Version 1 (modified by nicolasmartin, 9 years ago) (diff) |
Previous Work Plan
2015 Work plan
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Color(lime,WARNING page currently in progress)?
NEMO is a shared, sustainable, and state-of-the-art software for research and operational oceanography. The development of NEMO is defined in a yearly workplan. This page describes the 2015 workplan.
Since this year, the long term evolution is designed in the NEMO Development Strategy document
The 2015 workplan "Shared Actions" are expected to be directly related to the long term goals.
SHARED actions - this pages contains the workplan's core: the development priorities for all NEMO consortium's institutions
Actions by institutions: these pages contains the other planned developpements for the year, as agreed by all consortium members
AGRIF, Configuration Manager, Simplification, Robustness and test cases, Wave coupling, GMD
2015 other actions by institution:
CMCC-NEMO team | 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_CMCC |
CNRS-INSU NEMO team | 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_CNRS |
INGV-NEMO team | 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_INGV |
MERCATOR-NEMO team | 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_MERCATOR |
Met Office-NEMO team | 2015WP/2015Action_institutions_Met_Office |
NOC-NEMO team | 2015WP/201Action_institutions_NOC |
TOC(heading=2014 Work Plan,2014WP/*, depth=1)?
2014 Work plan
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The NEMO system can be defined as a shared, sustainable, and state-of-the-art platform for research and operational oceanography. This definition provides three recurrent streams to which is added a fourth stream related to a specific focus of the year. The four stream of the work plan can therefore be presented as follows:
stream 0- Year Specific shared action(s) : specific and priority actions for the current year. In 2014 the focus will be ...
stream 1 - User Interface : shared = daily support to users, web & paper documentation, model user interface.
stream 2- Developer interface : sustainable = inscribed in a long term perspective: well thought internal model architecture and interfaces, in order to facilitate the system evolution.
stream 3- New features : state-of-the-art = development/implementation of improved physics and numerics coming from the NEMO community or from the NEMO team.
2014 actions by stream:
The system simplification document is here
stream 0 | Shared: AGRIF, Configuration Manager, Simplification, Wave coupling, Global configurations for ESMs | 2014 Stream 0 |
stream 1 | User Interface | 2014 Stream 1 |
stream 2 | Developer interface | 2014 Stream 2 |
stream 3 | New features | 2014 Stream 3 |
2014 actions by institution:
CMCC-NEMO team | 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CMCC |
CNRS-INSU NEMO team | 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_CNRS |
INGV-NEMO team | 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_INGV |
MERCATOR-NEMO team | 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_MERCATOR |
Met Office-NEMO team | 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_Met_Office |
NOC-NEMO team | 2014WP/2014Action_institutions_NOC |
TOC(heading=2013 Work Plan,2013WP/*, depth=1)?
2013 Work plan
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The NEMO system can be defined as a shared, sustainable, and state-of-the-art platform for research and operational oceanography. This definition provides three recurrent streams to which is added a fourth stream related to a specific focus of the year. The four stream of the work plan can therefore be presented as follows:
stream 0- Year Specific action : a specific and priority action for the current year. In 2013 the focus will be ...
stream 1 - User Interface : shared = daily support to users, web & paper documentation, model user interface.
stream 2- Developer interface : sustainable = inscribed in a long term perspective: well thought internal model architecture and interfaces, in order to facilitate the system evolution.
stream 3- New features : state-of-the-art = development/implementation of improved physics and numerics coming from the NEMO community or from the NEMO team.
In addition to user's support and bugfixes, the 2013 actions plan is sum up by stream and presented in more detail by institution :
2013 actions by stream :
stream 0 TBDefined 2013 Stream 0 stream 1 User Interface 2013 Stream 1 stream 2 Developer interface 2013 Stream 2 stream 3 New features 2013 Stream 3
2013 actions by institution :
CMCC-NEMO team 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_CMCC CNRS-NEMO team 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_CNRS INGV-NEMO team 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_INGV MERCATOR-NEMO team 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_MERCATOR Met Office-NEMO team 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_Met_Office NOC-NEMO team 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_NOC UCL-NEMO team 2013WP/2013Action_institutions_UCL
Ideas for the future:
TOC(heading=2012 Work Plan,2012WP/*, depth=1)?
2012 Work plan
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The NEMO system can be defined as a shared, sustainable, and state-of-the-art platform for research and operational oceanography. This definition provides three recurrent streams to which is added a fourth stream related to a specific focus of the year. The four stream of the work plan can therefore be presented as follows:
stream 0- Year Specific action : a specific and priority action for the current year. In 2011 the focus will be
stream 1 - User Interface : shared = daily support to users, web & paper documentation, model user interface.
stream 2- Developer interface : sustainable = inscribed in a long term perspective: well thought internal model architecture and interfaces, in order to facilitate the system evolution.
stream 3- New features : state-of-the-art = development/implementation of improved physics and numerics coming from the NEMO community or from the NEMO team.
In addition to user's support and bugfixes, the 2012 actions plan is sum up by stream and presented in more detail by institution :
2012 actions by stream :
stream 0 TBDefined 2012 Stream 0 stream 1 User Interface 2012 Stream 1 stream 2 Developer interface 2012 Stream 2 stream 3 New features 2012 Stream 3
2012 actions by institution :
LOCEAN-NEMO team * 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_LOCEAN NOC-NEMO team 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_NOC MERCATOR-NEMO team 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_MERCATOR Met Office-NEMO team 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_Met_Office INGV-NEMO team 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_INGV CMCC-NEMO team 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_CMCC UCL-NEMO team 2012WP/2012Action_institutions_UCL
Ideas for the future:
As result from the discussions during the Developer's Committee (October 2010 at NOCS), some "ideas for the future" have been listed . These are not to be considered for 2011 workplan, but to be remembered for next years.
- Working group to elaborate developments for atmospheric pressure
- Working group on developments for diffusion especially for s-coordinates
- Working group on wave model coupling interface via OASIS (UKMO, INGV...)
- Interest for sub ice-shelf modeling (UKMO)
TOC(heading=2011 Work Plan,2011WP/*, depth=1)?
2011 Work plan
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The NEMO system can be defined as a shared, sustainable, and state-of-the-art platform for research and operational oceanography. This definition provides three recurrent streams to which is added a fourth stream related to a specific focus of the year. The four stream of the work plan can therefore be presented as follows:
stream 0- Year Specific action : a specific and priority action for the current year. In 2011 the focus will be on coastal ocean applications
stream 1 - User Interface : shared = daily support to users, web & paper documentation, model user interface.
stream 2- Developer interface : sustainable = inscribed in a long term perspective: well thought internal model architecture and interfaces, in order to facilitate the system evolution.
stream 3- New features : state-of-the-art = development/implementation of improved physics and numerics coming from the NEMO community or from the NEMO team.
The 2011 actions plan is sum up by stream and presented in more detail by institution :
2011 actions by stream :
stream 0 Coastal ocean ready 2011 Stream 0 stream 1 User Interface 2011 Stream 1 stream 2 Developer interface 2011 Stream 2 stream 3 New features 2011 Stream 3
2011 actions by institution :
LOCEAN-NEMO team * 2011WP/2011Action_institutions_LOCEAN NOC-NEMO team 2011WP/2011Action_institutions_NOC MERCATOR-NEMO team 2011WP/2011Action_institutions_MERCATOR Met Office-NEMO team 2011WP/2011Action_institutions_Met_Office INGV-NEMO team 2011WP/2011Action_institutions_INGV CMCC-NEMO team 2011WP/2011Action_institutions_CMCC UCL-NEMO team 2011WP/2011Action_institutions_UCL
* including Grenoble contribution
release time table :mid-year tag v3.3.1: (in June 2011 ); release v3.4 : (in December 2011 )
Summary of validation for the 2011 branch of the year (alpha release)
Ideas for the future:
As result from the discussions during the Developer's Committee (October 2010 at NOCS), some "ideas for the future" have been listed . These are not to be considered for 2011 workplan, but to be remembered for next years.
- Working group to elaborate developments for atmospheric pressure
- Working group on developments for diffusion especially for s-coordinates
- Working group on wave model coupling interface via OASIS (UKMO, INGV...)
- Interest for sub ice-shelf modeling (UKMO)
TOC(heading=2010 Work Plan,2010WP/*, depth=2)?
2010 Work plan
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The NEMO system can be defined as a shared, sustainable, and state-of-the-art platform for research and operational oceanography. This definition provides three recurrent streams to which is added a fourth stream related to a specific focus of the year. The four stream of the work plan can therefore be presented as follows:
stream 0- Year Specific action : a specific and priority action for the current year. In 2010 the focus will be on coastal ocean applications
stream 1 - User Interface : shared = daily support to users, web & paper documentation, model user interface.
stream 2- Developer interface : sustainable = inscribed in a long term perspective: well thought internal model architecture and interfaces, in order to facilitate the system evolution.
stream 3- New features : state-of-the-art = development/implementation of improved physics and numerics coming from the NEMO community or from the NEMO team.
The 2010 actions plan is sum up by stream and presented in more detail by institution :
2010 actions by stream :
stream 0 Coastal ocean ready 2010 Stream 0 stream 1 User Interface 2010 Stream 1 stream 2 Developer interface 2010 Stream 2 stream 3 New features 2010 Stream 3
2010 actions by institution :
LOCEAN-NEMO team * 2010WP/2010Action_institutions_LOCEAN NOCS-NEMO team 2010WP/2010Action_institutions_NOCS MERCATOR-NEMO team 2010WP/2010Action_institutions_MERCATOR Met Office-NEMO team 2010WP/2010Action_institutions_Met_Office INGV-NEMO team 2010WP/2010Action_institutions_INGV CMCC-NEMO team
* including Grenoble contribution
release time table
release v3.3: (see : add link here )
release v3.4 : (see : add link here )
TOC(heading=2009 Work Plan,2009WP/*, depth=2)?
2009 milestones
The NEMO system can be defined as a shared, sustainable, and state-of-the-art platform for research and operational oceanography. This definition provides three recurrent streams:
stream 1 - User Interface : shared = daily support to users, web & paper documentation, model user interface.
stream 2- Developer interface : sustainable = inscribed in a long term perspective: well thought internal model architecture and interfaces, in order to facilitate the systems evolution.
stream 3- New features : state-of-the-art = development/implementation of improved physics and numerics coming from the NEMO community or from the NEMO team.
In addition to these recurrent streams, each year, a stream 0 is added.
stream 0- Year Specific action : a specific and priority development for the current year.
In 2009 the actions plan can be summed up as follows:
stream 0- Coupled Ready : ensure that the Ocean, ice and biogeochemistry components are “coupled ready” : introduce a generic coupling interface that can be shared by all groups involved in coupled studies ; provide an ORCA2-LIM global ocean configuration with improved and documented physics ; provide a forced and coupled interface for CICE ice model (see 2009WP/2009Stream0 for details and progress)
stream 1- User Interface' : introduce an easy and efficient way to add/remove model output fields (new IOM for output) ; start 2 years work on a configuration manager to ease the construction of a new model configuration ; add TOP and LIM paper documentation (see 2009WP/2009Stream1 for details and progress).
stream 2- Developer interface' : remove obsolete rigid-lid option ; merge advection/diffusion modules for active and passive tracers ; clean the mpp library (see 2009WP/2009Stream2 for details and progress).
stream 3- New features : incorporate features developed in the NEMO community (tidal mixing, RGB light penetration, diurnal cycle, conservative Leap-Frog scheme, Observation operator, Ice-shelf melting, katabatic wind parameterisation) ; develop or improve physics (new forcings, sea-ice embedding, vertical physics, vvl,... ) (see 2009WP/2009Stream3 for details and progress).
release time table
release 3.1 : february 2009 (see Release v3.1 )
release 3.2 : december 2009 (see Release v3.2 )
Access to the Milestones and other items : PlannedMilestones?
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Download pdf version of 2009 work plan.