241 | | |
242 | | |
243 | | |
244 | | |
245 | | |
| 241 | Extensive excruciatingly long winded and painstaking use of glob_sub in NEMO leads us to the fact that tsa diverges after the call to sbc_tsc. |
| 242 | |
| 243 | Examining contributing things in sbc_tsc leads us to sfx (salt flux due to melting/freezing) and qns (non solar heat flux). |
| 244 | |
| 245 | These in turn seems to lead us to sbcice_cice which seems to set these up. That in turn suggests CICE or CICE-NEMO coupling is implicated. |
| 246 | |
| 247 | |Now the XCS has crashed everything, so while waiting for that to be sorted out I look at the differences in CICE branches between the coupled and stand alone cases - and there are several! Far too many for comfort or to ignore: |
| 248 | |
| 249 | Coupled model CICE branches; |
| 250 | {{{ |
| 251 | |
| 252 | branches/dev/frbe/vn5.1.2_sal_dep_frz_fix@1126 |
| 253 | branches/dev/frrh/vn5.1.2_tripole_fix@1237 |
| 254 | |
| 255 | branches/dev/frsy/vn5.1.2_netcdf4_output@1072 |
| 256 | branches/dev/hadax/r1205_SIMIP_GSI8@1273 |
| 257 | branches/dev/hadci/vn5.1.2_land_suppression@1122 |
| 258 | branches/dev/hadjs/vn5.1.2_avoid_NEMO_units@1059 |
| 259 | branches/dev/hadjs/vn5.1.2_fix_mpond_init_bug@1065 |
| 260 | branches/dev/hadjs/vn5.1.2_sea_ice_salinity@1061 |
| 261 | branches/dev/mandrej/vn5.1.2_mpi_update@1243 |
| 262 | branches/test/hadjs/vn5.1.2_dragio_change@1152 |
| 263 | |
| 264 | }}} |
| 265 | |
| 266 | Non coupled model CICE branches: |
| 267 | {{{ |
| 268 | branches/dev/frbe/vn5.1.2_GSI7_CCSM3_meltponds@1114 |
| 269 | branches/dev/frbe/vn5.1.2_sal_dep_frz_fix@1126 |
| 270 | branches/dev/frrh/vn5.1.2_tripole_fix@1237 |
| 271 | branches/dev/frsy/vn5.1.2_fix_GSI6_constants_forced_ocean_ice@1070 |
| 272 | branches/dev/frsy/vn5.1.2_netcdf4_output@1072 |
| 273 | branches/dev/hadax/vn5.1.2_GSI8@1141 |
| 274 | branches/dev/hadci/vn5.1.2_land_suppression@1122 |
| 275 | branches/dev/hadjs/vn5.1.2_avoid_NEMO_units@1059 |
| 276 | branches/dev/hadjs/vn5.1.2_fix_mpond_init_bug@1065 |
| 277 | branches/dev/hadjs/vn5.1.2_sea_ice_salinity@1061 |
| 278 | }}} |
| 279 | |
| 280 | |
| 281 | So the coupled case has extra branches: |
| 282 | {{{ |
| 283 | branches/dev/hadax/r1205_SIMIP_GSI8@1273 |
| 284 | branches/dev/mandrej/vn5.1.2_mpi_update@1243 |
| 285 | branches/test/hadjs/vn5.1.2_dragio_change@1152 |
| 286 | }}} |
| 287 | |
| 288 | WHile it does not contain |
| 289 | {{{ |
| 290 | branches/dev/frbe/vn5.1.2_GSI7_CCSM3_meltponds@1114 |
| 291 | branches/dev/frsy/vn5.1.2_fix_GSI6_constants_forced_ocean_ice@1070 |
| 292 | branches/dev/hadax/vn5.1.2_GSI8@1141 |
| 293 | }}} |