Changes between Version 51 and Version 52 of user/flavoni/libIGCM_v3.6
- Timestamp:
- 2015-10-30T20:59:00+01:00 (9 years ago)
- Unmodified
- Added
- Removed
- Modified
v51 v52 40 40 ./model NEMO_v6 41 41 }}} 42 ** verify NEMOGCM revision in ''' modipsl/util/mod.def ''' file: (fixed revision of NEMO: ''' 5618''')43 44 #-H- NEMO_v6 NEMOGCM for CMIP6 exercise [[BR]] #-H- NEMO_v6 libIGCM tag libIGCM_v2.6[[BR]] #-M- NEMO_v6[[BR]] #-C- NEMO_v6 tags/libIGCM_v2.7 HEAD 10 libIGCM . [[BR]] #-C- NEMO_v6 ''' branches/2015/nemo_v3_6_STABLE/NEMOGCM''' ''' 5618''' 7 . modeles[[BR]] #-C- NEMO_v6 trunk/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES HEAD 17 . modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG[[BR]]#-C- NEMO_v6 CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/NEMO_v6 HEAD 8 NEMO_v6 config42 ** verify NEMOGCM revision in ''' modipsl/util/mod.def ''' file: (fixed revision of NEMO: ''' 5618''' ) 43 44 #-H- NEMO_v6 NEMOGCM for CMIP6 exercise [[BR]] #-H- NEMO_v6 libIGCM tag libIGCM_v2.6[[BR]] #-M- NEMO_v6[[BR]] #-C- NEMO_v6 tags/libIGCM_v2.7 HEAD 10 libIGCM . [[BR]] #-C- NEMO_v6 ''' branches/2015/nemo_v3_6_STABLE/NEMOGCM''' ''' 5618''' 7 . modeles[[BR]] #-C- NEMO_v6 trunk/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES HEAD 17 . modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG[[BR]] #-C- NEMO_v6 CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/NEMO_v6 HEAD 8 NEMO_v6 config 45 45 46 46 (The OFFICIAL repository for the CONFIG '''ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES''' is the web site '''shaconemo''': ) 47 47 48 ''' NOTA BENE''': ORA1_LIM3_PISCES configuration is by default (in libIGCM) run with xios_server en detached mode --> so you need to download and compile xios:48 ''' NOTA BENE''' : ORA1_LIM3_PISCES configuration is by default (in libIGCM) run with xios_server en detached mode --> so you need to download and compile xios: 49 49 50 50 * Download XIOS ('''branch 1.0 revision 703''') 51 51 52 (The documentation of xios is available here: )52 (The documentation of xios is available here: ) 53 53 54 54 * Compile XIOS (on ADA machine): … … 85 85 86 86 }}} 87 ''' NOTA: YOU CAN WANT TO USE MORE THAN ONE EXECUTABLE''': so you can do, for example,87 ''' NOTA: YOU CAN WANT TO USE MORE THAN ONE EXECUTABLE''' : so you can do, for example, 88 88 {{{ 89 89 ln -s ../modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/BLD/bin/nemo.exe nemo_orca1_lim3_pisces.exe … … 92 92 93 93 }}} 94 JUST BECAREFUL to use ''' SAME''' executable ''' name'''in config.card94 JUST BECAREFUL to use ''' SAME''' executable ''' name''' in config.card 95 95 96 96 * This is the structure of config in modipsl: … … 137 137 cp EXPERIMENTS/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES/clim/config.card . 138 138 }}} 139 * Editing at this point '''modipsl/config/NEMO_v6/config.card''' (according to iodef.xml file) see detailed page for more informations:[ page description of config.card]139 * Editing at this point '''modipsl/config/NEMO_v6/config.card''' (according to iodef.xml file) see detailed page for more informations: [ page description of config.card] 140 140 141 141 {{{ … … 172 172 * Submit Job : 173 173 174 {{{ 174 175 cd ../ (back into modipsl directory) 175 176 176 ./util/ins_job cd ../config/ORCA2_LIM/IGCM00 '''llsubmit''' Job_Name 177 177 ./util/ins_job 178 179 cd ../config/ORCA2_LIM/IGCM00 180 181 llsubmit Job_Name 182 }}} 178 183 '''***** SPECIAL INFORMATIONS FOR RUN ORCA2-LIM3-PISCES *****''' 179 184