New URL for NEMO forge!

Since March 2022 along with NEMO 4.2 release, the code development moved to a self-hosted GitLab.
This present forge is now archived and remained online for history.
user/flavoni/libIGCM – NEMO

Version 465 (modified by flavoni, 9 years ago) (diff)


TOC(heading=Using libIGCM library with ORCA2_LIM ,depth=2, libIGCM/setupsimupage, libIGCM/change_BC, libIGCM/common_account, libIGCM/postprocessingpage, libIGCM/postalreadyrunpage, libIGCM/parallelpage, libIGCM/common_account, libIGCM/tree_IGCM00, libIGCM/errorpage, libIGCM/suggestpage, libIGCM/resol_ORCA2, libIGCM/donepage, libIGCM/todolistpage, libIGCM/iom_put, libIGCM/changepage, libIGCM/appendixpage )?

Using libIGCM library with ORCA2_LIM


  • Document the using of libigcm for NEMO till version tag 3_2_2, in configuration ORCA2_LIM
  • Official documentation of libigcm is :

Quick start guide

21/04/2010 in this moment when downloading NEMO default configuration is:
nemo tag version 3_2
climatological run, with bulk clio forcing,
with calendar type noleap
and ocean output frequency 1Y,1M,5D,1D, ice output frequency 5D,
with iom_put, (with an example of iodef.xml file),
without MONITORING, and ATLAS.

At the bottom of this page informations to switch

  1. interannual run, with bulk core forcing, with calendar type noleap and output frequency 1M, with iom_put, without MONITORING, and ATLAS.
  • Define the following alias to use SVN :
     alias svn_ano='svn co modipsl'
  • Create and go into working directory :
     mkdir TRY ; cd TRY
  • Extract modipsl :
  • Extract NEMO :
     cd modipsl/util 
     ./model NEMO
  • Choosing ORCA2_LIM configuration :
     cd ../modeles/UTIL
     ./fait_config ORCA2_LIM

For a multi-processor run see : parallelpage
For a mono-processor run you an follow

  • Preparing Makefile :
     cd ../../util 
  • Compile :
     cd ../config/ORCA2_LIM 

Editing at this point modipsl/config/ORCA2_LIM/IGCM00/config.card
Editing at this point modipsl/config/ORCA2_LIM/IGCM00/COMP/opa9.card
see : setupsimupage

  • Submit Job :
     cd IGCM00 
     qsub Job_Name

Color( red, IMPORTANT REMARK: )?

To reduce computing time, if you don't use the ATLAS, you can put in namelist : ln_mskland=.false. , because it is very expensive in term of computational time. '

And also see useful remarks: suggestpage

If you want to switch from climatological to interannual see: change_BC

To activate iom_put see: iom_put

Simona Flavoni last update: Wikinfo(changed_by)? at Wikinfo(changed_ts)?

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