms deriving from wave induced motion;
  5. Modification of the bottom roughness and thus the bottom shear stress;
  6. Radiation stresses effects in shallow waters;
  7. SeaIce? – Wave interaction.


  • A one-page document containing the list of principal processes through which waves can influence the ocean circulation has been distributed (see attachments)
  • A detailed document on the WAVE WG activities has been completed by the member of the consortium (see attachments)
  • The wave-current working group has been enlarged also to experts external to the NEMO consortium
  • The experts have been contacted sending them the one-page document circulated and asking their availability to take part in the working group
  • A 2-day meeting on atmo-wave-ocean current interactions has been carried out in May 2014 at ECMWF (Reading) with the participation of internal members and external experts. The first day meeting focused on the scientific approach, while during the second day the technical implementation of waves effects in NEMO has been discussed. The WG identified, as a first step development, a set of large scale wave effects to be implemented. Some technical issues have been identified with respect to a development branch created implementing the work done by ECMWF. In 2015 the identified issues will be implemented by the WG and a proper configuration will be created to test the developments. Time will be dedicated to start discussing the second phase development identifying the coastal processes to be implemented
  • Minutes of the meeting and a document that summarizes the discussions and provides information on future actions have been distributed (see attachments)
  • A technical document that describes the ECMWF branch created after the wave-current interaction meeting (Branch 2014/dev_r4642_WavesWG #1323) with comments and issues on the technical implementation has been created and distributed (see attached file)
  • The work done by the WAVE WG has been presented to the NEMO system team and the actions identified by the WG and the developments to be implemented in the code have been discussed
  • The work plan proposed has been accepted by the System Team and it has been also decided that the technical implementation must be carried out within the Wave-WG
  • A new branch has been created by INGV (branches/2014/dev_r4822_INGV_WAVE #1404) starting implementing the actions that have been identified (see attachments)
  • The work done by the WAVE WG has been presented during the Developer's Committee Meeting in December 2014. Presentation is included in the attached files.

Attachments (14)