Version 23 (modified by nicolasmartin, 7 years ago) (diff) |
Set up simulation
config.card :Description of Sections
Look at [Sections]of config.card
They are:
- [UserChoices] : set all you choises (you can modify everything)
- be careful to R_BC directory
- if you use common login of ipsl (ada: /workgpfs/rech/psl/rpsl035, tgcc:/ccc/work/cont003/dsm/p86ipsl/) nothing to do
- if you want to change and use your own directory you need to:
- create ~${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_OPA_version} directory in which you put your forcing files
- remark: opa9_UserChoices_OPA_version is defined in COMP/opa9.card
- [ListOfComponents] : don't modify
- [Executable] : coherent name between executable in modipsl/bin directory, be careful of NUMBER OF PROCS (Total Number of Processors = NEMO.exe procs + xios.server procs)
- [Restarts] : if you want that all components RESTART from the same simulation (if not set RESTART of component section: [OCE] or [ICE] or [MBG])
- [OCE] : you can choise WriteFrequency and if you want to start from RESTART ocean simulation
- be careful WriteFrequency of each section need to be coherent with output in iodef.xml :
- for example if in iodef.xml you want output ocean field every 1Y in WriteFrequency you want just 1Y
- and be careful also to COMP/opa9.card to section [OutputFiles] : {PREFIX_WF1} you'll have WFn for each write frequency output
- be careful WriteFrequency of each section need to be coherent with output in iodef.xml :
- [ICE] : you can choise WriteFrequency and if you want to start from RESTART ice simulation
- be careful WriteFrequency of each section need to be coherent with output in iodef.xml :
- for example if in iodef.xml you want output ocean field every 1Y in WriteFrequency you want just 1Y
- and be careful also to COMP/im3.card to section [OutputFiles] : {PREFIX_WF1} you'll have WFn for each write frequency output
- be careful WriteFrequency of each section need to be coherent with output in iodef.xml :
- [MBG] : you can choise WriteFrequency and if you want to start from RESTART biology simulation
- be careful WriteFrequency of each section need to be coherent with output in iodef.xml :
- for example if in iodef.xml you want output ocean field every 1Y in WriteFrequency you want just 1Y
- and be careful also to COMP/im3.card to section [OutputFiles] : {PREFIX_WF1} you'll have WFn for each write frequency output
- be careful WriteFrequency of each section need to be coherent with output in iodef.xml :
- [Post] : fill if you want have lib IGCM Post Treatment (ATLAS and Time Series)
- [IOS] : don't modify (IOS has no output frequency not restarts)
config.card file:
# This is config.card file for restart with an NEW lib IGCM simulation tree.
# This is config.card file for NEMO ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES configuration
#D-- Compatibility -
lib IGCM=1.0
#D-- UserChoices -
[UserChoices ]
#-- ( <8 chars MAX for JobName )
JobName = eOR1L3P
#----- Short Name of Experiment
ExperimentName =ORCA1clim
SpaceName =DEVT
LongName ="ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES NEMO configuration"
#D- Choice of experiment in EXPERIEMENTS directory
ExpType =ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/clim
#-- leap, noleap, 360d
CalendarType =noleap
#-- Begin and end of Job
#-- "YYYY-MM-DD"
DateBegin =0001-01-01
DateEnd =0050-12-31
#-- 1Y, 1M, 5D, 1D 31 PeriodLength =1Y
#-- PBS Class (required on brodie mono/multi)
#JobClass =mono
JobClass =multi
#-- Total Number of Processors
JobNumProcTot =225
#-- Run Options :
JobRunOptions =
# config.card configuration options :
#D-- ListOfComponents -
[ListOfComponents ]
#D- For each component, Name of component, Tag of component
OCE= (opa9, NEMO_v6)
ICE= (lim3, LIM_3)
MBG= (pisces, PISCES)
IOS= (xios, XIOS)
#D-- Executable -
#D- For each component, Real name of executable
OCE= (nemo.exe, nemo, 221MPI)
ICE= ("", "", "")
MBG= ("", "", "")
IOS= (xios_server.exe, xios.x, 4MPI)
#D-- Restarts -
#D- by default: config.card describes no restart for all components
#D- ie start from Levitus or limit files
#D- If you want to restart all components from the same simulation,
#D- put OveRule flag to 'y' and set the next 3 parameters
OverRule =n
#D- Last day of the experience used as restart
RestartDate =0094-12-31
#D- Define restart simulation name
RestartJobName =NO1-T17
#D- Path Server Group Login
#D-- OCE -
WriteFrequency ="1D 5D 1M 1Y"
#WriteFrequency ="5D"
Restart= n
##-- Last day of the experience used as restart
RestartDate =1999-12-31
# Define restart simulation name
RestartJobName =NL1
# Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name)
OldName =
#D-- ICE -
WriteFrequency ="1M"
Restart= n
##-- Last day of the experience used as restart
RestartDate =1999-12-31
# Define restart simulation name
RestartJobName =NL1
# Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name)
OldName =
#D-- MBG -
WriteFrequency ="1D 1M 1Y"
Restart= n
##-- Last day of the experience used as restart
RestartDate =2000-12-31
# Define restart simulation name
RestartJobName =OR2LP1
# Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name)
OldName =
#D-- Post -
#D- Do we rebuild parallel output, this flag determines
#D- frequency of rebuild submission
#-- 1Y
RebuildFrequency =NONE
#D- Do we rebuild parallel output from archive
RebuildFromArchive =NONE
#D- If you want to produce time series, this flag determines
#D- frequency of post-processing submission
TimeSeriesFrequency =10Y
#D- If you want to produce seasonal average, this flag determines
#D- the period of this average
SeasonalFrequency =NONE
#D- Offset for seasonal average first start dates ; same unit as SeasonalFrequency
#D- Usefull if you do not want to consider the first X simulation's years
#SeasonalFrequencyOffset =0
PackFrequency =1Y
#D-- IOS -
WriteFrequency =""
# If config_Restarts_OverRule == 'n' next 4 params are read
Restart= n
##-- Last day of the experience used as restart for this component if Restart=y
RestartDate =1899-12-31
# Define restart simulation name for this component
RestartJobName =EXP00
RestartPath =${ARCHIVE}/IGCM_OUT/IPSLCM5A/DEVT/piControl
# Old component name for restart (if empty, use new name)
OldName =
Important files
COMP/opa9.card :
Forcing files
in this configuration libIGCM_v2.7+NEMO_v6: forcing files are these from COREII (extrapoleted on continents to be used on ORCA2 and ORCA1 with worresponding weights)
Forcing files: INTERANNUAL List_jobsbc=(u_10_fill, v_10_fill, ncar_rad_fill, t_10_fill, q_10_fill, ncar_precip_fill)
Forcing files : CLIMATOLOGY List_jobsbc=(u_10.15JUNE2009_fill, v_10.15JUNE2009_fill, ncar_rad.15JUNE2009_fill, t_10.15JUNE2009_fill, q_10.15JUNE2009_fill, ncar_precip.15JUNE2009_fill, weights_WOA13d1_2_eorca1_bilinear, weights_3D_WOA13d1_2_eorca1_bilinear, weights_coreII_2_eorca1_bicubic, weights_coreII_2_eorca1_bilinear, weights_reg05_2_eorca1_bilinear, weights_Goutorbe1_2_eorca1_bilinear )
list of sbcfiles (surface boundary condition) files need weights to be interpolated on ORCA1 grid;
for climatological runs these weights are declared in Section List_jobsbc of NEMO_v6/EXPERIMENTS/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/ia/COMP/opa9.card
for interannual runs these weights are declared in Section ListnonDel of NEMO_v6/EXPERIMENTS/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/clim/config.card
NOTA: if you want to change FORCING or INPUT files you can put you own PATH in R_BC variable in config.card
but BE CAREFUL to be coherent in COMP/opa9.card in Section :
[BoundaryFiles ]
List= ()
ListNonDel =
with variables: (${R_BC}/OCE/${config_UserChoices_TagName}/${opa9_UserChoices_OPA_version} /
: shell script to use data of cards : you don't need to change those.
Simona Flavoni last update: Timestamp?