| 14 | |
| 15 | |
| 16 | Addition of a new reference configuration. |
| 17 | This is a 1D configuration, at the PAPA station (145E, 55N), to work on the vertical component of NEMO. |
| 18 | The reference test case uses input files (download http://dodsp.idris.fr/reee512/NEMO/C1D_PAPA_nemo_v3.5.tar). |
| 19 | This tarfile is composed by: |
| 20 | - a bathymeter file : bathy_meter_PAPASTATION.nc |
| 21 | - a monthly mean climatology for Chlorophyll : chlorophyll_PAPASTATION.nc |
| 22 | - 2 forcing files (hourly data) : forcing_PAPASTATION_y20*.nc |
| 23 | - an initialization file for T/S: init_PAPASTATION_m06d15.nc |
| 24 | - an file with observed temperature :OS_PAPA_temp_75L_1d_20100615-20110614.nc |
| 25 | |
| 26 | The purpose reference simulation begins 15 June 2010 and ended 14 June 2011. |
| 27 | We have fixed the vertical grid at 75 levels (1m at the surface). |
| 28 | This simulation is forced by operational analysis of ECMWF resampled at 1h. |
| 29 | The initial conditions for T/S are deduced from observations of the 15 June 2010. |
| 30 | We have added a file with daily mean observed temperatures. These data have been re-interpolated on the computing grid (file usefull for a |
| 31 | quick first validation with daily model outputs) |
| 32 | |
| 33 | The compilation of this configuration is ensured by 2 cpp_key : |
| 34 | - key_c1d to call 1D routines |
| 35 | - key_c1d_papa to call specific routine (par_C1D_PAPA.h90) |
| 36 | The bathymetry file is read in namelist (nn_bathy=1) but could be switch off (nn_bathy=0) and prescribed by a new namelist parameter: rn_bathy/=0 (default =0 implied |
| 37 | rn_bathy=deptw(jpkm1)) |
| 38 | The defaul namelist used a k-epsilon closure and the defaul iodef.xml save fields with a frequency of 1 hour and 1 day. |
| 39 | |
| 40 | After compilation, the code can be launch using these commands: |
| 41 | |
| 42 | DIR_ARCHI_INIT=path_of_the_input_file |
| 43 | |
| 44 | mkdir rundir |
| 45 | cd rundir |
| 46 | |
| 47 | cp ../*.xml . |
| 48 | cp ../namelist . |
| 49 | cp ../opa . |
| 50 | |
| 51 | ln -s ${DIR_ARCHI_INIT}/bathy_meter_PAPASTATION.nc ./bathy_meter.nc |
| 52 | ln -s ${DIR_ARCHI_INIT}/chlorophyll_PAPASTATION.nc ./chlorophyll.nc |
| 53 | ln -s ${DIR_ARCHI_INIT}/init_PAPASTATION_m06d15.nc . |
| 54 | ln -s ${DIR_ARCHI_INIT}/forcin* . |
| 55 | |
| 56 | ./opa |
| 57 | |
| 58 | |
20 | | ||NVTK Tested||!'''YES/NO!'''|| |
21 | | ||Other model configurations||!'''YES/NO!'''|| |
22 | | ||Processor configurations tested||[ Enter processor configs tested here ]|| |
23 | | ||If adding new functionality please confirm that the [[BR]]New code doesn't change results when it is switched off [[BR]]and !''works!'' when switched on||!'''YES/NO/NA!'''|| |
| 65 | ||NVTK Tested||!'''NO!'''|| |
| 66 | ||Other model configurations||!'''NO!'''|| |
| 67 | ||Processor configurations tested||[ 1 ]|| |
| 68 | ||If adding new functionality please confirm that the [[BR]]New code doesn't change results when it is switched off [[BR]]and !''works!'' when switched on||!'''YES!'''|| |