Version 2 (modified by gm, 9 years ago) (diff) |
Last edited Timestamp?
Author : Gurvan Madec, Andrew Coward
ticket : #1613
Branch : dev_r5836_NOC3_vvl_by_default
WP2015 Action : NOC-3
Development branch related to NOC-3 system simplification actions of 2015 work plan : set the non-linear free surface (i.e. key_vvl) by default.
- suppression of domzgr_substitute.h90 : before, now and after e3 scale factors are systematically defined. All fse3… desappear from all NEMO modules.
- key_vvl is removed. A namelist logical (ln_linssh) is used.
- linear free surface (constant volume) case : e3 before, now and after are set equal one for all, and we use exactly the same calculation as in non-linear case (except that update of e3 at each time-step is by-passed)
- time stepping on tracers is performed systematically on thickness-weighted tracers (or possibly on volume-weighted tracers).
Starting from trunk (revision: 5836) after the merge with dev_r5721_CNRS9_NOC3_LDF
Three steps:
I. Before/Now/After? vertical coordinate system by default
===>>> OK see revision XXX + minor correction revision XXX (SETTE OK)
(I.1) dom_oce :
tell your life :-)
(I.1) dom_oce :
tell it again :-)
II. …
- domzgr.F90 : replace everywhere /e1u (/e2v) by *r1_e1u (*r1_e2v)