Version 6 (modified by cbricaud, 14 years ago) (diff) |
Last edited Timestamp?
Author : Clement BRICAUD and Guillaume Reffray
ticket : #687
Branch :
Implementation of the vertical scheme: Mellor Yamada 2,5, generic length scale (Umlauf and burchard 2003) +boundary conditions(Craig and Banner)
It is activated by CPP key : key_zdfgls
Testing could consider (where appropriate) other configurations in addition to NVTK].
NVTK Tested | '''YES''' |
Other model configurations | '''YES''' |
Processor configurations tested | [ 1*2 2*1 2*2 ] |
If adding new functionality please confirm that the New code doesn't change results when it is switched off and ''works'' when switched on | '''YES''' |
Bit Comparability
Does this change preserve answers in your tested standard configurations (to the last bit) ? | '''NO ''' |
Does this change bit compare across various processor configurations. (1xM, Nx1 and MxN are recommended) | '''NO''' |
Is this change expected to preserve answers in all possible model configurations? | '''NO''' |
Is this change expected to preserve all diagnostics? ,,''Preserving answers in model runs does not necessarily imply preserved diagnostics. '' | '''NO''' |
If you answered '''NO''' to any of the above, please provide further details: It is an alternative option for TKE
System Changes
Does your change alter namelists? | '''YES ''' |
Does your change require a change in compiler options? | '''NO ''' |
The is a dedicated bloc for gls scheme in namelist:
&namzdf_gls ! GLS vertical diffusion ("key_zdfgls")
rn_emin = 1.e-6 ! minimum value of e [m2/s2]
rn_epsmin = 1.e-12 ! minimum value of eps [m2/s3]
ln_length_lim = .true. ! limit on the dissipation rate under stable stratification (Galperin et al., 1988)
clim_galp = 0.53 ! galperin limit
ln_crban = .TRUE. ! Use Craig & Banner (1994) surface wave mixing parametrisation
ln_sigpsi = .TRUE. ! Activate or not Burchard 2001 mods on psi schmidt number in the wb case
rn_crban = 100. ! Craig and Banner 1994 constant for wb tke flux
rn_charn = 70000. ! Charnock constant for wb induced roughness length
nn_tkebc_surf = 1 ! surface tke condition (0/1/2=Dir/Neum/Dir? Mellor-Blumberg)
nn_tkebc_bot = 1 ! bottom tke condition (0/1=Dir/Neum?)
nn_psibc_surf = 1 ! surface psi condition (0/1/2=Dir/Neum/Dir? Mellor-Blumberg)
nn_psibc_bot = 1 ! bottom psi condition (0/1=Dir/Neum?)
nn_stab_func = 2 ! stability function (0=Galp, 1= KC94, 2=CanutoA, 3=CanutoB)
nn_clos = 1 ! predefined closure type (0=MY82, 1=k-eps, 2=k-w, 3=Gen)
/ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
There is no change for runtime.
For memory: memory is 1.04 more than reference configuration for ORCA2_LIM.
IPR issues
Has the code been wholly (100%) produced by NEMO developers staff working exclusively on NEMO? | '''YES ''' |